The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 107 is called a free and easy

“I am not giving you a chance to perform, and let me deal with the beluga, this is like holding a magic cannon to fight flies, too bully!” Sun Wukong watching Felice smiled.

“When is this all the time, do you still have a mood to make a joke?” Felice looked anxious, and the people who lost their lives in the mouth of the beluga were more then one or two. Seeing Sun Wukong, she was so indifferent that she was angry. This reminds me of Wilhelm’s evaluation of Sun Wukong: life like ants.

“don’t tell me This guy is so cold-blooded?”

“It’s not cold-blooded, it’s not about life like an ant…” Sun Wukong glanced at Felix’s mind: “It’s just all living things. It’s equal in my eyes, it’s life, there’s no higher royalties, of course. You didn’t reach this realm, you can’t understand what I think, so I don’t have to explain it to you!”

“You…you…can you see through my mind?!!” Felice watched Sun Wukong with a look of vigilant fall back.

Sun Wukong just smiles, doesn’t answer, can read people’s minds, but everybody’s XNAX is forbidden, naturally not good, he doesn’t want to see Felice and others avoiding him when he sees him. Not too much.

“Don’t say this first!” See Sun Wukong for not answering, and Felice is not asking. Watching has once again vacated the beluga whale from the ground, it is an anxious look, at the same time, two beluga clones are also rushing into The crowd, the direction is their side, Felice hurriedly screamed: “Run! The beluga whales over us!”

It is reasonable to say that if the white whale is scared to escape when he sees Sun Wukong, why dare he attack in the direction of Sun Wukong?

In fact, this is because of Sun Wukong’s reason. He is afraid that after seeing him, the beluga immediately turned and fled, so he closed the beluga’s vision and perception of him. Now the beluga whale is impossible to see the perception of Sun. The existence of Wukong, so the two clones rushed over without any scruples!

Rem hurriedly stopped in front of Sun Wukong, releasing Mana and sang: “Yarsuma!” A huge ice crystal column slashed out in an instant, and instantly penetrated a white that accelerated the impact. The squat of the whale clone prevented the road from moving on!

But the other clone still wanders with the heavy airflow close to the ground, and the body is sprayed with fog, confusing the sight, while the fog will smear the 1 touched plain ground like dissolved, wherever it goes. Anything is smouldering!

The white whale called “magic beast of fog” has roughly two types of “fog”.

One is a spread-like fog that wants to cover the whole street and expand its own swimming domain.

The other is the eradicating fog that just disappeared from the whole earth in front of the eyes. Any thing contaminated by the vanishing type of mist, including people, will be dissolved and dead!

The destructive nature of the destructive nature of the fog, its threat can be understood at a glance, the destructive power is not necessary to say, everyone just saw, they have fled!


Drinking a flash of aura, the sound of bravery dispels the fog, and the white scenery in front of him is suddenly cut open. Fog to the distance.

Kusui rudely wiped the sweaty forehead and gasped on the back of the cage. She had more then once again dispelling the fog, which is also extremely consuming Mana and physical strength.

It’s just that the fog of extinction has been dispelled, but the huge terror of the beluga clown is with unparalleled pressure and even near!

Just the heavy Ki, let Kui Xiu repair a sense of suffocation.

Although the magic beast is in full swing, Kusui Xiu is not in a mess, once again wielding an invisible sniper, leaving a wound in the head of the beluga whale!

Then I saw that the white whale had enlarged its black hole and blocked all the retreats of Kui Xiu, not to mention her. I am afraid that even the cage she sat down would be swallowed by the whole belly!

After Kui’s self-cultivation, it was Filith, Rem, Sun Wukong, and the deputy head of the Orc Mercenary’s Iron Man, 1, who was held in his arms by Sun Wukong; and was Sun Wukong. Together with Priscilla, Anantasia two women.

Look at this posture, if Kui Xiu repair is eaten, then Sun Wukong and others behind her are naturally difficult to escape!

Such a situation, scared Annacia and Priscilla’s facial expression pale, no longer noble and elegant, and screamed at the same time: “Fast! Stop it! Stop it! To be eaten!”

In this situation, if Sun Wukong does not shoot, then only watched the sister papers that were eaten by the beluga.

Helpless shaking his head, he did not want to shoot, just want to see a lively, but unfortunately the beluga is not long-sighted!

But then again, this is not to blame yourself for closing the visual perception of beluga whales, or else it dares to rush over to you?

Just when Kushiro was feeling that he was about to be swallowed, he saw Sun Wukong’s figure flashing in front of her, and her hands were in a pocket, showing so casually, then kicking it out, but It’s a burst of ‘嘭’ and the startling the heavens roar!

This seemingly light foot in the middle of the white whale squatting, I saw the huge head of the beluga whale instantly lifted, and continuously turned in the air for a dozen three hundred and sixty degrees of backflip, ‘嘭’, fell to the ground As with the earthquake, some people who are not standing still sit down on the ground with 1 stocks!

Under the horror of countless people, the beluga clone swayed and swayed his head and flew away from the distance. The head of ‘嘭’ slammed into a towering old tree, a dizzy In the gaze, it fell to the ground, and then the sound of ‘噗’ turned into a white mist disintegration dissipated!

“This this…”

Everyone was shocked and stunned by the scene in front of them. They couldn’t help but kill the beluga clone, so they were dissipated by the disintegration of Sun Wukong’s casual kick.

“Lost… so strong!!” Kusui Xiu is also a burst of hair, she asked herself to look at Sun Wukong very much, but I didn’t expect that still far from him, he was forformable to the magical beast of the fog. The level that beats one foot is simply unimaginable. Just like the witch in the legend, listening to the name is frightening and desperate.

“Oh oh!!!”

At the moment of Sun Wukong’s footing, the white whale body in the sky has already perceived his existence, and immediately uttered a sorrowful and fearful mourning. Under the eyes of countless people, he turned and fled. The back, it was called a simple That is a free and easy, without hesitation…

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