The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 83—Red Dragonfly

“It seems that you are very confident about your strength! Still said, you simply don’t understand the power of the collapsed jade!” The indifference of the face of the collapsed jade blue: “So, let me show you here, the collapse of jade The infinite power contained in it!”

“No need!” Sun Wukong’s figure appeared in front of the collapsed jade blue dye, wearing his Hungarians with bare hands, and forcibly removed the collapsed jade, ka-cha, and shattered the jade instantly: “Because there is no need for that…”

“No…no…impossible!!!” Suddenly, the blue dyed eyes widened, and it was hard to believe what happened in the blink of an eye!

Was he combined with the collapse of jade, so he was defeated like this?

“Why? Why? I have already merged with the collapsed jade! It has become a perfect form! Why?! Why?!!!” Blue dyed at this moment, already collapsed, the cruel facts hit his original arrogance and confidence Smash!

“Your biggest error is… treat me as your enemy…” Sun Wukong watching blue dyed, a calm face: “If you don’t come to me specifically, combined with the power of Bai Yi, you can really realize your ambition.” Maybe maybe…”

“No! I can’t just lose it to you so easily! Impossible!” If the blue dyed madness, the flash appeared in front of Bai Yihu, even a palm hole wearing his Hungarian, will be a spiritual pressure They are all injected into the body of Bai Yihu…

The originally extremely weak white one protects the pressure of the sudden rise, and the imaginary power of the incomparable berserk erupts from his body, and it is completely blurred!

A bang, rushing toward Sun Wukong at a speed that is invisible to the naked eye!

“Be careful!!” Later, Yasushi Maru saw it and couldn’t help but exclaim.


Sun Wukong’s face was indifferent, and he took a shot on the head of the bull’s head. With a fierce roar, the cow’s head slammed into the ground and shook a huge hole with a depth of tens of meters, and the mask was shattered. I quit the completely blurred form and restored the original appearance of Kurosaki Ishiguro…

“My…Mom!!” Yasaka Maru and others were stunned by each and every one thoroughly. Together with the blue dye, they were also on the spot: “How could it be… it will be so strong…you are in the end…who is it?” ?!!”

Sun Wukong just smiled and didn’t answer, then burst into the sky: “It’s time to end!”

Endless void, Sun Wukong visually whole universe: “Now, you should also show up, the master of this world!” In the hands of the colorful light, Sun Wukong caught the endless universe explorer, the heaven and earth spirits instantly rioted , formed a spirit whirlpool of incomparable terror, condensed, gradually formed a woman’s figure…

This is a woman with a perfect figure, dressed in red, with long hair like a waterfall, the perfect face without a trace of embarrassment, slightly open the eyes of eternity planets/stars, revealing a trace of 1 Wen Fury, however, when she saw Sun Wukong in front of her, she looked slightly and succumbed to her, and bowed to Sun Wukong, which was extraordinarily respectful: “It turned out to be the god of Dimension, the little woman feels with pleasure!”

Obviously, the extremely respectful attitude of the Lord of this world made Sun Wukong slightly a little bit worried. The former landlord he met, who did not want to see him, tried to expel him or killed him. He had received such special treatment. .

However, it is relieved to think about it. He just used the power of Dimension. The owner of this world obvious regards him as the god of Dimension. The god of Dimension is above all the landlords. The Lord of this world has seen it naturally. Respectful.

This is the special treatment for the difference in identity. If Sun Wukong appears in front of the Lord of this world as a landlord, the treatment may be quite different.

“I am not the god of Dimension that you said in your mouth…” Sun Wukong tranquil and calm smiled, above the head, each and every one Dimension world emerged. The stunned Lord of this world was slightly stunned: “I am new. The Dimension God is now collecting various power systems to strengthen his Dimension, I need your world source beads, but you can choose to reject…”

“Rejection will be lifeless, right?” After the shock of the Lord of this world, he returned to calm again.

“What do you say?” Sun Wukong smiled.

“It’s really unfathomable! You have come to realize the new Dimension…” The watch of this world, Sun Wukong’s eyes are full of admirable looks: “But the TRUE Dimension god will not allow you to exist!”

“So I want to get stronger !”

“Yeah… that’s really interesting… are you trying to challenge the god of Dimension… Silence of eternal loneliness, finally welcoming something interesting… Death, there is no meaning for me, but, The road you walked has given me a bit of interest, and the source beads can give you, but you have to promise me a condition!”

“Tell me!”

“I want to be your sword, see how far you can go!” The Lord of the world smiled: “Is it really possible to open the way to the Dimension!”

Sun Wukong heard it, but hehe smiled: “You don’t have to doubt, because this is inevitable!”

“So, please give me a lot of advice…” The woman smiled awkwardly: “Please also remember my name – Hung Hom!” said, the woman’s delicate 1 body has disappeared into the Dimension road above Sun Wukong’s head…

With the stagnation of the red dragonfly, this side of the Dimension world is also shrinking at an alarming rate, absorbed by Sun Wukong’s Dimension way, forming a Dimension world!

Entering the Dimension Road, Sun Wukong has now become very easy and convenient to refine the Dimension world.

“Hung Hom?” Sun Wukong whispered in a whisper, the power of the hand surging, a red little sword condensed in his hand, carefully looked at, but a smile: “Sickle… It turned out to be Dimension The TRUE meaning of force… The power of all the power systems of Dimension world is the power of TRUE’s Dimension… It seems that I didn’t know enough about the Dimension god still!”

Saying, Sun Wukong’s figure has disappeared here, returning to the world of death, but now this Dimension world is already the world of Sun Wukong.

When Sun Wukong appeared in the virtual circle, all the battles had ended, and the blue dyed Sun Wukong left, but with the defeated Ulchiola and others have long since evacuated…

However, Sun Wukong is obviously too lazy to be in charge, because that is not what he is doing, still let the soul of the world to go to a headache…

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