The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 33—Heribel vs. Blades

It wasn’t long before Sun Wukong said that the blade was relying on his superb skill and gradually suppressed Herriot, and then took a sword and cut it on her left shoulder. The wound was deeply visible.

If Herre Bell has been perfectly broken and the defensive power is amazingly improved, this sword, I am afraid, has already cut off her entire left hand!

But the strange thing is that there is no blood flowing out, but her wounds are instantly healed like water.

“Well?!” If the blade is seen, the brows are slightly wrinkled. In order to verify what is in mind, a violent attack is launched again. A sword can be described as a sacred sword. In terms of swordsmanship, Heribel is far behind. However, for a moment of time, Herbie has been suppressed by some of the fuss, and finally still can not escape the fierce and mighty sword!

In the splash of water, Herbair’s former Hungarian to the abdomen was cut out with a terror wound. The wound had no blood, but it was densely covered with water, just as the body was composed entirely of water.

The next moment, the wound is like a flower in the water, and it is instantly restored.

But at the moment of being chopped, Heribel was also a backhand sword, leaving a striking blood mark in front of the blazing Hungarian.

If the blade is a little under the fire, it will open a certain distance with Heribel. The facial expression is serious: “It turns out that this is the so-called undead emperor… It’s really trouble’s Ability!”

“Wow~ this don’t tell me is immortal? It’s amazing!” After seeing Herbelle’s Ability, the three women of Apache are excited about each and every one.

“It’s really can’t be called undead…” Sun Wukong nodded. “The second paragraph is the blade, the undead emperor, and its Ability is that when she increases Herriot’s pressure, she will have a pair of water. The body of the element, the water can not be cut off, so Herbair will not be injured!”

“Isn’t that this, Herbie is already invincible!” Mi Fu Luo Zi’s three women are all shocked expressions.

“In this world, there is no TRUE invincible Ability. Everything is based on its own strength…” Sun Wukong said plainly: “If you change someone else, Herb Bell can be invincible, but facing the flow. If the blade is a fire, it will not work…”

“Why?” Sun Sun and the three women looked curious.

“Because the water can ignite, but the fire can also restrain the water!”

“Ah~ I know!” Lucia said with a blank face: “A blaze with a blade of fire is enough to evaporate Herriot’s water, so he can hurt Herriot?”

“You are right!” Answering Lucia’s, but it is a scream of sorrow: “Your Ability is really unsolvable for others, but for the old man, it is like nothing, let it die!”

As the sinking sounds, the blade of the blade is covered with a blazing blaze, which seems to be burned through the sky, and the power is amazing! The temperature of terror makes Herbie’s body begin to evaporate a little white mist!

Immediately after a sniper of the flames, the blaze on the sword instantly turned into a sturdy fire cage, whistling toward Herre Bell!

Seeing that Heli Bell is also a cold-shoulder, the ancient sword in his hand spurs, spurting out a powerful waterfall of power terror, in an instant, it is drowning the roaring fire dragon!

Both eroded, extinguished, and evaporated!

“Pull the knife, hey!”

Suddenly, a heavy drink suddenly rang out behind Herbair. I don’t know when, if the flames have already flashed behind her, the blade with terror blaze has already swayed out!

Heribel was shocked and turned to lift the sword to stop it. The sound of ‘叮’ was crisp and slammed, and it successfully resisted the blade of the blade, but failed to withstand the terrorist wave attached to it!

The fire wave is like a terrible blade. The horizontal sniper is in the waist of Heribel. In the scream of the three grandchildren, ‘pfff’ is actually blocked by the waist!

A hit, the blade is fired again, and the blaze of terror is covered in a hundred meters, and Herbair is covered in it, raging and burning!

“Herbert Bell!!” Sun and the three women saw the situation, they were all shocked. They were about to go forward to rescue, but they were stopped by Sun Wukong: “Don’t worry, the body of water is not so easy to be killed. of.”

Perhaps in order to prove what Sun Wukong said, a cold drink suddenly rang in the blaze: “滔天断瀑!”

Seeing that the sky is bright, the water flow of the terrorist is pouring down like the Tianhe dyke. In a moment, it is already a blaze, which makes the ground form a vast ocean!

If the blade is too hot, it will not be saved, and it will be submerged into the torrent of the sky!

Among the waters of Wang Yang, there was a ripple, and Herbelle’s head slowly lifted 1 out of the water and slowly rose. The 1 body that was cut off was intact.

Her body 1 body is made of water, even if it is partially evaporated, she can still rely on the water to recover instantly!

And the torrent that fell down was quietly stopped at the moment Herbelle appeared.

The next moment, the fire column of the terror burst into the sky from the water of the ocean. The 1 body of the flame is already appearing above the sky. Watching the restored Heribel, the brow slightly wrinkled: “has it been restored? However, the pressure of the spirit seems to have weakened a lot…”

“It’s not the old man who has a thousand years of experience. At a glance, he sees the weakness of Heribel!” Sun Wukong looked at the blade and looked at the calm and calm.

“Weakness?” Sun Sun, they are all looking puzzled at Sun Wukong.

“Herbel’s body of water, although not dead or injured, but the premise is that there needs to be enough pressure support, if the pressure is exhausted, then the body of her water is over!”

“Isn’t the Queen Herbie always suppressed, isn’t it dangerous?” The faces of several women of Mi Fu Rhodes all showed the worried look of 1.

“That depends on the pressure of the two of them who are running out!”

“Can that Herre Belle win?” Sun Sun’s three women look forward to it.

“What do you say?” Sun Wukong asked.

“If it is a spiritual pressure, I am afraid that no one can compare with Yamamoto’s total Captain? And if the blade is a fire, it is the sword of Yamamoto’s total Captain, and the natural pressure is not bad…” Lucie.

“So, Grande Herbie lost?” Sun Sun and three women are a bit uncomfortable.

“How, don’t tell me, you still want to win?” Sun Wukong looked at the three grandchildren, and he smiled: “The people have been living for thousands of years, and Herbie can force him to this level.” Already very extraordinary, if it was changed, it would have been a long time!” ….

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