The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 98—Top Ten

Just after Wendy left, Konatz was also busy with his transportation, and Elsa was also rushing to each and every one…

Mira first for a moment is to receive the soul of Satan, the body transformation becomes Demon Mira, the wing of Demon behind it is lightly, and in a moment, it is flying to the sky…

“This…this is the magic of receiving… and still the soul of Satan…can’t fly in the air…I don’t know much about them, I am miscalculated…” Myers saw his face, and his face suddenly showed a very depressed expression.

Just as Myers was depressed, Ai Lusha also threw the ancient sword into the air. The ancient sword instantly turned into a stream of light and leaped toward the sea…

“Reloading and flying!” Ai Lusa also replaced her for the fastest speed of flying for a moment. She jumped straight onto the ancient sword that was flying fast, and then again Leap, over the front…

Then he controlled the flying sword, flew to his own footing, and then crossed the front again. In this way, Ai Lusha used the flying sword as the foothold, from the sea to the direction of Sirius Island…

“I don’t think it’s Elasha! It’s so handsome! Can you still like this?” Konatz looked at Habib with a stunned look.

“With Feijian as a foothold, jumping in the air? Can she complete such a difficult skill? It is rare!” Myers Ai Lusha, is a look of surprise.

This seems simple, but it can be quite difficult to do. The speed between the two can’t be wrong. Otherwise, there is no step on the flying sword, so only one ending in the sea is lost.

Supreme swordsmanship, naturally also includes Yu Jianshu, which is currently used by Elosha, but it is a simple application of Yu Jianshu, because she has not yet reached the realm of Yu Jian flying, so she can only use this skill to skillfully use it.

“Unfortunately, this is the world of magic, or else, with the Latent Talent of Ai Lusha, it should have already reached the realm of Yu Jian flying…” The scene of Sun Wukong watching Alusha, she felt a pity for her, but This is only temporary, and when the world belongs to him, everything will be logical.

“Hey~ I want to talk about flying, I won’t lose to you!” Kana saw this, but also smiled, took a card from the waist and threw it directly into the sky: “Come out! Wing of the Wind!”

“呦!!” With a loud and clear sound, the magic card in the dazzling white light turned into a huge wing, a giant white bird ten meters away, shaped like an eagle, but with a crown and a dragonfly. Feather, looks noble and beautiful.

The wing of the blast has a double wing and a breeze blows. In a moment, it turns into a white shadow and jumps into the sky…

Lisana saw it and used her own magic at the first for a moment: “Receive Angel Wing!!” With the sound falling, Lisana was shining in the light, and there was a team of white Angels behind her. Wings come!

I saw her two wings to Zhang, and it was also flying high above the sea…

“No! They are each and every one with the hanging, which also let us play?” Lucy came to the sea late, watching each other and every one took out her own housekeeping skills, unable to spit: “count It seems that I have no hope!”

“Don’t give up so easily, Lucy, go, I will take you!” Zhubia hugged Lucy and jumped into the sea. In an instant, together with herself, she became a stream of water and the sea held a conversation. : “Wow, haha~~ In the water, but my world!”

In the laughter, in the scream of Lucy, Zhubia turned into a water curtain, wrapped Lucy in it, and marched toward Sirius Island at an alarming rate…

“It seems that everyone is serious!” Wendy glanced behind him and said very seriously to Xia Lulu: “It seems that I have to try hard!”

Said, immediately cast two magic, blessing on his own body: “light wind… swift wind!” Immediately, Jiao 1 screamed: “Xia Lulu, hurry, I want to use Goku brother to teach me that Moved!”

“Okay, Wendy, you can use it!” Xia Lulu immediately grabbed Wendy.

“The mystery of the dragon – resolutely!!”

As Wendy Jiao 1 drank, the surrounding winds suddenly became violent, and in the sky, the thundercloud rolled, and her figure, in the tornado mixed with wind and thunder, swept away at an alarming speed… What happened was that along with the sea, it was also the raging waves, and the poor Lagoss was directly submerged in the waves…

In an instant, the original test, which has been traced, has formed an extremely exaggerated reversal after coming to the sea…

“How…how can it…the result is so far from my calculations…so far…how?” Myers saw the picture in front of him, his eyes widened with shock, and the tears in his eyes, the eyes crying Up…

“Hey ~~ What a big deal! Don’t you cry!” Sun Wukong met, and suddenly his face was speechless.

“I didn’t cry!” Myers wiped the tears in his eyes and said, suddenly, “Wow,” he burst into tears…

When Karen saw this, a few black lines suddenly appeared on his head: “Is this really the first president of the fairy tail?”

“Oh, don’t cry, this can’t blame you, but you don’t know much about them. It’s reasonable to calculate error…” Sun Wukong stole the head of Myers and handed her an ice cream, laughing. :”give…”

“Hey? What is this?” Myers immediately stopped crying, took the ice cream, and took a bite, and his eyes suddenly looked up: “Wow! What is this thing? It’s so delicious!” That look, It’s so cute, I can see that Carlin’s eyes are shining…

But for a moment, the wind whistling, a tornado descended from the sky on Sirius Island, the same as Sun Wukong, the first to arrive is Wendy!

What follows is the body transformation Demon’s Mira …

Subsequently, each and every one arrived in Sirius Island in the order previously mentioned by Sun Wukong…

“Hey! Konatz, I didn’t expect you guys to be in the tenth place, I thought you would bottom out!” Gray Watching had already reached Konatz on the ground and went to his side to tease.

“Konatz, are you okay?” Wendy walked over to Konatz and asked with concern.

“It’s okay, it’s a little dizzy…” Konatz sat up calmly and thanked Wendy. “Thank you, Wendy, if it weren’t you, I’m afraid I really want to get to the bottom!”

“Damn! I was ranked sixth…” Lagoss hammered a tree trunk and was unwilling.

Jubia looked around and was full of curiosity: “Weird, the top ten have arrived, why not see Goku adults?”

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