The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 59—Liluka

“Since it has been restored, it will make you perfect face-breaking, otherwise you can be a little different in this world…” Sun Wukong holds Nilu, light 1 caressing the mask on her head.

“Perfect face breaking? Is it the same as them…” The flower of the flower was slightly a little surprised, and his eyes shifted to the women of Herbie.

“Do you really let the virtual perfection?” Zhibo empty crane watching Sun Wukong, a look of surprise.

“Isn’t this a fact in front of you?” Ise Xuxu light 1 stroking his glasses, looking at Herriot, and looking at Sun Wukong, with a little expectation in his eyes: “Just, I am also very curious.” How did you make the virtual perfection…”

“I am very curious about this!”

“Come on, hurry! I can’t wait!” Chrysanthemum watching Sun Wukong urged.

“Actually, it’s not as exaggerated as you think…” Sun Wukong looked at Niu Lu in his arms: “I am going to remove your mask now, there should be a slight pain…”

“Well, come on, I am not afraid of pain…” Nilu was a firm face, and did not flow 1 to show the slightest hesitation, which made Ise Qixu have to admire the means of Sun Wukong, even can let Ni Luce trusts him so firmly.

The virtual mask is equivalent to their life. Nilu did this, but unconditionally gave his life to Sun Wukong.

You know, she just has a trace of cracks on the mask, which has already let her pressure leak, the memory loss becomes the appearance of a child, if the mask is removed, it will be, and it will change back to the lower ordinary However, the direct soul flies away.

Only this point, it can be seen that Nilu has completely trusted Sun Wukong.

Under the gaze of a woman like a chaotic chrysanthemum, Sun Wukong gently revealed that the mask on the top of Nilu’s head instantly fell off, but the strange thing was that it did not immediately dissipate as a spirit, but was gently lighted by Sun Wukong. Put aside and continue to remove the bone mask from other parts of her body…

Watching a piece of Nilu that was picked up by Sun Wukong, chaotic chrysanthemums each and every one are wide-eyed, shocked, but also a puzzled face: “Isn’t that a mask is equivalent to a virtual life? Now What is the situation? How do you do it?”

“It seems that this means, only Goku adults can do it!” The flower of the singer is also amazed by the look: “Easy to take off the virtual mask, not to hurt it, this is for others. It’s simply impossible to do…”

Until Sun Wukong removed the bone mask from Nilu, her spiritual pressure had dropped to the level of the ordinary people, and then a light wave, the masks that were removed were floating and instantly turned into a spirit ball. Of light, under Sun Wukong’s introduction, she fell into the body of Nilu’s 1 body, causing her disappearing spiritual pressure to start growing at an alarming rate, and the virtual hole in her body was filled a little bit until it disappeared completely…

“It turns out that this is the perfect way to break the face in the legend…” The flower of the singer saw it here, and the look of the face was amazed: “It’s just this way, it seems that others can’t copy it…”

“Captain Flower, what do you see?” Ise was so curious.

“You should all know that the reason why there is a virtual hole in the virtual is because it has lost its inner heart in the pain of being saved by the death, thus forming a hollow. This is a virtual hole!” The flower of the squatting knees on the ground, seriously explained “The inner part of the loss is turned into a mask, not only a mask, a virtual appearance, but a different speciality. These are all formed by the deprived inner heart, and Goku adults take these fakes. The face is peeled off, and it is returned to the virtual in a special way, filling their virtual holes, and making the virtual again find the heart, so the perfect face!”

“It turns out!”

They are each and every one is a look of a stunned look, it is no wonder that Herbair and each of them have died on Sun Wukong, which is not only to help them perfect, but to help them regain The lost heart.

When you think about it, the process is simple, but it does not reveal the fatal danger. It is true that only Sun Wukong can do this level, and others cannot copy it.

“Goku adults, how do you get rid of the virtual mask without hurting them? Of course, if this involves your hidden 1 private, you don’t need to say…” As a very good medical death, 卯Hua Zhilie is extremely curious about Sun Wukong’s approach.

“It’s not a secret. It’s just that you can’t do it with your current strength. Still, the strength has reached a certain level. Everything that looks like unfathomable is actually very simple.”

卯之花烈 heard that watching Sun Wukong is helpless, this is not disguised in saying that her strength is weak! However, compared with Sun Wukong, this is true.

“Which level does it reach, can you do it like this?”

“Don’t be too far-reaching, now the realm is too remote for you!” Sun Wukong faintly waved, this sounds very simple, but it can be quite difficult to do, after all, this is linked to the soul of life, a bad , you have to fly annihilation.

“Don’t say it!” Chaoju heard the words, felt dull, licked his mouth and wanted to go to the sun bath, but when he turned around, he saw the jungle in the distance, and a figure hurriedly hid. After an old tree, I suddenly became curious: “Goku, do you bring someone else here?”

“Without you, no one else!”

Heli Bell heard the words, turned and looked at the dense 1 forest not far away, the sharpness in the eyes flashed away, the body shape disappeared instantly, the next moment, a soft 1 call from the dense 1 forest, Heribel has already With a woman in front of Sun Wukong, she was pressed to the ground.

“Hey? Some familiar eyes! Look up!” Sun Wukong watching Heribel pressed the girl in front of him.

“Let me go! Bastard! Or I’m welcome!” The girl’s face looked angry and looked up at Sun Wukong. He said, “Don’t think that I am bullying, be careful that I turn you all into toys! ”

“You are Liluka?” Sun Wukong watching the girl in front of her face, an unexpected look.

“Do you know me?” Liluka obvious is slightly stunned, watching Sun Wukong, facial expression suddenly reddish: “In the near future, this is not very handsome!”

“Do you know?” Chrysanthemum looked curious about watching Sun Wukong.

“I know her, she doesn’t know me!” Sun Wukong waved his hand and let Herbie let go of Liluka. He didn’t expect to meet this beautiful 1 girl here.

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