The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 56 is also a gift

Seeing Sun Wukong said nothing like this, then turned and left, chaotic chrysanthemum, they looked at each other, they all followed up…

Over the top of a bridge, Sun Wukong stopped and looked down the river…

The other space in the light that is reflected in the watched rivers of the females in the river is the surprised look of 1, and the flower of the singer is a look of sorrow: “This is the way to” Calling Valley’s entrance, do you want to go inside and solve it?”

“You are here waiting for was fine!” Sun Wukong yelled at the few women in the back of Herriot, who had already fallen down and entered the ray of other channels in the river…

“Seven Xu, you go to the corpse of the soul, and report the matter up, and her is here to stand by!” The flower of the singer was serious, and he said that he was diving toward the entrance of the valley…

At this time, the dragonfly has been tied to a string of discs floating in the center of the empty rosary, glaring at the front of the cage and other people: “Who are you, in the end, what do you want?”

“Now there is no time to talk nonsense with you anymore. The power of thinking beads is born for this moment. Come on! Dedicated your strength, let the space of the world and the soul of the soul accelerate to approach, to get two When the collision occurs, that is, when the world is destroyed! At that time, the corpse community will disappear, and we endure the humiliation of the millennium, and finally have to be washed!”

The excitement of Yan Cang’s face, pulling out the scythe from the waist and lifting it to the sky, the surrounding area was suddenly covered by a tornado, and countless sorrows came from the bottom of the earth and emerged as a white material. Flying over the past…

At the same time, the sky thunderclouds rolled, hundreds of millions of thunders fell from it, beaten on the body, causing a scream of screaming, which also inspired her to hide in the body, speeding up the two spaces Zoom in…

Numerous sorrowful souls were attracted by this force, and the white streamer material attached to the cockroach, gradually forming a big cockroach to surround it; at the same time, more sorrowful souls were attracted and turned into a The towering ancient wood will surround her group…

“Goku adults, fast, stop them!” Just entering the space of the valley, the flower of the singer is watching the distant scene, and now the big drink. This is related to the survival of the world, Rao is always quiet and gentle, she is also moving.

“Let your scythe use!”

Sun Wukong stretched out 1 with one hand, and the sickle of the swaying flower flew into his hand, and the lightly swept, the gradually forming towering ancient wood instantly turned into endless particles dissipated, revealing 1 out of the bound 茜Hey.

“A very powerful sword! How did you do it?” Yan Zhihua watched Sun Wukong, a face of the movement, a sword cut an ancient wood into hundreds of millions of the same particles, think crazy and unfathomable .

“When the strength reaches a certain level, I want to throw such a sword, it is actually very easy!” Sun Wukong looked at the flowers of the eye, stepped out, and instantly appeared in front of the shackles, lifting her body Restrict, 搂1 lived on her waist 1 limb and patted her face: “When do you want to sleep? Wake up!”

“It’s easy… I don’t know what level you have reached!” Hua Zhihua watched the back of Sun Wukong, and his heart raised a long-lost war. It was only a moment that she was suppressed: “It hasn’t been like this for a long time.” It feels like a man who is curious!”

He opened his eyes slightly, and when he saw the first sight of Sun Wukong, it was a surprise: “Goku adults!”

“Sorry, I feel a little bit of fear for a while, but I will immediately wipe out the roots of your fears!” Sun Wukong said, turning to look at the cage and others.

“Hey~ I didn’t expect to come so fast! But since I came, don’t think about going out!” Yan Cang glared at Sun Wukong and the flowers of the hustle and bustle, and his eyes revealed the cold killing: “Kill!”

As the order was issued, several men beside him laughed and killed Sun Wukong…

“Garbage like you, can die in my hands, is also a gift to you!”

Sun Wukong’s face was indifferent and calm, and his squatting figure appeared in front of the cage, and the sickle in his hand pierced his heart…

And the men behind him are also dissipating with the for a moment.

“Hurry!” As the first person to have the ‘Sword Eight’ title, she was once again shocked by the sword of Sun Wukong, because she did not see how Sun Wukong died.

“No…may!!” The caged watch, the piercing of the heart, pierced the eyes of the heart, widened his eyes, and lost his voice. He even had not responded, he was already killed: “You…how could it…will be like this …strong?!!”

“Even if you don’t know what the opponent is, you are arrogant. Is this a madness and still dying?” Sun Wukong smiled and let go of his horror.

The next moment, Yan Cong is also unwilling to be in the face, turned into a spirit to dissipate.

“very powerful! These people are not completely opponents!” 茜雫watching Sun Wukong, is a face of excitement.

“It’s really amazing swordsmanship, Sun Wukong!” The flower of the singer came to Sun Wukong, and he admired his face: “Your swordsmanship really makes me open my eyes and live for so long. Come to me, also viewing the sky from the bottom of a well!”

“Don’t be flattering, let’s go out!”

“This is the words of the lungs!”

Sun Wukong laughed back, a 1 squatting and smashing the waist of the 1 limb, a little under the foot, the body shape suddenly rushed away, broke through the space, and straight out from the river!

“I’m coming out so soon? How is it inside, Goku!” Chaoshan’s curious watching Sun Wukong, who was landing beside him, looked at the pilgrimage: “How, didn’t you hurt?”

“No… those people have been wiped out by Goku adults…” He shook his head and watched the entrance that still disappeared underneath.

“That’s good!” Chuanju sent a tone, but also looked at the entrance to the valley: “Just this space has not disappeared, the corpse of the soul and the current crisis seems to have not been lifted!”

“Wait a minute, the seven threads have already returned to the soul world, I think there will be a solution soon…” Yu Zhihua violently broke away Sun Wukong 搂1 in her waist 1 limbs, soft sound Road.

It didn’t take long for a door to open in a place not far from everyone, and Ise was out of it and came to the front of the flower: “Total Captain and the captain have decided unanimously, using the ghost cannon to connect Let the valley disappear with the space of three hundred circles of the ground space!”

The flower of 卯 黛 黛 微 微 : : : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

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