The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The beginning of the end of Chapter 106

“The light just now is…” Sirius Island, in a jungle near the beach, Jerff suddenly stopped, and after a sigh of silence, he was watching the remote sky in the other direction of Sirius Island. In the past, the frown was invisible: “This feeling is… Aknororia (Akunolokia)…”

“It turns out that you are hiding here, it really makes us look for it… Jerff…” Urutia appeared behind Jerff, with a plain face: “We need your strength, can you borrow it? Use it?”

“Just because of your evil thoughts, awakened Akno Lokia…” Jerff turned and looked at Urutia in a calm and calm look: “Also in other words, this Era/Time Already declared the end… no one can stop it, the world will end here…”

Jerff said that the body suddenly exudes the magic of incomparable evil and evil…

“Good… so terrible… magic… body… can’t move…”

Urutia and Ulu were squashed in Eyes, their feet were slightly bent, their eyes were terrified, and they were about to fall to the ground…

However, at this moment, a warm current suddenly rose from their bodies, completely blocking the terrible pressure, and even the fear that had just risen in their hearts was instantly erased…

“Goku…Adult!!” Urutia’s two mothers and daughters suddenly 1 snorted, and their eyes returned to calm.

Ulu stepped forward and looked at Jerff with a calm look: “I don’t think it is the black magical guide Jeff in the legend! This magic is really scary…”

“Well?” Jerff had some accidental watching Ulu and Urutia. These two men were not suppressed by his Ki?

“Do you think we are now eligible to join you in the plan to destroy this Era/Time?” Urutia is also taking a step forward and not looking at Jeffer.

“Interesting… Tell me, why do you want to destroy this Era/Time?” Jerff looked flat.

“So why do you want to destroy this Era/Time?” Urutya asked.

“…” Jerff was silent for a while, and turned indifferently: “If you don’t regret it, just follow it up…”

At this moment, the Jeff in the legend has been completely Awaken, the countdown to the end of Era/Time, and from now on…

Sun Wukong looked in the distance, but the 1 corner of the mouth showed a strange smile: “I have already embarked on the road of destruction… then let me see if you have any talent in this area…”

“In that direction…” Myers looked in the direction that Sun Wukong saw, and his frown frowned slightly: “There will be no mistakes… the magic that makes people feel uneasy and fear… Jerff… already Awaken… Well, this also means…”

“Goku…what magic is it?” At this time, several girls from Elsa who had come here interrupted Myers’ thinking.

“According to the law of the ‘Fairy Law’ Creation…” Sun Wukong said faintly: “But it seems to be overdone, and members of the other ‘Demon’s heart’ are also wiped out together…”

“According to the law of the ‘Fairy Law’ Creation? How come!!” After listening to Sun Wukong’s words, Myers suddenly opened his eyes with shock and shock, because Sun Wukong just showed the power, ‘Fairy Law’ It is far from being, and it should be said that it cannot be compared with it at all. That is to say, together with the existence of human beings, they are completely obliterate together: “If it is Goku’s brother… it should be able to stop Jeriff or maybe…”

“How could it be… The president was killed… The president lost even… How could this be…don’t tell me Even Urutia and Ulu are also… No… No! I want to kill you!! “I saw Precito dissipate in front of myself like a smoke, and I heard that Sun Wukong and other members of the Demon heart were killed. Melty’s eyes widened and his face was crazy. Fiercely broke away from the restrictions of Ai Lusha, and a short slap in the hand smashed toward Sun Wukong…

Ai Lusha, Mira, sees the three women, and instantly disappears in front of Sun Wukong…

And Zhubia is the incomparable berserk up: “Bastard! Dare to hurt my Goku adults!” The body flashed, the water in his hand spurred, accompanied by a roar, Melty was directly blasted into the ground Among them…

At this time, the magic of Melty was sealed, this is really not hurt, so that her mouth is bleeding, quite a while can not climb up…

“It doesn’t have to be so nervous…” Sun Wukong separated the three women in front of them, pulling the already angry and eager to continue to explode Melti’s Jubia, who instantly turned into a peach 1 Heart, started the YY alone…

“Do you call Melty?” Sun Wukong walked over to Melty and cured her for the injury. The faint saying: “We are not your enemy, Urutia and Ulu are all right, you Go chasing them from this direction, maybe still catch up…”

“Why should I believe in you?” Melty glared at Sun Wukong and snorted.

“I dare to use this attitude to talk to Goku adults, believe it or not, I smoke you!” Jubia immediately glared at Merti.

“Well, you really didn’t believe my reason…” Sun Wukong watching Melty, but hehehe smiled: “I am too lazy to explain to you…” Saying, grabbing Melty’s collar, at the other’s tip Calling, throwing it away, throwing it into the distance…

“Enlightenment…Goku… Isn’t that good?” Ai Rusha’s daughters were all stunned watching. The way they screamed and disappeared into the sky.

“No problem, I just sent her to see Urutia that’s all in the most direct way…” Sun Wukong said indifferently: “It is a waste of 1 tongue to explain to her anyway.”

“…” Lucy was listening to a few women, all of them were speechless, did you give them away?

“Our assessment will continue?” Mira watching Sun Wukong, asked.

“There is no time…” Sun Wukong said, looking up and looking far away…

“What’s wrong? No more troubles?” Lucy asked with amazement.

“Congratulations, you got it right!” Sun Wukong squeezed Lucy’s face and smiled: “And this time the trouble is not small…”

“??” Ai Lusha, they are all curious about watching Sun Wukong.

“This time I came to a cage, and it was a black cage with extremely terror…”

“Cage?! No?!!” Lucy was shocked and opened her mouth.

Even Elvisa is also a horrified expression of each and every one.

“Goku brother, don’t tell me, what you said is…” Myers suddenly changed his facial expression and looked at Sun Wukong, seemingly thinking of something terrible.

“As you might think…” Sun Wukong smiled faintly: “This time it was Akunolulia, the king of the cage.”

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