The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 84—Wangdu

The Kingdom of Idras, the headquarters of the General Staff.

From here, we can see that among the countless floating islands, one of the floating islands stands with a huge magic crystal, which shines under the refraction of the sun.

“It’s amazing! Ai Lusha, have you seen it? That huge magic crystal…”

“I saw it, Xiu Zize, I saw it when I came. It’s so beautiful!”

“I heard that it was formed by a monster in Aslant. It was amazing! I didn’t expect Aslant to have such a powerful monster. The magic is so wonderful!” Xiuzi danced and looked like a face. Excited.

“It’s really extraordinary…” Ai Lusa Nitvoka nodded with a look of approval: “With just one monster, we can provide us with the magic that we can’t use for years. I have to say, Aslan. The special magic is really enough to make people feel awkward…”

“Ai Lusha, the goblin tail is still smothered?” In the conversation between the three people of Ai Lusha, there was a slightly ridiculous voice behind him: “Don’t humiliate the reputation of your goblin hunting!”

“Bailo…” Ayresa Nitvoca turned around and watched the person behind him, frowning slightly.

“There are only the tails of the goblins in the remaining guilds. Although they are indeed the fastest guilds, they are almost going to give you results…”

“Don’t be so anxious~ The days of the goddess hunting the fairy are coming…” The fourth magical force Captain Shugaboi squinting watched Bailo, a touch of the road.

“That is, Ai Lusha’s sword is very powerful! No, it is super ~ level!” The third magic warfare Captain Xiu Zizhao exaggerated.

Baalloton sent out a disgusting laughter…

“Don’t laugh so disgusting, Bailo… I’m troublesomesome, Luo Zhe’s guy, Xiu Z, you are the same…” A mature and steady voice suddenly sounded, and Elusa looked for it: “Pansali… ”

The comer is a burly surpass. Unlike the ordinary surpass, he has a more burly body than the ordinary human, with a cat’s head.

He is the kingdom’s first magical force Captain Pansa Lili, a surpass.

“How do you bring me?” Xiuzi watched Pansa Lili’s face: “Do you think you are the best?”

“You shut me up!” Pansaly sighed and said: “The king has given a new order. You are back. Just when you got the magic crystal, several Aslan people also mixed in. Our world, so the king ordered, in order not to let them destroy our original plan, suspend the pursuit of the goblin tail, full strength to catch those Aslan people back…”

“Larrant’s people…” Ed Ayersa heard, faintly said: “The words of the group, we have already met… They have colluded with the tail of the fairy, and are now ready to go Hunting for them…”

“Have you met? You didn’t bring them back?” Pansa Lili was slightly surprised.

“Next time I will never miss a hand!” Ai Lusha snorted, thinking of yesterday’s 1 humiliation, the eyes of the surging.

It’s also ugly to repair Gaboroi’s facial expression, because yesterday, he just wanted to shoot, and he was given insta-kill.

“Look at your financial expression, don’t tell me is losing in their hands?” Pansa Lili watched Ai Lusha their expression at the moment, was really surprised. The strength of Ai Lusha is very clear. The person who can make Ai Lusa suffer, it seems that those who are Astraz are really not simple.

“Hey!” Ai Lusha immediately snorted, just wanted to turn around and left, not far from the sudden rush to a soldier, shouted loudly: “Report Captain, people from Aslant have appeared in the king All, the king has orders, send you to catch them!”

“Hey! I haven’t been looking for you yet, you actually sent it to your door!” Ai Lusha’s eyes flashed coldly, and immediately screamed, turned and left…

“The opportunity to revenge and hate is finally here. I won’t be defeated by you easily this time!” Xia Gaboi’s face was full of disappointment, and he followed it with anger…

Wang Du, a group of Sun Wukong who just entered the town, was immediately surrounded by countless soldiers!

“Found it! People from Aslant!”

“Let’s take it with you! Come with us to the Majesty the King!”

“I said to sneak in! You have to go to the door! Now it is discovered, you said, what should I do now in the end?” Ed Lucy watched the soldiers around, shouting nervously sound.

“District ants, what is fear?” The face of the face is plain and elegant. “Teacher, these people will not bother you to take it out yourself, give it to me! I will clean up these rude people immediately!” Said, the colorful hand is already on the hilt…

“No moon flow, multiple swords flash!”

With the sound falling, the cold light emerged, the scary sword light flashed, and the weapons and armor in the hands of the soldiers were all broken, leaving only the underwear to dress in…

“Wow! This… what’s going on? Good… great!”

The soldiers were suddenly scared of the back of the cold, and they screamed out loud.

“If you don’t want your body to be the same as your weapon armor, let’s just let the road open. Otherwise, I won’t stay in the next time!” The graceful and plain face of the spotted look, glanced at the soldiers, but they scared them. Screaming and screaming, fleeing…

A sword cuts the armor of hundreds of people. What is the concept? Such a terrible sword, if it is cut on them, the result is that the soldiers are afraid to think about such a terrible existence, they have clearly understood that they are far from being opponents, they can only escape… …

“very powerful! Is this the magic of Aslant?” Ed Lucy watched the eyes full of shock, the sword, she did not see. At the same time, my heart has become inexplicably excited: “If they are, maybe they can really overthrow the rule of the king…”

“Teacher, please!” The elegant and elegant walked to Sun Wukong, slightly covered and made a gesture of please.

“Your no moon has improved a lot!” Sun Wukong walked in front, watching and faint.

“This is the blessing of the teacher. The sword you gave me has made my no-flow power multiply. Now, it is only a moonless flow of TRUE…” replied with a sigh.

In the original work, the colorful moonless flow can not be described as a cow, but it just looks like a cow that’s all, chopped up so many armor of Ai Lusha, but did not hurt her to the slightest, if said her From the very beginning, the attack was slammed on the body of Xrux XeroX. I am afraid that in one face, Ai Lusa has already lost!

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, but she couldn’t do it at the time. Now, with the sword given by Sun Wukong, it has been easy to do this step!

Just because of a sword, the strength of the gorgeous is already different.

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