The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 96 Myers

As Sun Wukong’s voice just fell, a ball of light suddenly flew out of the grave and landed in front of Sun Wukong. In the light shining, a very cute little loli appeared in front of Sun Wukong.

But Sun Wukong knows very well that this very cute little loli is not really a little loli, but the first generation president of the fairy tail, Myers.

“You… can you see me?” Myers watching Sun Wukong, his face was curious, and then he was stunned: “It turned out to be the fairy tail guild… oh? No! Don’t tell me, you see me. After that, are you not surprised at all?”

Not waiting for Sun Wukong to return, he suddenly heard a very pleasant cheering sound behind him, only to see the shadow of the shadow, Kallin has appeared in front of Myers: “Ghost! It is a ghost! wā wā ~~ true It’s a ghost!”

Speaking, I was extremely excited and squirmed on Myers’ face.

“Hey~ You are also a ghost? Do you need to be so surprised?” Myers had some unexpected watching of Carlin, but she did not expect that, besides herself, there would be a ghost can appear like her in a broad daylight, for a moment, too Curious about Carlin.

“It was because of this that I was surprised!” Kaline’s face was excited and excited, as if she had found her companion’s happiness, holding Myers tightly on her face.

“You are enough! I am not very familiar with you…” Myers pushed Carlin aside, watching Sun Wukong, and asked with a serious look: “So, can you tell me? Your purpose here. What exactly is it?”

“The fairy tail is being promoted to the S-class magician. This is the examination room. As the first-generation president, you will not know? And I, this is the examiner!” Sun Wukong said faintly.

“Do you even know me?” Myers frowned slightly and looked at Sun Wukong with a serious look, while Sun Wukong looked at Myers with impunity, which made Myers feel a little flustered because of this The eyes were so sharp that even she couldn’t stand it anymore, but she had no choice but to temporarily let go of her doubts.

It was completely shocked by the unparalleled magic of Sun Wukong’s body: “very powerful magical affinity! Just like he is whole nature… this… what is going on? There is such a presence in the world. ?”

In shock, Myers took a deep breath and felt that 1 was very incomparable. It seemed to be a new life in an instant. The feeling was simply unfathomable. It was like staying with this person. After a long time, they could all come back to life!

As the soul body, the magical power of the heavens and the earth (Aura) is naturally the sensitivity of the surpass. Myers watching Sun Wukong, suppressing the excitement in the heart, is very curious and asks: “Who are you?”

“Sun Wukong, you can call me Goku brother!” Sun Wukong watching Myers, hehe smiled.

“Goku brother?” Myers looked at Sun Wukong very strangely.

“Hey~ Really, come, give you a great 1 lollipop!” Sun Wukong was shamelessly screaming, touching Myers’ head and really handing out a stick of 1 lollipop to Myers.

“Wow! Thank you!” I didn’t expect Myers to see it, but it was a moment of bright eyes, and it looked very happy. I reached out and took it away. I couldn’t wait to shout in 1…

Ok, I can only say that this little Loli, who has lived for a few years, is really pure 1 clean like white paper.

“You… can you still eat thing?” Kaline’s stunned watching Myers felt like a thunder slammed down and instantly felt like she was weak.

She had even been a problem, not to mention eating. Is this little loli in front of me really a ghost? In addition to the ordinary people can not see, she is like a ghost?

“It’s delicious, is there?” One seems to be 1 addiction, and Myers has a long-awaited and long-awaited 1 for Sun Wukong.

“Yes, there is a lot of thing, you can eat enough! And, for the soul of you, it can be a big complement!” Sun Wukong smiled, a light hand, a table flashed, It was full of all kinds of snacks, and Myers’ mouth was flowing out…

Although she is very old, her heart is a small loli, which is a rare species. So Sun Wukong decided to brush the sensitivity first, so he took out all kinds of food without hesitation… …

“Wow! A lot better! Thank you!” Myers suddenly slammed his eyes…

Sun Wukong took the thing, and is it equal to the ordinary thing? Just taking a bite, Myers felt that his soul had become very solid and solid…

As a result, Myers was immediately enlisted in 1. Of course, this is just an appetite.

At this moment, Myers, holding a lot of melons and fruit snacks, watched Sun Wukong’s eyes began to shine: “Look at the delicious thing you sent me, I will admit you to this Goku brother… since it is Brother, then, I have to take responsibility for what you eat after that!”

Well, it seems that Myers has treated Sun Wukong as his long-term meal ticket, because the “food captives” thing, delicious does not need to be explained.

When Sun Wukong was happy, the plan to abduct Xiao Loli was very successful!

Cough cough, okay, how can this be called abduction? This should be called brushing!

Kallen watched the food on the table, swallowing her mouth, envious of her face, as a ghost, it was not able to eat thing.

“Eat, these foods are made by my special means, you can also eat!” Sun Wukong watching Karen’s look, faint.

“Hey? Really?” Karen suddenly surprised his eyes wide open, trying to take an apple, suddenly widened his eyes: “Wow, I really got it!” Saying a bite, suddenly became The face is full of happiness, and the corner of the eye is also hung with tears…

Then he rushed straight toward Sun Wukong and tapped on his face: “Thank you!”

Just two words, including too many things…

Sufficient and full of food, these two ghosts are also inexplicable to establish a friendship that ordinary people can not understand, well, who told them are ghosts.

“Goku brother, you said that the tail of the goblin is holding a test of the S-class wizard. How do I feel that there is no one else on the island except us?” Myers watching Sun Wukong, asked curiously.

“They are on their way to here…” Sun Wukong faintly said: “This is just a preliminaries. Only the top ten first-time talents are qualified to take the S-level Magi promotion test. They are here, and they are still here. It’s very early!”

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