The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 86—insta-kill does not explain

“Is this the magic of Aslant? If you don’t use props, you can direct the transformation…” Xiu Zie’s surprised watched magician Mira, the expression on his face is extremely exaggerated: “However, this looks like It’s really dangerous! No… it’s Super dangerous!”

“Is it ready to be attacked by a single blow?” Mira indifferently looked at the repairs, opened his right hand, and the claws on it exude the biting cold.

“Hey ~~ This magic is a bit uncomfortable!” Xiu Zi’s watchful watching Mira, the cold sweat on his forehead.

However, the next moment, his look suddenly became incomparably evil: “Hey ~ lie to you!” Speaking and waving the tiny command wand in his hand, a house next to it suddenly rose to the devil Man Mira is falling down!

“This is?” Devil Mira’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, his body flashed, and he avoided it in an instant, and the sound of the house crashed into a slag!

“You guy! That’s a civilian house!” The magic man Mira Jie had a look of anger.

“No, you are wrong. Everything here is my weapon!” Xiu Zie looked down on the plain road.

“You guy, it’s really a big fire!” In the eyes of the demon Mira, the light flashed away, and the foot was on the ground. The figure instantly appeared in front of Xiu Zhe, flying a foot and directly squatting at him. On the right side of the brain! Along with the loud noise of ‘嘭’, all the people were smashed into the ground, no accident, and the angered Mira master hits the insta-kill!

“very powerful!” Ed Lucy in the distant view is an exclaimer, but the third Captain of the Demon Warfare, Xiu Zhe! It was actually hit insta-kill!

“As everyone in Aslant, is it so powerful?!”

“Hurtz was actually insta-kill…” Shugaboi frowned and looked serious: “You from Aslant seem to be able to ignore it!”

“It’s Mira master! It’s the battle so fast!” Kana glanced over Mira, smiled slightly, then looked at her opponent, the fourth magical force Captain Shugaboi, with five flashes in her hand. Zhang card: “It seems that I have to be serious! If it is honed, but it will be smashed by Goku!”

“Cards? What is this magic?” Xia Gabo Yi Lima is full of curiosity.

“Please don’t care, just the card that’s all!” Kana smiled slightly, with a light hand, the card with the lightning in his hand flew out, in the dazzling light, turned into a lightning, ‘嗤啦’ A sigh, squatting on the body of the singer! He was turned into an African refugee in an instant.

“It turns out that this is your magic…” Xia Gaboi wiped a hand on his face and instantly revealed five clear white marks, which looked very funny.

However, the next moment, the cut is a sword hitting the ground, the stone bricks on the ground instantly become soft 1 soft! Like the waves of water, Dakana sat down on the ground: “Hey~ This… What kind of magic is this? Good… so disgusting!”

“This sword is called the sword of roses. Any non-living matter that is touched will become soft 1 soft…” Xia Gaibo explained with smugness.

However, Kana is looking at the idiot’s eyes and watching him: “Are you two goods?”

“You… how can you swear? It’s so rude! Don’t tell me Are you asssless in Aslant?” Shugabo Ilima pointed at Karna with a sad heart. The sound of the sound made Kana a slap in the face.

“Sure enough, it’s a second product!” Kana shook her head helplessly, and looked serious: “Goku said that if you explain your Ability to others, it’s two goods! So, you are the second! ”

Speaking, 1 hand pulled out a card with a humanoid konjac in the card on the waist, and gently throw it, the card is instantly engraved in the light, and it becomes a huge scorpion monster!

In the middle of the battle, the konjac hammered his chest, bumping, aura stunned!

“The magical thing is released from the card… What magic is this?” The konjac in front of the Gabriel watched, his eyes widened with shock.

This kind of magic that summons the magic object in the card pattern with the real existence, he has never heard of it!

“Your Aslant’s magic is really unfathomable! Asrand’s me, what kind of magic does Kana use?” Ed Lucy asked curiously.

“Hey! I don’t know this, Karna still used magic in front of me for the first time…” Lucy was also a sly look.

“This is the magic card that Goku’s brother taught to Kana’s sister. It is a lost magic. You can summon the thing in the magic card with the real existence, but the more powerful thing, the more magic it consumes. !” Wendy explained.

“Is there such a magic? It sounds so good!” Ed Lucy looked surprised.

“Of course it is amazing!” Kana heard not far away, and immediately said very proudly: “I used to praise Ai Lusha, Mira, they are because I am very low-key, in fact, the aging mother is also a must-kill. of!”

Ed Lucy heard the words, suddenly the black line: “This words are spoken from Kana’s mouth, really good habits!”

“Now do you know how we feel?” Lucy watches ‘self” and spits.

Just in Lucy’s chat, Kana gave a scream, and the konjac screamed in a moment, leaping high, and punching down with Gabriel!

The other party’s obvious did not dare to pick up, but had to sneak away, and the konjac bombed on the ground, even if the sword of the Gabriel rose became soft 1 soft ground, it would be splashed like a splash!

Then suddenly turned over, a large 1 mouth, a beam instantly shot from the air, a loud bang, drowning directly with the Shugaboi…

When the dust has been exhausted, the repairing Gai Poi has already whitened his eyes and fainted in the past…

“Come back! Little konjac!” Kana smiled, and the konjac immediately turned into a card and flew back to Kana’s hand.

“Still Goku gave me this magic card!” Kana smiled and closed the card.

“Kana, this magic card, but I gave it to you for self-defense. Are you using it now? Is it too small?” Sun Wukong watching Karna, faint.

“Who told the guy to force it in front of me! Of course, I have to give a good lesson!” Kana smiled and sat down with Sun Wukong’s arm: “And, every time they are Elusa, they are out of the limelight, occasionally I Also show your face!”

Said, Kana suddenly saw the distance with Ai Lusha, you came and went, playing a very fierce figure, can not help but reveal a surprised look: “Who is that guy? Can even hit this with Ela Level ?”

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