The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 103—Hunting Whales

Sun Wukong did not pay attention to Kushiro, but turned to Annatasia: “We will continue to discuss the issue of ransom!”

“You…you are a madman!” Anantasia has been 1 by Sun Wukong and she is crying. “I don’t want to tell you about medical expenses? Do you need to make things happen? I give, I can’t give it back!”

The situation is stronger than people, and I have to compromise. Antasia is also no way. Combining all the experts of the kingdom, it is not the enemy of this person. The metamorphosis is simply unfathomable!

Even the kingdom can’t stand it, it can only destroy the wealth.

Cun Xiu saw here, with Felix Argyll (professed to be Felice) turned away, she did not hear any strange wind from Sun Wukong, this person does not seem to be the big evil in their imagination People, Antasia should not be in any danger, since there is no danger, still chasing beluga whales is more important, because beluga whales have accumulated countless hatreds with countless people.

“Wow! You really got 10,000 billion?!!” Fruth surprised and screamed, his face excited, watching Antasia’s eyes was like watching a golden mountain.

“10,000 billion is too exaggerated. I can’t sell it if I sell it. Can I have less?” Antasia looked sad.

“How is it possible! Goku brother said that you are rich and enemies! How can you not even have this money!” Firuut’s face is determined: “No price reduction, love is not given, no tears!”

Antasia is really nothing, a pair of dead pig doesn’t fear scalding water: “That’s your tear! Anyway, I can’t take it out, I am here, you love how to do it!”

“How much can you come up with?” For the question of money, Fierut appears to be very serious.

“Up to 100 million holy gold coins…” Anantasia rolled her eyes and her face hurt.

“How much is the difference between 100 million and 10,000?” Firute looked at Sun Wukong.

People have less reading, this number is too big to understand.

“There are still nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine hundred million!”

“Nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine? So much?” Fei Lut immediately did not do: “Even nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine can not get out, but also said that he is the first largest chamber of commerce, who is cheating! ”

Annatasia was so worried that she had scratched her scalp. She was already very sure. The little girl in front of her did not know the astronomical figures represented by 10,000 billion: “That is nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. Billion, not nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine holy gold coins!”

“How big is the difference?” Fierut looked serious.

Ana Tatasia did not speak, you told me how to explain to you.

When Fei Lut saw it, his eyes turned, hum hum said: “Forget it, since you can’t get it, then give it a hundred million, and the other ones owe it. Whenever there is a day, there is Goku anyway. My brother is, I am not afraid of your debt!” Saying, take out the paper and hand to Annatasia: “Take an account!”

Anantasia hesitated for a long time, and finally she was helplessly signed on the owed, and paid 100 million holy gold coins to complete the matter.

The little girl Luo Loli, who has been pinched in the hands of Sun Wukong, met, but her eyes were shining. The eyes of watching Sun Wukong have already flashed the little stars of worship: “Wow! This earns 100 million holy gold coins. It’s so powerful! I also let the Xinxin Chamber of Commerce’s owe a debt of 1 stocks… It’s like kidnapping to make money! It seems that when the mercenary has no money, should I call the head of the delegation?”

Sun Wukong heard the words, suddenly no words, so dangerous, how could it be said from the mouth of such a cute catwoman Lolita, it seems that I have to talk to her head.

“You, come over!” The matter of Ana Tassia was solved, and Sun Wukong looked over at Priscilla, who was hiding.

“You… what do you want?” Priscilla suddenly felt nervous, and Sun Wukong’s strength had already scared her. If she didn’t see it, she wouldn’t believe it, and there is still such a thing in the world. The powerful person exists. It is no wonder that people dare to kidnap the candidates of the king in Wang Guangming, because they have not seen this country in their eyes.

“Don’t think that you can stay out of the way and get out of it. Come over, I promise not to kill you!”

“I want to move the Priscilla master, first from my…” Al struggled from the ground and stood in front of Priscilla, but before he finished, he was kicked out by Sun Wukong. : “Where is so much nonsense…”

“You…what do you want? If you want money, it will be for you…” Priscilla stunned and fell back again, as if Sun Wukong had to force XNUM to rape her.

“Money is not Hoi-Poi, I just want to marry you now!”

“Hey me? It’s not a gentleman’s act to beat a woman!” Priscilla was even more nervous.

“Go to his 1 mom 1 gentleman!” Sun Wukong put Priscilla on his lap, facing her 1 hips is a snap shot of the crackle and rattle, this woman turned over the face before the book He still remembers the fast behavior…

On the other hand, under the leadership of Ku Xi Xiu, whether it is the Knights, still mercenaries, or the kingdom army, in the process of chasing the beluga, the sky is getting dark…

Unconsciously, they have chased the plains of Rufas, but the beluga whales have no trace…

In the silence, I always can’t feel the Ki of the formidable magic beast. Only the people who are rushing for the road 1 promote the breathing…

“Damn! Where did you go!” Wilhelm looked unwilling, and he could avenge his wife, but the enemy suddenly lost his trace, which made him very angry.

“Still let it run?” Cui Xiu’s regret: “The magic beast that no one can solve for four hundred years is not so good hunting!”

Just as everyone vented their unfortunate emotions, the moonlight was gradually covered by Yunxia, ​​and a huge shadow was covering the plains.

After looking up, Cui Xiu repair Eyes miniature, cloudlight covering the moonlight slowly lowered the height, approaching the front, it is not Yunxia, ​​it is a magical beast floating in the air, scarlet eyes revealing the murder!

Yes, the current white whale is like a wounded beast, a very insane madness. It was ruined by Sun Wukong before it was ruined. Now, the ants are coming to fight its idea, and it can’t be angry. ? So, after staying away from Sun Wukong, it is ready to vent this unspeakable anger in the group of people who don’t know how to live!

“It’s a beluga whale! It’s coming again!”

A complex voice full of surprises and hatred and tension suddenly rang out, and everyone tightened their nerves in an instant and prepared for the battle! ….

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