The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The 120th 12 chapter

“Goku adults!”

For Leonea, who couldn’t listen to him, Shayou was very helpless. He could only look at Sun Wukong for help. He found that Sun Wukong had already ran to Xier and set up with her: Hey, everyone is a colleague, and I know Sun Xikong.”

“I am Xier, I am very glad to meet you…” Xier smiled generously, but the appearance of Wen Jing did not see that she still had the property of being natural.

Shayou took a forehead and was silent.

This has made people a colleague, is it promised to join NightRaid?

Shayou broke away from Leo Nai, walked to Sun Wukong and pulled him away from Xier’s side. Her heart was a bit savoury: “Goku, you really want to join NightRaid? This is the killer organization!”

“What’s the relationship? Anyone who doesn’t look at the surface, some people look glamorous, but the inside is ugly and cannot bear. Some people are ugly, but the inside is incomparable. And NightRaidobvious belongs to the latter, so don’t be influenced by outside rumors. “Sun Wukong touched Shake’s long, soft hair, and he said.”

“Yes, I understand!” Shayou heard the words and slammed for a while, only then nodded very seriously, a portrait of being taught.

“This is very good! You are called Sun Wukong, right? I started to like you a little!” Na Jiexitan shot with both hands, watching Sun Wukong’s eyes are bright.

“Like!!” Lubbock heard, his heart was tight and his face was tense. Looking at Sun Wukong’s eyes full of vigilance, but because of the secret love of Najie Xitan joined the night attack NightRaid, just look at this posture, a little bad, but don’t be fooled by this guy.

“Listen to what you said, it’s a pleasure for the court…” Sun Wukong smiled and extended his right hand to Nazi Xitan: “Sun Wukong…”

“Na Jie Xitan, welcome to join NightRaid!” Na Jie Xi Tan extended 1 left hand, held together with Sun Wukong, and then greeted other members: “Come here, come and meet each other!”

“I am Ma Yin, hehe!”

“Red 瞳…” Akasaka watched Sun Wukong’s gaze with a hint of eagerness, because of Leona’s words, she was full of expectations for Sun Wukong’s thing.

“Labcock…” Lubbock watching Sun Wukong’s eyes hide a hint of vigilance and hostility, that is to look at the eyes of the enemy, because Najie Xitan’s words made him very concerned.

“Hey ~ brother! I am Brett (Brand), before that is really strong enough, do you want to talk to me?” Brand’s eyes are full of war.

“If you want to challenge Goku’s adult, let me pass the first pass!” Shake took a step forward and blocked it in front of Sun Wukong.

“This is not a challenge, it is just a friendship between the companions!” Brand looked serious. There are two different concepts to discuss and challenge.

“Alright, let’s talk about it, let me know how your two hands are, so that you can arrange the task!” Najie Xitan nodded, understand the strength of the companions, this is an extremely important part because of their mission It is very dangerous. It is necessary to do what you can to ensure the safety of your peers and minimize the possibility of sacrifice.

“Shayou, you will not intervene in the duel between men, let me go to learn from you, before we have not yet won the game!” Leo Nai watching Shayou’s eyes eager to try. As an emperor, if you lose to the ordinary person, it makes her a little dissatisfied.

“Go, there is a rival who is quite a fan but a rare practice!”

Listening to Sun Wukong, Sai has nodded. “I also want to see what kind of level the emperor has made forformable!”

Said, pulling the sword to the open space.

“come on!”

Leo Nai’s soft 1 drink, a moment of body transformation: “My beastly king has a strong self-recovery Ability, so don’t be afraid to hurt me!”

“Yes! I also want to see what I am now, what level has it reached!” Shayou smiled slightly, holding the sword in his hand, and it seemed to be arrogant: “Be careful!”

At the foot of the foot, holding the sword, the speed is fast, and immediately rushed to the front of Leo Nai, a sword cross the abdomen!

Since Leonard has said that the injury does not matter, then as long as it does not attack her key, no problem? Therefore, Shayou’s sword at the moment did not hesitate.

Leo Nai was short, with both hands on the ground, and a side kicked and kicked towards Shake’s abdomen.

Because the food is enhanced by the food, although the food is relatively low-level ingredients, but Shaw’s perception has been strengthened and it is very sensitive. At the moment of Leo’s footing, it is also a retreat. O’Neill kicked the past.

The two feet collided and a soft bang, both of them were shocked to a fall back two or three steps before they stabilized their body shape.

Only this point, let Najie Xitan they exposed 1 out of surprise, to know that Leo Nai is now strengthened by the emperor, the power is so great; and Shayou is completely against the form of the ordinary, even can It is equally divided with her.

The two women came to me, because they only learned from each other, and there was no bloody scene, but they also saw Akasaka. They were a look of praise.

The emperor has to use the emperor to confront, this is the iron that all emperors make clear, but when they come to Shayou, they are completely subverted, how can they not be surprised?

The two women studied for ten minutes, still no matter what the outcome, Na Jie Xitan shot clap, stopped the two: “Okay, already can, if it is not a life and death duel, it is difficult for you to distinguish the winner! ”

Brand praised: “It’s amazing. If she has a suit that suits her, I want to be stronger!”

“Now, it’s your turn!” Najie Xitan looked at Sun Wukong and smiled slightly: “I am looking forward to your performance!”

When Lubbock heard it, his face suddenly became black: “Sure enough, it’s not good! Nazi Xitan will not really look at this guy?”

“If you learn from each other…” Sun Wukong heard the words, but he faintly waved, thinking about his new Dimension god, to learn from an ordinary person? Got it, I can’t afford a trace of interest.

“Don’t you want to see my craft?” Sun Wukong walked over to the campfire and smiled. “There is just a spot here, let me go to show you a hand!”

Saying, from the arms of ‘throwing’ countless bottles and cans, filled the ground, seeing them red and their each and every one full of questions: “You can penetrate so many things in this pocket?”

“This is the secret 1 secret!” Sun Wukong smiled, turned the roast meat, evenly spread the prepared ingredients, making the barbecue a golden-bright and dazzling moment, the seductive fragrance made everyone feel a strong Hunger…

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