The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 18

Of course, this hostile gaze is not specific to the sound dream, but the identity of the dream, death.

The clothes and the sickle on the waist are enough to explain the identity of the dream.

The Masked Legion does not want to be discovered by others so early, especially the god of death, who are now in a hidden period.

“You are called Shishili, right? This name is really good…” Sun Wukong’s figure flashed and appeared in the face of the Japanese: “As a masked army, you should have a path to the virtual circle.” Channel?”

“Who are you?” The words broke their identity, and the world was full of vigilance, and the tone became a bit cold.

“Just ask a little, you will know who I am!” Sun Wukong casually sat on the side: “Just, what we are talking about is not the problem that’s all! You just answer me, yes or no…”

“The tone of your guy’s voice is very embarrassing!” Japanese Sun Watching Wu Wukong’s face is not good: “That depends on whether you have such awkward strength!”

Saying, taking out the sickle from the waist, it was cut towards Sun Wukong…

It’s just that the sound of Meng Mengjiao 1 is in front of Sun Wukong, holding the scythe that swayed down in the Japanese world, and the curse of the monks emerged, causing the brows of the Japanese world to wrinkle slightly. The dignity of a face: “Captain-level spiritual pressure? Who are you?”

If it is the death of Jingling, there is no need to find them to come to the door of the virtual circle.

The strength of the sound dream itself did not reach the Captain level, but the fusion of Can’s ridiculous flower madness, and Sun Wukong gave TRUE’s body, and now, she is already a real Captain-class death.

“She, she is called a dream, originally the deputy Captain of the 12 team, but I was turned from the corpse, and now it is not a corpse.”

“Sound dream? Niein dream? Niely’s disgusting deputy?” Risei looked surprised: “I heard that she is the righteous soul made by Niely, how can there be a sickle, you are less Come and marry me!”

Said, extremely arrogant anger: “And, don’t think that Captain is very extraordinary, I still cut you! Cut him, smash the snake!”

The formidable moment of eruption erupted from the sickle in the hands of the Japanese, and the small long knife instantly became a knife with a row of neat gaps, and the sound dreams were squatting down!

It’s just that the sound dreams are holding a sickle in each hand. In front of them, the enchantment of a spiritual pressure instantly wraps her, and in the Japanese world, a knife is cut on this enchantment, and a bang is heard. The sickle was actually flew out of the hand and was deeply inserted in the ground not far away!

“Rebound?!” In the Japanese world, he licked some numb arms, and his face was horrified. The next moment, the moment was anger: “Bastard, the old lady is not angry, you are a sick cat!”

Severely drink, the Japanese leaps in the world, pulls out the sickle inserted in the ground, and once again cut the sound of the dream to the past…

This time, the sound dream did not dodge, but the “嘭” sound smashed the knife…

“Looking at this, you are still dead!” The arrogance of the face in the Japanese world.

However, when the smoke dissipated, the big knife that was cut at the shoulder of the sound dream did not give the slightest damage to the dream, and even a trace of the clothes was not damaged.

“This is impossible!!” Nikko was stunned.

“…” The sound dream does not say a word, the delicate 1 body flashes, stepping on the shadow of the Japanese world, the 1 body that I want to avoid in the Japanese world suddenly stagnated in place, unable to move…

The next moment, the sound dreams of the hands of the knife, will be cut in the body of the Japanese…

“Stop!” A loud bang rang, causing the voice of the dream to stop at the neck of the Japanese.

Hiroko Hiroko appeared with all the masked corps, watching the sickle in the hands of the dream, the facial expression is extremely serious: “Step on the opponent’s shadow, the attacker is effective, otherwise, all attacks are invalid! This Ability also It’s like a flowery mad bone of Jingle Spring… No, it’s more terrible than the savage Ability. The person who is being shadowed can’t move, can only let it attack, it’s really terrible. !”

“You are a little bit eye-catching!” Sun Wukong watching Hiroko said with a sigh.

“We don’t have a path to the virtual circle. You still have to go back!” Hiroko’s face began to catch up with a serious look.

“No? But can creation, isn’t it?” Sun Wukong looked dull: “You can all blur, naturally you can open the channel to the virtual circle…”

In fact, entering the virtual circle, for Sun Wukong, is just a thought that’s all, he did it, just want to mix this face with the masked legion that’s all.

However, these people seem to be uncomfortable with a stance that refuses to be thousands of miles away.

“Sorry, we don’t want others to know our traces for the time being, so we can’t do what you said!”

“Can’t you do it?” Sun Wukong smiled and pulled the Japanese into the front, pinching her throat: “So, can you still do it?”

“You!” Pingzi Zhenzi and other facial expressions are a look of anger.

“Not enough?” Sun Wukong smiled again, and suddenly there was another woman in his left hand who was pinched by his throat: “So?”

“Lisa! When?!!” Hiroko Hiroshi and other people are shocked. Yasushi Maru just said that he was really right next to him, but suddenly the other side was pinching his throat in the next second. They were shocked by a cold sweat.

Just if people just want to arrest people, but everyone gives them a sword, then they don’t know how to die?

“I understand, but please don’t hurt them both!” Hirako sighed and compromised. The hostage was in hand and he had to agree.

“Death bottle, you are afraid of what he does? Big deal is a death, quickly pulled out the knife to do him!” In the Japanese world, he saw that Tsujiko had compromised, and immediately angered and screamed.

“You shut me up!” At this time, Tsujiko’s expression was serious and terrible, so that he always took his feet and scolded him for a moment.

“Can you do it?” Hiroko said that he was looking at the gentle fat uncle who was next to him. This guy was the devil of the 13th team of the guards. It is a ghost master.

“But can, but it takes a little time, and, I can’t guarantee that the time will leak, our traces will not be discovered, but I will set up the enchantment, try to ensure this…” Nodded with a serious look.

“Please!” Hiroko said, and he gave a sigh of relief.

“Isn’t this very good? Why do you shout and scream?” Sun Wukong saw this, and with a wave of his hand, a table full of all kinds of snacks and fruits flashed out, releasing the Japanese and the Japanese. Lima Lisa sat down, very generous: “Come, let’s eat while waiting…” ….

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