The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 141, the person of the heart

Esdeath didn’t want to stop for a moment, with his own adjutant and a few powerful assistants, riding an extremely dangerous species and flying back to the Imperial City overnight.

The day was just bright, and the little emperor was called by the minister because of Esdeath’s glimpse.

In the main hall of the palace, Esdeath stands on one knee, followed by her entourage, while the little emperor sits above the emperor, and the minister stays with him.

“General Esdeath, the suppression in the north is very beautiful. As a reward, I have prepared 10,000 Golden for you…” The little emperor was sitting high, and there was also a aura who was a monarch.

Esdeath stands on one knee and respectfully, and the right hand is placed in the left Hungarian: “Thank you for your reward, I will send it to the soldiers who are staying there to guard against the North. I think they will be very happy!”

The Minister holds the 1 group of meat, and the eyes of watching Esdeath are a slap in the face: “Esdeath has no interest in politics and rights. It is everything that wins the battle and ravages the opponent. I am in control of this country. She can also be willing to do so. Consistent… it’s the most powerful card…”

Esdeath raised his head and looked at the little emperor: “Since I returned to the emperor, the [NightRaid] that hinders my sleep, I will annihilate it!”

“trouble general!” The little emperor was sitting on the throne: “In addition to Golden, I want to give the general some other rewards. Do you have any requirements?”

“Well, this is hard to say…”

“how is it?”

Esdeath is outspoken: “I hope can talk about 1 love once…”


Not only the little emperor was shocked, but even the minister was amazed and opened his mouth. Presumably he did not think that this iceberg female god would say such a thing.

And several subordinates behind Esdeath, each and every one face helplessness, and even two of them covered with bandages, they were implicated by Esdeath because they could not find the person.

Silence for a moment, the little emperor beats the palm of his hand, concealing the mistakes and stagnation: “Yes… that’s it… After all, the general is a young man, but still alone, so I will introduce you to several objects! For example, this minister How do you think?”

The minister heard the words, suddenly panicked: “Hey… Your Majesty!!”

With the cruel character of Esdeath, Rao is not a traitor, he does not dare to accept it in his own harem! This is a snake girl who will always have a life!

Esdeath’s face was dull: “I’m blunt, the Minister’s suffering from high blood pressure is already precarious…”

The minister heard the words, suddenly mad: “It’s rude! Don’t look at me like this, I am very healthy!”

Esdeath directly ignores: “And, I already have a favorite person, I will not bother with the troubles. If you really want to help the minister, please please post the empire to post a list, and find someone for the minister!”

“Oh ~ show it to you!” The little emperor suddenly revealed that 1 had a curious look, and the minister was also a look of gossip.

Esdeath tranquil and calm smashed up, and Liwa, one of the three priests standing behind him, stood up and took a picture from his arms and walked up to the minister who was taken over. before.

The minister threw the meat 1 group into his mouth, and took the greasy hand to take the portrait, but it greeted Esdeath’s cold eyes, and suddenly his movements were in the same place: “Don’t use your Dirty hands touch my beloved portrait!”

The minister shook his face. At this moment, he was extremely angry in his heart, but in front of Esdeath, he did not dare to attack, because he could not beat it!

He will never doubt that if he wants to make any extraordinary moves, the iceberg girl will definitely kill himself!

Because of the cold eyes, it is definitely not a joke, and my heart has become somewhat dignified: “It seems that Esdeath is not kidding this time… after all, it is just a woman…”

“Well~still Come on!” Just as the atmosphere was heavy, the little emperor left the emperor and came forward: “Minister, your hand is really dirty, this is a portrait of the loved one of General Esdeath. If it is stained with oil, it would be too rude…” He said, he had already taken the portrait from Liwa’s hand and returned to his emperor to sit down again.

“The lesson is that this is indeed a number of rudeness…” The minister changed his face quickly, and it was also amazing. Although his heart was angry, he was also free to take it. He was a big traitor. The skill of changing his face was absolutely full.

“The old minister is also very curious, what can the person who is so fascinated by General Esdeath grow up?” The minister said, returning to the side of the little emperor and stalking his head.

“Then let’s take a look together!” The little emperor opened the picture slowly, and a tall, strong and handsome man appeared on the picture. The person on the picture, isn’t Sun Wukong? !

“Hey~ It’s really awesome, a talented person, just look at the portrait, you know that this person is absolutely extraordinary! No wonder you will be fascinated by General Esdeath!” The little emperor watched the album with two eyes: “I don’t know who is the surname?”

“Sun Wukong!”

“Sun Wukong? The name is a bit strange…” The little emperor snorted and said: “Well, you will make a photocopy of this portrait, post it over the empire, and you will definitely find this person for General Esdeath!”

Esdeath heard the words and bowed his head and said: “Then please squat down… but one thing please note…”

“Oh? What?”

“After finding him, let him know, don’t use strong, because you can’t bring him back with strong! But it will increase casualties!” Esdeath looked serious.

“Oh? don’t tell me This person is very strong?” The minister suddenly came to interest.

“Strong!” Esdeath replied in a very positive tone.

“Can get Esdeath general to such an evaluation, and you can get your dear, I really want to come here.” The minister heard the words, and both eyes suddenly got up. Esdeath is extremely terror, and if he is coming, can he still control the current situation?

“It’s more powerful! It’s just a metamorphosis!” The Liwa people in the rear, still remembering the scene at the time, still trembled, but people just released Ki, they gave them a whole round of the team to give the seconds! Is this special still person?

After they all fainted, although they didn’t know exactly what Esdeath and the grown-ups were, but after they were awake, they saw soft to the ground, and they trembled 1 to shake more then Esdeath, using the fart 1 shares, they all know how the ending is, they Unbeaten goddess, defeated! ….

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