The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The one hundred and twenty 12 chapter loses the thoroughly

“Don’t tell me is controlled by what magic?” Lucy looked worried. Watching has been petrified by Leon, a face of fear: “We still have to go to Goku! Just three of us There is no way to stop the Six Devils…”

“First hide them. If you go to shatter, you will not be saved!” Xia Lulu watched the petrochemical Leon, a serious face.

Just as Lucy looked for a place for Leon to find a hiding place, Xia Lulu found Ai Pai Gelin, who had been stunned in the dense 1 forest. The moment he exclaimed: “Wenty, Lucy, you are fast. Come over! It’s Ai Pai Ge Lin!”

“Ai Pai Ge Lin?! What happened?” When Lucy and Wendy arrived, when I watched the bloody Ebago Lynn, I was shocked: “Who was that one?”

“Don’t worry so much, Wendy, hurry to save people!” Xia Lulu urged.

“Well~” Wendy cheered up, and her hands were placed on the belly of Ai Paglin. As the light emerged, the wounds recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye…

“Hey~” a sigh, Ai Pai Gelin woke up, Wendy also stopped his hand, a small sweat on his face: “I’m sorry, I can only do this level, my magic is exhausted.” …” said, Wendy fell down softly…

“Wenty!!” Xia Lulu suddenly shocked, Lucy hurriedly hugged Wendy, checked it, but relieved: “Reassured, nothing, just the magic is over-consumed, sleep, wake up will be fine…”

“Is it to save me?” Ibbaline light 1 softly touched 1 and touched Wendy’s face. The eyes were soft and the same was a bitter smile: “I didn’t expect that we lost so badly this time…”

“Don’t say this first…” Lucy held Wendy in her arms and watched Ebhaline. “How are you? Is it better? How can you make this?”

“Intention, put it by the other side…” Ai Pai Ge Lin looked helpless.

“What is this in the end? We have been attacked by you just now. They have been petrified by you, and now we are only left… and, you are in the end, is it Ai Paige? Lynn?” Lucy said, still watching her with vigilance.

“It seems that the guy has turned into my appearance and attacked you…” Ai Pai Ge Lin is a serious face: “I was also cheated by the other party. The one named An Jieer is a star spirit guide. A canopy that can become a person’s appearance, I was sneaked and injured by the other party becoming Goku…”

“Becoming a star-like spirit of others?” Lucy brows slightly and her face is serious: “Can the other person know what your petrified eye is?”

“It seems that the two stars are not just as easy to be as others…” Abbott’s facial expression is more serious: “It is possible, after the body transformation, to have the same person as the person. Ability …”

“Hey~ Don’t scare me!” Lucy heard the words, suddenly widened his eyes: “You just said that the other party has become a Goku sneak attack on you, that is not to say that he already owns Goku. strength?”

“It won’t be…” Abba Gillen said and shook his head again: “But it’s impossible to completely rule out this possibility… We still hurry back to find Goku, before I heard Anger said that she was attacking in the villa. They stayed up all night, so now, Goku adults may still be there, or they are already on their way to here… we just have to follow them and we must meet them…”

“If they are just like Ai Lusha, we will not be so passive…” Lucy began to miss the time when Ai Lusha was there. At the same time, she was also firm in her face: “No, I must wait for a while.” Bring my Protoss key back from Goku!”

“How is your Protoss key at Goku?” Ai Pai Gelin looked curious.

“That… in short, it’s complicated!” Lucy haha ​​laughed. It was a confusing past. She couldn’t say that she lost to Sun Wukong. At the same time, her heart was also embarrassed: “I don’t know Talos. Will they blame me… How did you agree with Goku’s gamble at the time, even I felt unforgivable…”

“Right, you said that the people of the blue Tianma are petrified, what about them?” asked Ai Pai Ge Lin.

“There…” Lucy said with a slap in the face, and 1 had a happy look on her face: “I forgot, but that is your magic, can you untie their petrochemicals?”

Ibgarlin stood up and walked up to a few statues not far away. After they were demolished, Leon, they rushed fall back, watching Ai Pai Gelin looked alert: “Why attack us? ?don’t tell me Do you want to tear the covenant’s tail?”

“Hey, don’t be so nervous! This is a misunderstanding…” Lucy saw it and explained it immediately…

After Leon listened to them, it took up hostility.

The sound is a serious face: “I didn’t expect the other party to have such a thorny protagonist. It seems that we are facing the Six Devils. We have no chance of winning. Still go to meet Goku adults.”

Blue Tianma, wave 1 wave president in the villa.

Sun Wukong stood at the door and looked into the distance: “Don’t be so thorough? It seems that facing the Six Devils, it is a bit reluctant… but An Jieer used the pair of Gemini stars to maximize their play. In the Ability …original work, it seems to be a big failure… It seems that if this femini is used well, it is also a formidable spirit…”

“Goku adults, we have almost rested, still set off off! I don’t know how they are…” At this time, Jura and the night came out from the back room, watching Sun Wukong with respectful words.

“It’s no different from the whole army…” Sun Wukong faintly replied.

“What?!” She was shocked all night.

“Right? Is it how they are? Isn’t it being killed? Hey~NO~” He suddenly made a painful expression on his knees.

“Okay, don’t make such a disgusting action!” Sun Wukong ‘嘭’ kicked one night and stumbled: “There has been no casualties, don’t worry, they are coming to us… ”

“In this case, we also set off, you should be able to meet in the middle of the road…” The right hand made a Buddha number, and the face was solemn.

Three people set off off this…

Half an hour later, they met Lucy in a forest path.

“Goku, I am sorry, we lost…” Ai Pai Geling watched Sun Wukong and didn’t dare to look at him.

“It doesn’t matter, I didn’t think you would win from the beginning!” Sun Wukong smiled and took Wendy from Lucy’s arms. ….

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