The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The fourteenth 12 chapter solar eclipse

Akno Lokia has not been exhausted by full strength and they are slammed by Elusa, just because they don’t want to destroy the eclipse, because he believes that only Sun Wukong, the opponent, is waiting for everything. The ants in his eyes opened the door of the eclipse!

However, he did not expect that Ai Lusha and others were even stronger than one. They just wanted to accompany them to play, give them some pressure, wait for the arrival of the sun and the moon, let them try their best to open the door of the solar eclipse. .

However, I did not expect that the strength of several women in Ai Lusha was so powerful. The repeated attacks made him fall into danger and felt a serious threat. This made Akuno Lokia extremely angry and unbearable. When he arrived, he didn’t want to be shackled and killed everyone here, but he didn’t want to. The threshold that had been confined suddenly opened himself, and it was an unexpected surprise!

At this time, let’s not say that Akun Lokki is surprised. It is also extremely shocked together with the king and others. “This… What is going on? How suddenly did the solar eclipse open?”

Ai Rusa and other women came to the side of the two sisters of Mira. At this time, they have withdrawn from the form of the god-given soul and restored the appearance of the ordinary. It looks very weak.

Although the god-given soul is too strong, but the burden is very large, once it reaches its respective limits, it will voluntarily withdraw, which is also the role of Sun Wukong’s will.

“Is it okay?” Ai Rusha asked a few women from the two sisters of Mira, asking with a look of concern.

“It’s okay, it’s just a little weak, that’s all…” Mira shook his head, watched the threshold behind him, and his eyebrows wrinkled slightly: “It’s not that only the 12 key is collected. It can only be opened on July 7th, when the sun and the moon overlap. Is the solar eclipse going back to the past? What is the situation?”

“I don’t know…” Kana looked dignified: “In any case, when you hit Lisa with this door, the door suddenly opened itself!”

“Don’t tell me is related to the magic of our body?” Mira frowned slightly.

“It’s not magic… it should be the guardian light of Mira…” Karna looked serious: “Do you remember? Goku said before that this guardian light is not magic, but the energy of his will. The defense is invincible and belongs to Hoi-Poi! Since it is Hoi-Poi, will it be the same as the Hoi-Poi key?”

Ai Lusha heard the words, they all looked at Kaina…

“Dry… Why are you watching me? I just guess that’s all…” Karna was seen a bit hairy.

“Kana! That’s right! It should be like this!” Leiby was excited about the shot on Kana’s body: “Goku adults really extraordinary! Even the magic of the body is so unfathomable! Hoi-Poi key to use!”

“Just, this day and month have not overlapped, can you go in?” Lisana looked worried.

“I haven’t hesitated for any time…” Ai Lusha looked at the serious watch. Step by step, Akno Lokia: “Goku hasn’t come yet, we can only rely on ourselves…”

“Do you really want to go in?” The eyebrows frowned slightly, and the watched threshold, the white scene, there is always an unknown foreboding.

“Everyone! Fast! Don’t hesitate! Go through this gate and go back to the past and kill Akno Lokia!” At this moment, the king suddenly screamed with excitement, though I don’t know the day. Why does the eclipse suddenly open, but such an opportunity is simply a gift from God!


Akun Lokki suddenly gave off a deafening cage, and the two wings suddenly swayed, forming a terrible headwind, pulling everyone away in the direction he was in…

“That guy wants to stop us! It won’t make you stunned!” Makarov screamed, and the huge body rolled, blocking in front of Ai Lusha and others, and yelled: “Fast!趁Now!!”

Ai Lusha heard the words, did not hesitate, turned and rushed into the threshold…

Konatz, Gray, Lagosas and others are also a few flashes, not into it…

Myers, who has been observing the threshold, suddenly Eyes tightened and shouted: “Wait! Come back! Give me back! Makarov, fast! Stop them!”

“The first generation of adults, what happened?” Makarov looked confused.

“There is a problem with the door, can’t go in!” Myers looked anxious.

“What!!” Makarov heard the news, the moment was horrified, the huge foot was horizontal, blocking the way of the Lad and others, but Ai Lusha and others have already disappeared into the threshold.

“Makarov President, are you?” Jura and others are all XQuery’s doubtful expressions.

“There is a problem with this door, can’t go in…” Makarov looked anxiously: “I have to bring them back…” He said, his body suddenly shrank, and one stepped into the threshold…

“Āiyā! How come all in…” Myers saw it, and he did not hesitate, ignoring the headwind, and the body was flashing, and there was no entry.

With two hands folded together, a huge stone mountain immediately blocked the strong headwinds exhibited by Akno Lokia and became a serious face.

“The people of the fairy tail seem to have gone in.” Reese looked at the music around her: “What do we do?”

“Let’s watch it change…” Kagura looked serious, and the man with the mermaid hurriedly fell back.

The important combat power of the goblin tail has all entered the solar eclipse, but Akno Lokia still exists, how should they deal with it?

“Hey!!” Akno Lokia made a cry, stopped the flapping wings, staring at the opening threshold, and no longer attacking, as if waiting for something…

However, everything was as calm as usual, and there was no movement for a long time. This made Akuno Lokia suddenly become violent, and the threshold was already opened. Why did his expected picture not appear for a long time?

Just when Akun Lokia waited impatiently, just wanted to take action, but suddenly he looked up and looked at the sky, revealing 1 with a touch of fear and panic!

Because a handsome white horse has already fallen from the sky!

“Yes… is Goku! Goku is finally here!”

“Yes… it’s him… really is him!!” Kagura saw the moment when Sun Wukong jumped from the horseback, and the 1 body trembled, his face was excited, and he lost his former calm.

“Hey ~~ I just closed the training for half a month that’s all, how did it become like this? What kind of trouble do you want?” Sun Wukong looked around the ruins, looked speechless, and then turned to Akno Lokia Looked over the past: “You guy is really not honest!”

Akno Lokia was intimidated by the fall back…

In this scene, everyone is stunned, and the king of cages, Akno Lokia, is in fear? ! ! ….

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