The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 61—Crushing

“It seems that I have to be battled!” Yincheng Kongwu’s original helpless expression instantly became gloomy, and it was judged before.

In the eyes of Yuejiu Hideyoshiro, it is also a flash of cold, faintly revealing the cold killing.

“Captain’s flower Captain, don’t you stop it?” Ise is looking at the flower of the singer.

“I also want to see what the purpose of Yincheng Kongwu is, and to secretly collect so many finished players. It seems that his purpose is not simple…” The flower of the flower is calm and calm: “And, they are the first Hands-on!” He said, sitting back at the table next to him, like Sun Wukong, watching the show.

Hsiao Sentao, who saw each other, looked at each other and returned to Sun Wukong, leaving the venue to Herriot.

“Hey, I don’t care about me? Come and save me!” The chaotic chrysanthemum that became a puppet was stepped under the feet by Liluka, and it was impossible to move. Seeing that the companions were gone, Lima Jiao 1 was asking for help.

“It just became a puppet, and I didn’t lose the pressure. Don’t say that you can’t even deal with such a little girl!” Sun Wukong watching, chaotic chrysanthemum, a plain face.

“I haven’t lost the pressure?” The chaotic chrysanthemum slightly stunned, slightly inductive, and suddenly rejoiced: “It’s really, focus on being turned into a puppet, and even this has not been found!” : “Well, you are a little girl, you want to step on the flattery of the Hungarian Ministry, and see your sister won’t flatten you!”

I saw a sudden burst of magical pressure on the limbs of the puppets. At the same time as the ground, I was instantly separated from the devil’s feet of Liluka. It was like a person stepping on a thing and suddenly being pulled away. Liluka lost her balance instantly. , ‘哎哟 ‘, a fart 1 shares sat down to the ground, screaming 1 shares screaming more then, mouth is not forgiving: “Sister? I think you are a big sister!”

“Āiyā 呀~~ I am mad at me!” The fire of chaotic chrysanthemum was immediately ignited. Her most troublesome thing was that someone called her a big bang, and she rolled on the ground and came to her sickle, light 1 bald cloth. Even the arm touches the handle, and the 1 makes a sound: “Low 1, gray cat!”

The sickle instantly turned into a gray smoke, and swept away to Liluka!

In the pfff sound, Liluka’s clothing was instantly cut out of the hole, and the 1 was exposed to white 1.

The chaotic chrysanthemum is a smirk of laughter: “Ha ha ~ ~ let you call me a big shout, let you step on my Hungarian, see me cut your clothes!” Said, but also waved to Sun Wukong: ” Goku, look over, blessed 1 Lee ~~”


The flower of Huai Lie and other women heard the words, all without words.

Hsien Mori holds a reddish face, and her face is ashamed. 1涩: “The chaotic chrysanthemum is also as bad as Goku.”

“What is the same as me?” Sun Wukong reached out and squeezed a hand on the face of Hsien Mori: “You should send me a good card!”

By Sun Wukong, the 1 play was changed, and the face of the young Mori peach became redder.

“Herbel’s strength seems to be a lot stronger!” Nilu softly sat on Sun Wukong’s big 1 lap, and watched Silver City Kong, who was completely suppressed by Herriot, surprised.

At this moment, Yincheng Kongwu and Yuejiu Hideyoshi at the same time joined forces with Herriot Bell. The collision between the sword and the sword made a sound of fine iron, but the advantages and disadvantages were in the obvious, even if it was empty. I joined forces with Yuejiu Hideki, and it was completely beaten by Herriot. The two can only passively defend, and even fall back…

Although in the original work, Shirakawa was repeatedly pushed into the predicament by Tsukiji Hideo, it was only because Bai Yu was not good at close combat that’s all because of the characteristics of his own sickle, and because Yukishima Hideki entered the thousand cherry blossoms. The scope of the injury-free, he can only face the gun, one side of the battle, but also one side to control the thousand sakura does not hurt himself, this is the face of the moon island show Jiu Lang, the white 哉 seems so passive.

But Herbie has no such consideration, and the strength can be fully exerted.

The current Yincheng Kongwu and Yuejiu Hideyoshi are not as strong as the original work, and the strength of the Guardian is strengthened, so neither of them is strong; but Herbie is the Vistot 巅1 peak. The perfect break of the level, even if it is not liberated, is as strong as it is, and after liberation, it is a strong person who can fight with Yamamoto’s Captain!

Now, Yincheng Kongwu and Yuejiu Hideyuki may be the opponents of Heribel. The two men struggled to defend the defensive but ten strokes, which was the terrible waterfall of Heribel and the ground, a mouthful of Blood squirting, already seriously injured!

“This person, very powerful!!” The Xuexu, who was watching the battle, waited for the surgeon, each and every one shocked and widened his eyes. They never thought that Yincheng Kongwu and Yuedao Xiujiur would join hands. Even in the hands of Heribel, but ten strokes!

“Next, it’s you!” Herriot turned her head and looked at Xuexu and others.

Jack. Terry looked solemn and blocked in front of Xue Xu: “Ready to evacuate, these people are not what we can provoke!”

Xue Xuwei nodded and nodded, quickly clicked on the game machine in his hand…

And Takizawa also showed his own perfection, and the muscle swelled rapidly and became a giant with a muscle.

“I still want to resist? But in vain that’s all…” Heribel’s face was calm, a ringing, and the figure was staggered from the front of several people!

The blood immediately rushed out from the former Hungarians of Xuexu, squinting with their eyes and falling to the ground…

“Everyone!!!” The original anger of Liluka watching the scene, the facial expression suddenly changed, but for a moment, all the companions were heavy, and finally realized that they had smashed the big disaster, both hands blocked the spring before the Hungarian 1 light, some overwhelmed.

Just because of her temper, it made things so bad. If she didn’t shoot, maybe they could leave safely.

“It’s more than kicking the iron plate! You just kicked the steel plate!” Turning into a puppet’s chaotic chrysanthemum, watching the face of a panicked Liluka: “Now, hurry up and change me back, otherwise, See how the aging mother stripped 1, let Goku adults come to 1 to marry you!”

“Worse… Worse 1? Don’t!!” Liluka was scared of facial expression turned pale, exclaimed.

Sun Wukong, who was watching the movie, was speechless: “I am lying and shooting!”

“No, it is sitting, master!” Sun Sun covered his mouth and smiled.

“I don’t want to be ruined by 1, I will quickly restore me to the original!”

Lilu Kalima took her own hair and sneaked a few times in her nostrils. She sneezed at the chaotic chrysanthemum, which made her immediately return to its original state, just a wet look, with her sexual 1 feel. People have seen the urge to have a crime. ….

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