The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 140—The Spirit of God

“I also have something to ask you…” Kagura breathed a little breath and looked serious: “But now, it’s not the time to talk about it!”

Ai Lusha and others heard that they all looked at Akno Lokia.

“The opportunity is coming! Let’s go together!!” Konatz saw Akun Lokia fall to the ground again, and now he screamed and rushed to Akunolo with Lagassas. On the back of Kea, he displayed a magical bombardment on the body of Akno Lokia, making it a scream for angry for a moment!

“Hey ~ the king of the cage is just that!” Lagosas laughed and pointed at the wound on the back of Akno Lokia, which is a ‘roaring roe’…

“The fire dragon’s wing hit!!” Konatz is also a powerful attack bombarded at the wound in the abdomen of Akno Lokia…

“Tielong Sword!!” Gogir (Gajiro) both hands are turned into a steel sword, standing on the back of Akno Lokia crazy cutting!

“Humble reptile! You thoroughly irritated me!!” Akno Lokia suddenly screamed in the sky, soaring in the wild, making the earth shake!

I saw him stand up from the ground, his eyes were scarlet, his eyes were fierce, and there was an incomparable angel. His body suddenly trembled and the hurricane slammed. In a moment, Konatz and others flew out and fell. Among the ruins, it was submerged in the gravel pile!

Akun Lokia once again fanned on both wings, and the wind was raging, turning into a cage, sweeping all directions! Everything was smashed around, and a group of magicians were also smashed into a bloody fog…

In the roar, Akuro Lokiana’s huge body once again rose up, leap into the sky, the magic of the mouth brewed, a beam of beams sprayed out of the mouth, bombing the ground!

In the roar of the roar, it caused a miserable scene!

Countless magicians died under the almost mad bombing of Akno Lokia!

This obvious is a massacre, even if it is Makarov and others, in the attack of Akno Lokia’s rage, it can only be resurrected!

“This guy is really mad… We don’t tell me really finished?” The king was bloodless and stunned. In front of the terrible strength of Akno Lokia, the rest was desperate!

Don’t look at the injury on Akno Lokia. It looks very scary. In fact, it is just a skin injury. There is no harm at all. He is a cage, and his skin is thick and thick, even if he is cut off a piece of meat, for him. The huge body can’t hurt it at all. And his resilience is amazing, even if he is injured, he recovers at an alarming rate.

“It’s not good to go on like this!” Aquino Lokia, who looked at the sky, looked dignified: “Having eaten so many attacks, we didn’t even make him hit hard! And in addition to our attacks, even if it will Their attacks are not able to cause substantial damage to Akno Lokia! Although Konatz, they have several damages, they have damage to Akno Lokia, but their strength is limited, and the damage can be ignored. Not counting…”

“And he’s already prepared, we’re afraid it’s hard to be near Akno Lokia…” Mira looked serious and watched Alusha, and said: “No way, Ai Lusha, you guys. Let’s go back! Let this guy come to me!”

“Mira, don’t tell me, you want?!!” Ai Lusha looked serious: “But you still can’t control that power!”

“So I told you to step back, so as not to accidentally hurt you…” Mira’s face was dignified, and the center of his forehead suddenly appeared a red magic pattern, emitting a heart-rending magic…

“This…this is?!” It was a shock, but it was a big surprise.

“Go!” Ai Lusha was a slouchy sleeve and she snorted.

“Sister! don’t tell me Do you want to use that magic?” Lisa saw it, but the facial expression changed. When she wanted to rush, she was stopped by Kana: “Don’t go, that magic. The dangerous level, should you know the most?”

“So I want to help my sister in the past!” Lisa looked anxious.

“Get it! Mira alone is enough for us to have a headache. If you have also applied the magic, let you not let people live?” Kana, now, like Lisana, took her hand and left in a hurry…

“咕~” Konatz, Gray felt the magic of the terrorist from the body of Mina, they swallowed a mouthful of horror, and turned around, kicked and ran…

“Hey, what’s the matter with you? Don’t tell me scared?” Gogur’s contemptuous watch, Konatz and Gray, and the black line at the end of the watch.

“Less nonsense, if you don’t want to die, you will run away…” Konatz turned his head and stared at Gogir, and there was no picture for a moment…

“This… what’s the situation?” Gogir was confused.

Lagosas suddenly slammed him and looked serious: “Don’t talk nonsense, hurry away from here, if Mira uses that magic, but the six parents don’t recognize it!”

“So, what kind of magic is it? Even you are scared like this?” Gogir is more curious, but still is far from here.

Because of the indiscriminate bombing of Akno Lokia, other people have already fled from here, and there is no need to remind them.

Feeling the dangerous magic, Akno Lokia suddenly turned his head and looked down at the Mira below. The shocked color in his eyes flashed away. At the same time, it was covered by the cold killing, and the magic in the mouth surged. The ruined cage spurts out from below, and it looks like a huge fireball falling from the sky!

“Receive God’s Spirit!!”

Just in the moment of the cage, Mira is also a cold drink, a hair instantly becomes blood red, no wind drifting! The whole body is wrapped in blood magic, it looks very different! Eyes is a scarlet piece, cold and cold, not seeing the slightest emotions fluctuating!

Looking up at the cage that fell underneath, Mira squeezed his hand into a fist and bombarded it!

A roar, a emptiness vibrate, a terrible red beam spurted out of Mira’s fist, crashing into the cage that crashed down, bursting out the startling the heavens roar!

As time goes on, the two cancel each other out and simultaneously dissipate…

Mira is cold and squat, and his figure is like an instant movement. He instantly appears in front of Akuno Lokia. He slams into his hungry, and with the roar, everyone sees it blankly. At the foot of Mira, Akno Lokia flew out…

“My mother… Akun Lokia was actually flying by a kick? I am not dreaming?”

“She…is she the Mira of the Fairy Tail?!!”

For a moment, everyone is shocked…

“The perverted person, teaches the perverted apprentice…” Makarov was also stunned at the moment. ….

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