The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 145 is alive and dead

“——Celebrity Eubilitas, in the name of absolute justice, here ruling sinister, Iokar, let it be!”

Seeing such a cruel scene, the celluloid was full of anger, and the heart of justice in the heart was suddenly bursting. Perhaps it was spent in the Imperial Guard for a long time. The criminals were arrested and rushed forward to arrest each other by force. Therefore, now she also No exception, she never thought she was here as an assassin.

“Cello, wait!” Xier hurriedly wanted to hold the celluloid, but unfortunately, it was already a step late, a big drink, the celluloid has been going down, a few jumps, killing from the window…

As a last resort, Xier held the [Essence] and hurriedly jumped, followed up…

“This is really a bit of a bloody!” Sun Wukong smiled and his body flashed, and it was already in the room.

Suddenly, Iowal was shocked. When I saw Xier, the facial expression was more dignified, but I didn’t panic: “[Xier? of [NightRaid]” said, and stopped looking. Celluloid’s body: “Are you not the celluloid of the Imperial Police? Even with the [NightRaid] people together?don’t tell me Have you betrayed the empire?”

“To say more than a scum like you will feel a shameful 1 in a lifetime!” Sai Yu looked upright and screamed 1: “Iokar, I represent [NightRaid], in the name of absolute justice Here, ruling on you, take your life!”

Said, Jiao 1 body flashed, holding the sword to Iokar stabbed in the past!

“Protect adults!”

The five mercenaries on the side screamed, and three of them immediately attacked the three races of Sai, Xier and Sun Wukong. Two of them took Iokar behind them, and more guards used it. His body 1 body will be surrounded by Iokar!

“Don’t think that being protected by so many people, I can’t kill you!” Ma Yin, who had already arrived, stood on top of a roof and watched Iokar, who had been surrounded by the group, disdainful and deep breathing. , instantly entered a highly concentrated spiritual form …

Pull the trigger, a beam of instant spurt out!

“not good!!”

The three mercenaries that they killed in Sun Wukong watched the dazzling beam flashing, and they were all shocked. But when they just turned around and wanted to return, they listened to ‘pfff’ and they heard something. Throughout the sound, Iokar has been killed by an instant!

“Task is complete!” Ma Yin got up and stood up and smiled.


The employer was assassinated in front of himself, causing the five mercenaries’ facial expressions to be ugly! However, the next moment, the dying light is vainly screaming behind a mercenary: “Battle is distracted, but the most deadly!”

The cold light flashed away, accompanied by blood, a big head stood straight …

The mercenary who rushed to Xier’s past, at the moment of Iokar’s murder, was slightly divided, and he was already cut off by the natural-born Xier’s scissors, which is suitable as a killer!

The mercenary who rushed to Sun Wukong in the past was used by Sun Wukong to pinch his long sword with two fingers, and he tried his best to withdraw it.

Xier on the side saw the plane, turned around, and the hands of [Essence] turned into a cold light and cut his head!

Sun Wukong hurriedly loosened his sword in his hand, a little under his feet, and took a fall back to avoid the blood that splashed out. Watching Xier praised: “The reaction is good, that is, the means is too bloody!”

“I only want to kill and kill. If you pay too much attention to blood and blood, how many times you die is not enough!” Xier said with a serious look.

“It’s just a matter of saying it!” Sun Wukong smiled and looked at the celluloid.

Although there is no emperor, but the strength of the celluloid itself is also good, and her opponent is just an ordinary mercenary who is still quite good, so the two fights for a while, the celluloid is also a successful solution to their own opponent.

In the blink of an eye, three companions died, and the employer also died together. The two mercenaries underneath were also uncomfortable. I knew that there was no chance of winning. I hurriedly pulled back and jumped out of the window to escape…

The rest of the guards see this situation, and they dare to do more stays, all of them are doing birds and beasts, and fleeing…

It’s just that the two mercenaries who escaped were not so lucky. They were robbed by Shayou and Tazmi, but they only managed to kill the two mercenaries!

Watching The women in the room who are tied and covered with whiplash, Shayou each and every one are unbearable, angry!

“These beasts! Still people!” Tazmi slammed his fist on the wall to vent his hatred.

“Habits are just fine!” Xier is relatively calm, but “there is nothing like this. In the imperial capital, it is just a glimpse of that’s all … we [night attack NightRaid] also exist…”

“They…how to deal with it?” Shayou watched those women who were rescued but still dead, could not bear it.

She knows why these women were saved but still still this expression, people are saved, but their hearts are dead!

Sun Wukong waved his hand and the ropes that bound them all fell off, and their own whip marks disappeared.

With the disappearance of blood and scars, what is presented is a spring 1 light that lures 1! Tazmihe had seen such a scene, and immediately became red-faced and hurriedly turned around.

Sun Wukong waved another hand, and a stack of clothes flashed in the scene: “Hurry up! Let’s get past the past, start to meet your new life! Because only live, you can widen your eyes, watching this decadent emperor is Energy The day of Destruction!”

“Imperial… Is there really a day of Energy of Destruction?” One of the women heard the words, and the dead eyes suddenly gave off a glimmer of light.

“Yes! It will be!” Xier’s face is firm: “Our revolution will succeed!”

In the eyes of women, hate unlimited: “I have no future, but I thought about it, but I want to see the day of this evil empire being Energy of Destruction!” She said, she resolutely stepped forward. Pick up a piece of clothing and wear it…

With someone taking the lead, all of her women are also surrounded, picking up their clothes to cover their spring 1 light…

They haven’t had much thirst for 1, but they still want to see the day when this decaying empire is destroyed during the period of life!

The celluloid watched these and each of these eyes showed a hateful look, the fist clenched, and the heart angered Aura: “I used to…have been working for such a beast?…” ….

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