The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 126, Esdeath

However, for a moment, Sun Wukong had already helped Najta to apply the medicine, and Najta felt the itchiness of the right eye and the right hand broken arm. He clenched his teeth and looked at Sun Wukong. “Why do I feel so itchy? Are you sure you are not whole?”

PS: Najihithan is Najta, but since someone said that watching Najta is pleasing to the eye, it will be renamed Najta.

“Itching is right, because your right eye and the broken right arm are growing rapidly. This is normal. You don’t have to worry, but the right eye and right hand that you reborn will not become deformed. I am recommended. You still fall asleep during this period!”

“How long will it take?” Najta was excited at the moment because she could clearly feel that her to shatter’s eyes and the broken right arm were slowly regenerating new ones. flesh and blood…

“About three days or so, three days later, when you wake up, the right eye and the right hand will be reborn.”

“As long as three days?” Najta sighed slightly and screamed: “trouble you call Xier in!”

Sun Wukong heard the words and snorted: “Xier, Najta told you to come in!”

“I said you can’t go out and shout?” Najta licked some of the shocked right ears and watched Sun Wukong’s helplessness.

“BOSS, your eyes and your right hand…” Xier just entered the door and was scared by the image of Najta at the moment. The right eye mask disappeared, and the mecha arm was also dismantled. She thought that what happened was a big change.

“It’s okay, let Goku treat me for a while, saying that after three days my right eye and right hand will grow again!”

“Re-grow it up?” Xier’s face was stunned, and then it’s a surprise: “Really? Really can’t grow again?”

“Actually, I don’t really believe it, still wait for three days to say it!” Najta’s facial expression shook, and the itchiness on the wound made her somewhat intolerant: “In the meantime, I will sleep for three days.” Time, three days, don’t let anyone come in and disturb me… No, it’s too itchy, Goku, you still stun me!”

Sun Wukong reached out and gently clicked on the neck artery of Najta. Najta immediately turned his eyes and lie on the chuang.

“Good watch, don’t let anyone come in and disturb her, don’t let anyone touch the movement, she doesn’t care about food. After three days, wait for her to wake up!” Sun Wukong watching Xier is very serious. .

“Know it… that, Goku, BOSS’s right eye and arm can really grow out?” Xier was full of anticipation and curiosity.

“Of course, you can see it yourself in the past few days!” Sun Wukong waved his hand and walked out of the room: “Now I am going to chase them, and Next will ask you…”

“I can’t do other things. If you look at someone, it’s absolutely no problem!” Xier said with a vow: “I will never let anyone disturb BOSS!”

Sun Wukong nodded and left the base alone… In a jungle of no one, his body flashed and disappeared.

Sun Wukong didn’t go looking for Akasaka or to protect him behind him. For him, no matter where he is, he can clearly understand the safety of Shayou and the moment they are in danger. When you show up, even if it doesn’t appear, a thought is enough to extend 1’s help and save them.

North of the race.

The Northern Expeditionary Force and the Northern Landrace are beginning to unfold and cruelly kill, saying that it is killing, it is better to say that this is a one-sided slaughter 1 kill!

In the face of the northern conscription forces, there is no counter-attack in the Northland, and the reason why they have been insisting is because they still have the last hope in their hearts. I hope that they will have a different race in the hands of the race. Lead everyone, fight back the strong enemy, and create the glory of the past!

It is a pity that the cruel fact is that they shot down to the bottom of the abyss. They have been convinced that the North Brave, in front of Esdeath, was actually defeated in a face! The North Brave was captured and tied to a sinister slave chain.

The numerous high-level races that have been defeated are also tied to wooden stakes like animals. ‘1 suffers from the torture law and cruel killing of the northern conquests!

“It’s a general Esdeath. In the blink of an eye, it has crusade the northern race!” The adjutant looked at Esdeath, who was sitting on the main character. His tone and eyes were filled with the respect and worship of unlimited.

“I didn’t expect this to be the North Brave, it’s dull, let’s die!” Esdeath held the chain, sitting flat on the stone seat, watching falling to the ground, adding 1 to his shoes, self-respect and character were destroyed. The man who is a waste in the wheel is full of disdain in his eyes, and his right foot turns into a beautiful arc, kicking off the other’s throat!

Standing up and standing up, Esdeath looked at the different races that were restricted on the stakes. The eyes were arrogant and indifferent, and the aura of the domineering aura: “don’t tell me, there is no one to satisfy me.” Opponent?”

“This is really domineering!” The slightly ridiculous voice suddenly sounded behind everyone.


Everyone was practically turned around and looked at the high wall behind him, but saw a man who didn’t know when he was sitting at random. He was interested in watching the goddess they admire most: “The body is full of cold, Ki, source.” Since the coldness of the soul, longing for the deep killing of 1戮 and the war, you are simply natural-born born for the war and killing 1, and it is not so famous, I like you a little!”

“Who? Dare to overreaching here!” Liva, one of the three priests, sighed and waved, and the water in the pool was carved into a water cage and bite away at Sun Wukong!

Sun Wukong’s figure flashed, and the moment disappeared. The water cage was bombarded in the place where he was, a roar, and a corner of the high wall was knocked out with a huge gap!

The next moment, ‘嘭’, Liwa has been slammed into the ground by Sun Wukong, and his body is deeply trapped in the ground, losing consciousness!

“How, think about going with me?” Sun Wukong looked at Esdeath and smiled.

However, the answer to him is that it is surrounded by an angry drink: “Get it!”

Niu and several other figures attacked Sun Wukong in the past…

“I am talking to your generals. Shouldn’t you consciously be obedient?” Indifferent words are introduced into everyone’s ears, and a terror Ki that is shocking is gone. Except Esdeath, everyone It is unconscious and falls to the ground…

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