The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter VI—The Flash of Wang Xu

In the dead of night, a black-faced man suddenly flashed on the roof of the living room of the glazed millennium, and slowly pulled out the waist sickle, and a strange spiritual pressure leaked out…

This made the cages and cages in the room instantly alert, and the two looked at each other and saw the surprise color in the other’s eyes: “don’t tell me They don’t know Sun Wukong adults live opposite?” Even dare to do it?”

At the same time, Herb Bell, who was slightly closed, opened his eyes in vain, looking at the three grandchildren who were also awakened, whispering and calmly saying: “Quickly, don’t disturb Goku!”

“Understand!” Sun Sun and three women nodded slightly, and their body shape flashed, and they disappeared into the room…

The bedroom of the glazed thousand generations.

“You go to the Goku with the Princess Hall, I will drag him…” The dog cage looked serious with a watchful cage, whispering. I can see that he is very nervous now.

The cage was silent and nodded. After a careful gesture, he carefully picked up the glazed generation from chuang…

When the dog cage saw it, he immediately broke through the window. When he appeared on the roof, he saw that the black masked man had been surrounded by three women and sealed all the retreats…

“It’s the three broken faces around Sun Wukong. The action is really fast. It’s really right when I come to the world…” The dog cage saw it, and he secretly slammed his mouth and let him face the professional assassin. A little pressure.

“Your courage is really not small, even dare to come to the owner’s site to engage in assassination, you are daring, still you are a fool?” Mi Fu Luoz looked at the black masked man, a face Despise.

The black masked man is silent, but his eyes are exceptionally serious. He can feel an inexplicable pressure from his grandchildren.

“Don’t talk, it seems that still a professional assassin!”

“You two don’t talk nonsense, deeper in the middle of the night, stone scissors, the winner will be her!” Sun Sun whispered.


“Peace, come again…”

The dog cage watched the three grandchildren who played the stone scissors cloth in the air, and suddenly the black line of the head, this posture, did not put the assassin in the eyes!

Apparently, the disregard of the grandsons and granddaughters is torrely irritate the assassins. Before they have won the game, they have already launched an attack. A mirror at the hilt of the sickle in the hand suddenly reflexes a dazzling light. So that Sun and Sun looked down on their meanings, and in an instant, they felt that their consciousness suddenly became blurred…

When the reaction came over, Apache suddenly saw that a cold light was close to his neck, only a few milliseconds. Now he was shocked, one flashed to the side, and touched the first floor hair that was cut off by the ear. The facial expression suddenly faded. Unbeatable ugly…

In the same for a moment, Sun Sun and Mi Fu Luoz also instantly recovered their consciousness, and they fell back. After a while, they were afraid: “Amazingly, the obstacles are almost overturned in the gutter!”

Sun Sun’s face is serious: “Be careful, don’t look at that light, it will make our consciousness have an instant loss…”

“You don’t interfere, I have to solve this bastard myself!” Apache’s face anger, just a sword, almost let her hurt, which makes her very angry.

“That will give you a chance to avenge!” Sun Sun smirked and said: “Don’t be killed!”

“How can the old lady be killed by this kind of garbage!” Apache screamed, and he had already pulled out his waist and slashed his sword and slashed it toward the assassin…

The two scythes smashed together and made a harsh symphony. At the same time, the mirror on the assassin’s sickle reflexed the glare of the moonlight…

“After eating a loss, do you think I will eat the second loss? Don’t underestimate people! Bastard!” Apache closed his eyes and a flash of ‘Wang Xu flashed on the sickle. ‘, beam flashed away, and instantly penetrated the assassin’s Hungarian, so that his eyes widened, so the straight court fell to the ground…

It’s just that the flash of Wang Xu did not dissipate, but it cut through the sky, and a loud bang, slamming on the moat hundreds of meters away, can be described as shaking the earth!

Such an amazing scene, the stunned dog cage stunned: “This is… the flash of Wang Xu… it’s amazing! It’s a perfect face!”

But the same thing is also awakening the glazed thousand generations held by the cage…

“What happened?” The glass of the millennium watched not far from the mushroom cloud, surprised and widened his eyes.

“It’s finished! It’s too big…” Mi Fu Luoz held his eyes with his hand and couldn’t bear to look at it: “When you deal with a beggar, why do you use this power to flash?”

“Impression is the devil! Apache, you have to change this irritating problem! Now I can’t help you anymore…” Sun Sun masked laughing out, watching Apache’s eyes was a gloating face.

“Apaci, you come in!” A big drink suddenly came from Sun Wukong’s room.

Apache heard the words, suddenly turned into a bitter face, his eyes turned, the unscrupulous grandchildren and Mi Fu Rhodes looked over, and then ran to Sun Wukong’s room, and screamed: “Master, I report, Sun Sun and Mi Fu Luo Zi also have a share…”

“You three come together…”

“Apaci, you are a traitor!” Sun Sun and Mi Fu Luoz’s original gloating expression immediately solidify.

“hum hum, to die together, to be punished!”

Not long after, Sun Wukong’s room was the painful exclamation of the three grandchildren, just listening to the tone, how do you feel wrong? Are they being punished?

The corpse of the soul, the family of Xia Dalu, a secret dimly secret room.

“Is it broken by a broken face?” The old man listened to the men’s report standing in front of him, his face dignified: “There is such a strong face, but only…don’t tell me the adult is helping the glass Chiyoda?”

“I still can’t be sure. I only know that the glazed dynasty made a neighbor with the grown-up, because it rushed into his territory and smashed it, so it made the other party angry and was killed!”

“Check it out, be sure to check it out!” The old man’s face was gloomy, and even 1 revealed a horror in his eyes: “If the adult really wants to help her, we are afraid that there is no chance of winning, still doing the plan.” it is good…”

“Yes, this is the case!” The masked man is also a heavy face. The man who almost destroyed the whole body of the corpse is like a mountain that cannot be crossed. It can only give birth to helpless and desperate, whole The corpse community can’t be an enemy, let alone a family.

The masked man who has left, the old man’s face is full of worry: “Hope is just a coincidence…”

“Is that Sun Wukong really so powerful? I need all his information…” A man suddenly emerged from the dark corner…

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