The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 94—New Trials

In the blink of an eye, the time from Edras has passed half a month.

Aslant, the tower of the original paradise.

A black hole suddenly emerged out of thin air, and buds carried Sun Wukong and others out of the air.

“It’s finally back, still the air in our world is good!” Lucy stood up and took a deep breath.

“I’m exhausted… I can’t do it… You two are too heavy!” Habi, who was behind him, panted and grabbed Konatz and Gray, flew out of the black hole, and then loosened both hands, Konatz and Gray were piercing In the scream, I fell into the water from the air…

“I really didn’t mean it! Love~” Habib Lima grabbed his eyes with both hands and apologized, but it was obviously not sincere.

Sun Wukong waved his hand and changed the space around him. In the twinkling of an eye, he appeared at the door of the fairy tail.

“Ah! Goku adults are back!”

“Konatz, I heard that you went to another world, how? Is it fun? What is the different world?”

Gray and Konatz fell to the ground, and the guild companions who watched the crowd were full of question marks: “Hey? Are we back?”

“Space magic?” Gray watched Sun Wukong, but it was thoughtful.

“Leeby, the old man of the president?” Sun Wukong watching asked the only woman in the crowd.

“The president has been taken away by the newly formed council a few days ago…”

“The people in the council have taken it away? Are the guys still not honest?” Konatz stood up and screamed.

“No! This is the new graduating council specially called to thank him for thanking the president…” Lei Bilim explained: “Because our fairy tail dismantled Geral’s plot and defeated the Elf and the R system. The evolution of the Elf R system saved the world…”

“It seems that they have learned a lot this time!” Kana smiled slightly.

As for why the people in the council know the existence of the Elf power system, they have no accidents. They want to come to them and they are mirrored by satellite magic and see what happened in the tower of the park.

“This boring thing, I will talk about it later!” Lagosas pushed the crowd and came to Sun Wukong: “You said that as long as the general headquarters of the council is destroyed, you can inherit the position of the president. Today, It is time for you to honor your promise!”

“I know that the general headquarters of the council is not what you destroyed!” Sun Wukong watching Lagoss smiled.

“At the end of the incident, although there was some accident, but at the time I had Energy of Destruction, the general headquarters of the council, and the other building of Energy of Destruction was not the person of our guild. Therefore, this is the place that should be I am coming!”

“Lagos, you are too shameless? The credit is not all yours. Why are you elected as president?”

Other members heard that they were loudly refuting, very obvious. These people did not like Lagosas very much, and naturally they rejected him as president.

“Yes! Lagasus, there is still my credit for destroying the council! To be the president, I am also!” Konatz shouted loudly at this time.

“I can’t do this without hearing it!” Gray saw Konatz also began to squat, and immediately inserted a foot.

For a moment, the scene began to become noisy!

“Okay, this incident has some accidents, so the results are invalid…” Sun Wukong faintly opened, the original noisy scene immediately calmed down: “And, you have not completely achieved the level I said, those high-level The judges have not defeated one of you, the general headquarters is also the Energy of Destruction, and I am so interested in asking for it?”

Everyone heard the words, they were unwilling and depressed, and they smashed the Mystic/mysterious people who suddenly broke their feet. They all blamed them for destroying their trials completely. Now, the benefits are also good. Did not get it, the results are still invalid.

“Okay, don’t be depressed, this trial is counted as a failure, but still has the opportunity!” Sun Wukong smiled a little: “There is nothing wrong with it anyway, tomorrow we will come back to a formal test.” Let’s take Sirius Island as the target. If the top ten firstly reach Sirius Island, even if you have the qualification of TRUE, in the final test, the first place will be eligible to run for the president. As for the two to four people, you can be promoted to the S-class magician, how?”

Everyone heard the words, and they were excited and excited.

“Hey!” Lagoss was very uncomfortable with a cold cry, but also indirectly recognized Sun Wukong’s proposal. He also knows that this time he did not complete the tasks Sun Wukong said.

The high-ranking senators, who were all chilled by others, destroyed the general headquarters of the House of Representatives and took away all his credits, which made him extremely unhappy. If you don’t know who it is, he can’t chase them to the ends of the world!

Eye watching the position of the president is about to get it, but it is destroyed by others. Can he be cool?

“Goku, this kind of thing, do you want to discuss it with the president?” Ai Lusha pulled the clothes of Sun Wukong and whispered.

“If there is any good discussion, if you ask the old guy, he promises to disagree. He didn’t have time to play. He is still a guest of the senator, let’s play it first…”

“Play? You still haven’t played enough?” Lucy watched Sun Wukong, rolled her eyes and couldn’t vomit: “Whole Edras has become your toy…”

“Yes, Goku, you helped the Mistral to rule the whole place, and re-granted the magic of the world, and taught them the magic of Ed Aysha. What do you want?” Wukong, a look of curiosity.

They are also curious watching Sun Wukong. In the half-month that I have stayed in Adelas, everything that Sun Wukong has done is to puzzle them, just like Sun Wukong is carrying out a The big conspiracy of the day made them feel a little uneasy.

“You will know when you say it, but it’s not fun to say it now!” Sun Wukong smiled and looked around everyone, faintly said: “Go back and get ready, tomorrow morning at 8:00, unified in the guild collection !”

Everyone heard the words, and they all left with excitement…

And Sun Wukong also took Ai Lusha and others to go to their place of residence…

Soon, the night is full of dawn, and a new day has arrived.

In the early morning, the people of the Fairy Tail Guild have all arrived, waiting for the arrival of Sun Wukong with full expectation and excitement.

The position of the president is nothing but a cloud for them. They all know that the thing of the nothingness is not their share, and there is no ability to serve. However, can be the S-class magician in the guild, that is Everyone dreams of what they are longing for.

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