The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 16 Friendship

“Hey~No~ I see it very cool now…” Sun Wukong lay down on the ground, his eyes squinting above, and looking at the moment when he stepped on him at night, well, this angle is very artistic.

“Cat…cat…cat…the cat has become a human…and I haven’t worn any clothes yet!!” Inoue woven 瞪 瞪 big eyes, a look of surprise.

One night in the night, the wheat-colored skin couldn’t see if she was blushing. In short, after a flustered moment, she showed a very calm performance. The 1 shares sat on Sun Wukong and started to work. The two eyes went: “Do you dare to look again? Look for death!”

“嘭嘭~” a few soft bangs, a few punches in the night were hit on the ground, Sun Wukong left and right, all her attacks were hiding, if not hiding, not talking about the eyes It is certain that it will be blown up and become a panda eye that cherishes animals.

“Do you dare to hide?” A few punches, so that the night’s anger not only did not get vented, but the more episodes of anger, ‘嘭嘭嘭~’ is a few punches, still failed to fight.

This is a bit of a surprise in her heart. Her own skill is very familiar. She didn’t seriously get rid of it. But after a few moments, she was extremely serious. Still, she was hidden, and still is so close to distance. Next, it is a bit amazing.

Only the next moment, the night’s frown suddenly wrinkled a bit, no longer entangled with Sun Wukong 1, quickly got up, flashed aside, and stunned him with a look: “perverted!”

“A big beauty who slipped through 1 is sitting on me. If I haven’t responded yet, then the problem is really big!” Sun Wukong heard the words, immediately white one by one eyes: “And ah, trouble you Put on your clothes quickly, naked 1 is in front of others, you are abnormal!”

When I heard the night, I immediately pretended to be awkward…

Inoue yam came forward and pulled Sun Wukong’s clothes: “That, the cat becomes a human, are you not surprised at all?”

“You can even see the spirit, and are you surprised?” Sun Wukong asked.

Inoue woven on the head and thought about it, suddenly realized: “Okay!”

The dressed-up night turned and sat at the table, continuing to eat the rest of the ‘hidden fish’…

Inoue woven into the shape of a glimpse, immediately sat in the past, if it is a cat, she is really embarrassed to continue to eat the fish in the plate, since it is human, then no problem…

Watching around a plate and licking his eyes to eat the two women of the thing, Sun Wukong has the illusion that these two people are incomparably good friends.

“Ah~ It’s delicious! I feel that the pressure has increased a lot!” The night was beautiful, and it was a lazy, pinching his fist, and his eyes were shining toward Sun Wukong. “Hey, there are still ?”

“We just met, I don’t even know your name, you are really welcome!” Sun Wukong watching the night, a touch of the road.

“My name is one night, four maples are in the night, and even the full name tells you, is this sincere enough?”

“Ah~ I am Inoue Kiku, please advise!”

“Inoue woven Ji…” At night, I saw the eye weaving Ji, slightly frowning: “It is just a personal class, the spirit is not low…” He said, and looked at Sun Wukong again: “We all introduced ourselves, you Doesn’t this guy introduce himself? Is it too rude?”

“Sun Wukong, please call me Goku brother…”

At night, Sun Wukong glanced at it, ignoring this sentence and looking forward to it: “Now we are friends, can we still see this invisible fish? If you take it out, you should be right to me.” Impolite acquittal.”

“Do you think this fish can be eaten if you want to eat it?”

When I heard the night, I was disappointed. I didn’t even say that this fish had been seen. I have never heard of it. Naturally, it’s precious, I’m asking for it, and there’s just a little expectation that’s all, she’s still I really didn’t think I would get what I wanted.

“Look at your face, forget it, give it to you!” Sun Wukong saw it and waved his hand, and the plate flew toward the night.

“Wow~ you really have it!” When I saw it at night, I was delighted to look at Inoue Kiku: “You just divided me half, now I also divide you half…”

Two fish, so that the night and the inoue weaving Ji became a good friend…

“That said, where did you get this fish? I have lived for so long, I have never heard of it!” Night one by one enjoys 1, and is full of curious questions.

“This is a personal secret…”

“Don’t say pull down, I am only responsible for eating was fine…” The night is really a little bit of an outsider.

It wasn’t until the evening that she got up and left: “It’s not too early, I should go back, I will come back tomorrow…”

“Hey? Go back? Are you not a stray cat?” Inoue Yuki looked curious.

“Do you really think of me as a cat?” The night watched Inoue, and the face was speechless, but the latter stretched out the 1 head and smiled embarrassedly.

“So, see you tomorrow…” The night paired with Sun Wukong and waved his hand: “Your ‘hidden fish’ I like it very much… If there is still tomorrow, it will be very good…” said, the figure flashed, from The window is getting out and disappearing…

Sun Wukong heard the words, but also smiled a little, like it, it seems that the night was successfully attracted by his food, so there is a chance to turn her away…

After Ishigaki was washing the dishes, I went into the hall. Sun Wukong was watching her boring, saying: “Weaving Ji, it’s so boring! Would you like to play a game with me?”

“game?” Inoue Yuki thought about it and suddenly widened his eyes: “Don’t!” Then he ran into his room and locked the door…

“Hey ~~ You are a bit exaggerated!” Sun Wukong is quite speechless, but think about it. It seems that from the beginning, the beauty that Sun Wukong has encountered is a scene of extreme 1昧. Appeared, chaotic chrysanthemum is like this, the same is true at night.

It’s really strange to see all of Inoue’s geeks who don’t want to be embarrassed.

“I went out for a walk…” Seeing that the singer was not playing, Sun Wukong jumped out of the window after speaking…

At this time, the night has returned to the Puyuan store.

In a slightly simplistic room, the night is sitting opposite to Puyuan.

“How?” Puyuan hi helped watch the night’s expression with a dignified worry.

“Alright, I feel that this person is still getting along well! The strength should be strong, I tried it, and the result was easily avoided by him…”

“You started with him?” Puyuan loved to hear the news, suddenly scared the folding fan in his hand was dropped to the ground: “Thank God, fortunately, you are fine!”

“???” night one by one face doubts.

“This is the news that the corpse soul community just sent me back…” Puyuan hi helped a dignified person to put a letter in front of the night one…

One night was a glance, and Eyes tightened instantly…

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