The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 41—The Quartet

Magic beast The deepest part of the mountain range, with an ancient giant tree, it towers into the sky, hiding the sky and covering the earth, the tree trunk is like a huge wall, spanning a hundred meters away! On the branches 100 meters away from the ground, there is a beautiful lodge, all of which are built of red crimson eucalyptus, and the woody fragrance that comes out of it makes people feel refreshed. Cool, spiritual hundred times! This look is not the place where mortals can live!

A handsome and handsome red robe man was sitting on the bed with closed eyes. He had a sense of sorrow. His closed eyes suddenly opened, and a fine light flashed from his eyes. He got up and looked at the sky. The calm, waveless face was immediately replaced by shock and surprise: “This… this don’t tell me is the old treasure that the father said? I thought it was a legend! I didn’t expect the door of the ancient treasures to be Was opened by someone! Who is so capable? I heard that thousands of years ago, the treasure of the treasure is unknown, did not think, turned back again after thousands of years! Haha ~ ~ ~ really help me! If there is any gain in this time, it will definitely be promoted to the legendary situation! Can you win me with such a grand event?” I saw a wave of his sleeves, and there was a space passage in front of the space fluctuations. A flash, and then fell into it!

“Ha ha! Waiting for thousands of years, the door of ancient treasures has finally been opened! This time, I don’t want to fail, proud cloud, heaven, skylark! The three of you will accompany me, this time, I must Look for the door to the breakthrough!” On a beautiful island, a strong man at nearly three meters watching the sky at the remote, the sky to the shatter, where the startling the heavens Ki is filled with it, in the eyes It is a look of excitement and excitement! He is the TRUE master of the magic beast mountain: Tong Ming! A mysterious turtle that has lived for thousands of years! It has always been a low-key life in a small island in the magic beast mountain range. The opening of ancient treasures finally makes it in the world!

“Yes, Tongming adults!” The two men and one woman in the back nodded respectfully, watching the sky to the shatter, the eyes are full of hot colors! Legend, that is a place of residence opened by the ancient fighting emperor, which contains hidden treasures and inheritance! If can be passed down, maybe you can get the promotion of the emperor! It’s exciting to think about yourself!

Thousands of years ago, this ancient secret has caused a big fight, but the secrets suddenly disappeared and disappeared, so you can’t know! This reappearance will inevitably lead to an uproar!

Numerous magic beasts have naturally sensed the big chance of this startling the heavens, whether it is level five. Six, seven! The shape of the still, the shapeless magic beast is madly rushing towards the treasure land! When! Whole magic beast The mountains began to riot! The trees collapsed, the dust and smoke rolled, the earth shook, and the explosion was endless! The sky is screaming around the whole piece of sky!

But for a moment, the destination has not yet arrived, the magic beasts in the magic beast mountains, start a crazy battle! Roar, roar, spread across the sky! Here, it has become a bloody land!

In the recent Castle Hill town of the magic beast mountain range, the Thoring is in a panic. This magical beast of terror can no longer be described on a large scale! This is simply the magic beast of the whole magic beast mountain range in the riots! What exactly is the thing that wants to appear in the world? Really caused such a big flaw of terror!

“Look at you! God! The sky has broken a big hole! This don’t tell me is the reason for the magic beast riots?”

Countless mercenaries looked up at the sky, watching the remote out of the sky, the sky to the shatter, was deeply shocked! No need to guess, there must be a shocking treasure to be born! However, they can only hope to sigh! It is the deepest part of the magic beast mountain range, entering with their strength, only death!

In the desert of Tagore, in the palace of the Medusa family, the beautiful and beautiful Medusa queen watched the sky to shatter, his eyes flickered, and for a moment, became a firm: “So chance, how can Miss! Yue Mei, the responsibility of the Next family is your responsibility, I… look at the past…”

“Queen of the Queen, are you sure you want to go? The secret of such a shocking reappearance will surely attract countless strong people to go… I am afraid…” Yue Mei Watching Medusa, the eyes are a worry!

“Don’t worry, I will be careful! The magic beast mountain range is not as terrible as it was before! You can do it in the Administration Administration!” After that, Medusa’s beautiful snake tail squatted, figure A flash, fly to the far side…

“Sky to shatter, the heavens and the earth have also started an abnormal riot! This is a sign of the resurgence of the secret treasure! I did not expect this world to have such ancient secrets! I think other families should also find it. Well, this is a shocking treasure, it seems necessary to go to see it myself! Kaoru seems to be there too… Well… there is also a period of time I have never seen her…” A handsome and straight Middle-aged man looks at the void! The eyes are fascinated with chaos, he seems to be wearing a void and seeing everything in remote!

“The patriarch, the secret that can cause the world to shake… I think I can only be in the legend…” An old man behind him, with a look of shock and excitement, sees what he sees!

“Oh! Let’s organize the people right away! Open the space channel, we set off off immediately! Don’t fall behind!”

“Yes… I will arrange it…”

In the dimly lit hall, a man covered in gray clothes, looking down the window, looked out of the sky, could not help but utter a strange laugh from Hohou: “I really can’t keep up with the change! I didn’t expect that there will be legend at this time.” In the case of the relics of the Emperor, in this case, my soul family should also be born in advance…”

At the same time, the ancient eight ethnic groups such as medicine, yan, and stone have started to act! With the strongest lineup, I opened up the space channel and went to the same place!

Sun Wukong looked up at the sky and looked at the big hole of the shatter in the sky. He felt the movement of the Quartet, the Ki that came here, and the ground that shook, and the roar and fight from the magic beast from time to time. The voice, the corner of the mouth can not help but hang a faint smile: “Āiyā!Āiyā! Really incredible! Brother’s move seems to have caused a lot of turmoil! A lot of people are rushing to us Come here!”

Yun Yun saw a few people in the back of the dusty forest, a wave of fallen trees, the ground vibration, the endless explosion, and the sky, the dense beast that flew here, the wind and the dance, Hiding the sky and covering the earth ,whole piece The sky has become dark! Tens of thousands of magic beasts are coming in, and the fusion of Ki is how terrible! Yun Yun several people suddenly felt scalp numb! The facial expression has also turned slightly paled! During the heartbeat, I was almost beaten by the oppressed Ki.

“Goku brother…we are still… hurry… go in!” Nalan stunned the facial expression pale, with a look of horror. Not to mention her, even the ancient expression of the ancient river and Yunfeng are frightened, pale, and smashed! How could a little girl with a low strength be able to match this terrible scene, but all of them are four or five steps of magic beast rolling in, this is too horrible, if Yun Yun is holding her, she is afraid It has already fallen to the ground!

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