The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 105, Rolling and Back Rolling

Before the beluga’s body flipped, Wilhelm gently leaped the sword under his feet, perfectly drawing a round of wounds, but he himself was still forced to jump down when the beluga wrestled his body!

Screaming, blood and fog flying, when landing on the ground, the sword ghost who was half-stained with blood spots was laughing, and the hatred that suppressed the fourteen years was vented at this moment.

The roar reverberates in the sky, and the beluga whales aim at the falling sword on the ground, but it is the cage that was first rushed to go away, leaving only the white whale angry!

It wanted to pursue the angry and give the man a fatal blow that left many wounds on his body. However, countless guns bombarded it again, and the crowds scattered under the command of Ku Xixiu. A new round of attacks.

Away from the range of beluga attacks, Wilhelm’s body 1 was crumbling, and the wound was split by intense exercise. At this time, he had symptoms of excessive blood loss.

“Don’t just look at the sword ghosts, white rough! Your opponents are still pinching!” Ricard, who was sitting in Lycra, shouted, his mount leaping to the sky and running on the body of the beluga. Filled in the position of Wilhelm.

“Oh, drink!” Ricardo sat on the Leica, screaming, making a more fierce animal than the fierce animal, waving a machete and tearing the skin, and the machete directly hit the white back. The whale squatted and dug the beluga to the teeth that were surrounded by the person, and after the slamming, the yellowed teeth flew out.

“Yar Goya!!” Then, the sings of many people overlap, and the fiery aurora was born. Blaze burned from the accumulated wounds, and the cockroach was screaming into the sky.

The overwhelming battle is a unilateral killing. This kind of favorable situation makes everyone full of excitement, because they seem to see the dawn of victory. The beluga, one of the three magic beasts in the legend, is about to end. In their hands, this is a glory worth writing for a lifetime.

However, the next moment, everyone Eyes tightened and looked desperate!

Because after a white fog, three huge fish-shaped 1 bodies appeared in front of everyone, this is not a white whale, but turned into three! On the top of the head, there is also a bright halo, and the eyes are more scarlet.

“What happened! How did it become three?”

“I have never heard of beluga still crowded magic beast!!”

Originally, I saw a little bit of light, and all of them were desperate. One has already caused them to suffer heavy casualties. If they are coming at both ends, then it is not necessary to destroy the whole army!

“What is going on here?” Cui Xiu repaired a serious face, staring at the white whale in the air, trying to find a trace of flaws.

But the violent beluga whales will not give them too much time, the smashing of the air screams, a leap high, away from the range, two swooping down, almost like a net from the cast!

Numerous attacks attacked the two beluga whales in an instant, and there was a fierce black blood rain!

However, the two beluga whales turned a blind eye to their own injuries, let others attack, and they slammed into the crowd with the force of terror. For a moment, people screamed and screamed, only this collision, and It’s a few people who don’t crush it into a meatloaf!

But this is not a play, countless white fog is released from the body of two beluga whales, turned into a thick smoke, sweeping spread to all directions, once swallowed by white mist, together with his existence will be forgotten by everyone!

“Retire! Retreat!!!”

Kui repaired and screamed, and the invisible sword in his hand waved, and the sword was sprayed thinly, and the thick white mist was scattered!

At this time, the night is coming, and the sky is already dark…

The situation on the battlefield has turned sharply. If the beluga whale is blood-stained, then the situation is completely reversed!

Although the two landing beluga whales have become targets, the madness and unrelenting sentiment is the fear of all people!

At the beginning, because of the morale of Kushiro’s command, when each and every one of the companions lost their beasts, they shook their fears, morale turned sharply, and they no longer dared to attack, and even fall back, fearing the next one. The one who will die will be himself!

Despair shrouded everyone, the magic beast in the legend 1 out of its savage fangs, telling the ants in the eyes with a terror gesture, its majesty can not be invaded by 1!

In the original work, there is also a dish of Angkor active in the field, pointing out that the beluga whales are weak, while attracting the hatred of the beluga, others can safely output, and there are Rem’s side-by-side policy, plus the sword of the flourishing prime condition This is a dangerous solution to the beluga.

But now the can attracts the beluga firepower, points out that the beluga whales are weak, and the protagonist who can raise the popularity of the public is not present, but the situation is completely different!

No one can attract the hatred of the beluga, making the two beluga whales raging in the crowd, and the ground hitting the road is a groan.

“Damn! It can’t be done in this way!” Cui Xiu repaired an anxious look, seeing a famous companion being killed, and his heart was slammed, but the more she did, the more she needed to remain calm: “Why? Why are they still suffering from such a serious injury? Can they be the same as nothing? Why is this in the end?!!”

“don’t tell me Don’t you think that the white whale that is hiding high in the clouds is unusual?”

At the time of Kui Xiu’s anxious contemplation, he heard a reminder of tranquil and calm, but looked at it with a look of an accident: “Is it you? When did you come?” She is clear. I remember that my side is empty, and these people don’t tell me.

“It’s a ‘嗖’ and it’s here!” Excited by the face of Sun Wukong as a mascot in the arms of a young cat, Lori Mimi XimiX: “It’s really a ‘嗖’! ”

Kushen repaired his eyebrows and wrinkles. Now, it’s not about how Sun Wukong suddenly appeared here. Watching him, his face is serious: “What did you mean… What do you mean?”

“So you haven’t found the weakness of this obvious. You can be a little unqualified as a united man!” Sun Wukong pinched the face of 1, the 1 feels good: “A high hiding in the air.” Two people forget to die, don’t tell me, you didn’t see anything?”

“This is really weird, but what can you explain?” Cui Xiu repaired a modest eagerness.

“It’s stupid!” Sun Wukong slammed on her head: “The body is hiding in the air, and clone is attacking!”

“Clone?” The library was repaired slightly, and both hands suddenly realized: “It turns out!” Sun Wukong reminded me that Kui Shuo was suddenly stunned and didn’t think about it. She couldn’t think of it. .

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