The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 53—茜雫

“Leduce the night, Maitreya!” With the liberation of the spirits, the sickle in the hands of the goddess of death immediately turned into a scepter, releasing a tornado-like attack to sweep the sorrows around. clean.

“Hey ~ things haven’t figured out how you can attack indiscriminately before!” Chaozhou glared at the girl of death, Jiao 1 screamed: “You make me difficult to explain! And, in which you are in the end I have never seen you before?”

“Which team is it? Right, which team is it?” The goddess of death, the index finger, chin, meditation, then smiled again: “I don’t remember that kind of thing!” , Jiao 1 body flash, has disappeared in front of a few people…

“Hume want to escape!” Chaoju Jiao 1 snorted and immediately chased it up, but the next moment, the goddess of death suddenly ran out of the crowd, watching the chaotic chrysanthemum, a look of stunned: “Ah! It’s you! I have forgotten that kind of thing, so don’t follow me!”

“Is it right now?” Watching a girl who suddenly ran out of the crowd, she was surprised when she was full of questions.

“I still want to run!” You can see that the girl turned and left, and the chaotic rushed forward, grabbed the girl’s hand and pulled her into her arms, causing her head to collide with her own big Hungarian. When the picture is tempting to lure 1 people: “Speak your deployment!”

“I have said that kind of thing, people can’t remember it!” The girl struggled in front of the chaotic Chrysanthemum: “And ah! Let me loose it! Some people can’t breathe!”

“Don’t remember your deployment?” The chaotic chrysanthemum went forward and smashed 1 on the girl’s head: “don’t tell me is in the recent battle, the head is broken?”

“Your head is broken!” The girl immediately did not do it, and waved her hand to destroy the chrysanthemum: “I don’t remember it, I don’t remember it! You are really annoying!” Saying, not far from watching The excitement of the Ferris wheel: “Wow~ I didn’t expect this to be here!”

“Want to try it?” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Hey? Really? Can you really try it?” The girl’s eyes suddenly brightened and she was very happy.

“Of course, I treat you!”

“very good! Go play!” The girl ran to the Ferris wheel with a happy face. On the way, she turned and excitedly waved at Sun Wukong: “Hey, hurry up!”

Chaoju followed the Sun Wukong and others and took out the mobile phone to communicate with the corpse. It was surprisingly no signal: “Weird, how can there be no signal? Nothing will happen again?”

The chaotic chrysanthemum frowned slightly, and pulled Sun Wukong: “Goku, you help me watch her, I will return to the soul world…”

“You don’t have to go back, and soon the corpse community will send another god of death to the world!”

“Do you know anything?” The chaotic chrysanthemum pulled Sun Wukong and stared at him.

“I can only tell you that everything is related to this girl…” Sun Wukong said, looking at the girl in front.

“Related to her? Can you finish your words?”

“No, otherwise it won’t be fun!” Sun Wukong smiled and urged his girl to rush forward.

Three hours later, Sun Wukong and the girl walked down from the roller coaster: “I haven’t played this thing for a long time, I feel like I miss it…”

“Haha~~ It’s so fun! Goku brother! Are we sitting once?” Xiao Nilu took the excitement of Sun Wukong’s trouser legs.

“Is it still here? This is the fifth time, next time!”

Xiao Nilu heard some disappointment: “That’s good! Come take me to play next time!”

“Nature!” Sun Wukong looked at the girl next to her: “How, I have been playing with you for the playground facilities, but I still don’t introduce myself?”

“Ah~ It’s rude! My name is oh, what about you?”

“Sun Wukong …”

“You can call me Nilu!”

“It turned out to be Goku and Nilu, thank you very much for your hospitality. I am very happy today!”

“Master, it’s already late, are we going to go back?” The women and grandchildren who had been waiting around came forward and reminded.

“Ah? Are you going back?” His facial expression was full of disappointment.

“Do you think you can escape?” A chaotic chrysanthemum will hug: “Before you have not figured out your identity, you must of course go back with us!”

“Hey? I want to be together?” I was surprised by the expectation.

When I got home, Inoue Kiku, who had already returned home from school, had a good time to have dinner, and watched the table full of food, and squinted at the past: “Wow~ looks good.” …”

“Hey? Is this?” Weaving Ji watched, a look of curiosity.

“Hello, my name is 茜雫, please advise!”

“Ah! Hello! I am Inoue Kiku, she is a caged expensive…”

Just as everyone was around the table for dinner, a few figures flashed across the roof.

“It’s here, but there seems to be a few unusual pressures here, do you want to act?”

“The time is not yet ripe, knowing that it will fall, let’s go!”

With the sound falling, the figures of several people disappeared at the same time…

at the same time.

“Goku adults…” Sound dreams looked up at Sun Wukong.

“Now is eating time, don’t bother.”

“Yes!” The voice dreams suddenly bowed.

“It seems that she is really being targeted!” Apache looked at his eyes and said.

After dinner, just as the sound of dreams, weaving Ji, and the grandsons and daughters packed up the tableware, the door was knocked…

“Come on! Come!” Xiao Nilu ran off her snack and ran over and opened the door: “Ah~ It turned out to be Uncle Winter Lion, please come in!”

Said, Xiao Nilu once again ran to the sofa on the side to eliminate her snacks…

Left Winter Lion Lang standing alone at the door, his eyes trembled: “Uncle?”

“Captain? How come you?” Seeing the winter lion, a lazy look at the chaotic chrysanthemum on the sofa was a little surprised, the next moment, it was a look of sorrow: “Total Captain is sending you here. Is it the world? What happened to the corpse community? Why is there no signal for communication?”

“Goku adults, hello, bother!” Winter Lion Lang stood at the door, did not pay attention to the question of chaotic chrysanthemum, but first respectfully greeted Sun Wukong.

“come in!”

Winter Lion Lang heard the words, this came into the hall, looked at the chaotic chrysanthemum, a serious face: “Chaotic chrysanthemum, what news did you get?”

“I met a lot of sorrowful souls during the day, and all of them were solved by her…” Chaoju said, looking at him: “I was planning to contact you, but I can’t contact them. Goku also said that someone will be sent. The world has found out the truth of this incident, so I have not reported back to the corpse community, but it is not lazy!” ….

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