The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 151 Fire Department Immune Agent

“No, you look at the top of it…” Just as everyone was nervous and ready to prepare for the battle, Xier pointed to the top of the fire cage and was surprised: “Isn’t that Goku adult?”

“Hey~” Everyone heard the words, looking for the sound, the intense and dignified emotions instantly turned into a look of horror: “This…this is not the mobility tool he captured?”

“嗨~” Sun Wukong stood at the top of the fire cage and waved at the woman below Leionei.

“Hey you! Nothing so scary!” Ma Yin’s face was mad, and if it wasn’t for Xier’s soft 1, she had already fired.

The fire slammed the wings and landed on the ground. The wind and the heat caused the red scorpion to fall back again; Sun Wukong jumped from the top of his head: “It seems that the effect is good, and I really scared you all!” And patted the halter of the fire cage: “How, cool is not cool?”

“I am cool to you!” Ma Yinwatching Sun Wukong is a contempt: “This thing is really very powerful, but it is full of heat, can be a mount? You can ride does not mean us can! You want to Are we all cooked?”

“Yeah! You can eat it when you are cooked!” Sun Wukong teased and laughed, and they made a big red face.

However, it was scared by Xiao Zhencheng on the side: “Does Goku still eat people? It’s terrible!” He said, ‘嗖’ got into the fortunate arms.

Sun Wukong is a look, he wants to explain, this is not to eat, but can he explain with a child? As soon as the eyeball turned, I smiled and walked toward Xiaozhencheng: “Yeah! Goku brother likes to eat children! Now I have to eat Xiaozhencheng…”

“Wow~ I have to be eaten! Help!” Xiaozhen Cheng also screamed with a match, picked up the lucky clothes, and put the little head into her arms…

Sun Wukong met, and the mouth was not obscured: “The privilege of a child is really enviable!”

Fortunately, I heard the words, the face is a bit red, and this time it’s her face’s face, and she directly smashed Xiaozhen Cheng: “Don’t make trouble, really Cheng, how can Goku’s brother eat people!”

“Look at your envious look, I will let you experience it!” Leo Nai smiled and grabbed Sun Wukong’s head, stuffed 1 into his arms, and the huge Hungarian front, directly put Sun Wukong’s head squeezed 1 into it…

When Lubbock met, he looked envious and raised his hand and said: “I! I want too!”

“Roll!” Leo Nina was bluntly blinking.

Sun Wukong was even more arrogant, and the volley flew up. Lubbock flew out of the air and slammed into the water pool 50 meters away…

“There is a different sex, no one is sexual!” Lubbock drilled from the pool, his face was sad.

Enjoy 1 for a moment of great Hungarian love, and Sun Wukong has become a serious one: “Are you ready?”

“I’m ready, I will wait for you!” Ma Yin rolled her eyes.

“That, set off!” said, Sun Wukong took out a few bottles of medicine and distributed it to several women: “Drink it, then carry it back!”

Akasaka opened the pharmacy bottle and did not hesitate to drink it. It is obvious that she is not the general trust of Sun Wukong. This can all be attributed to the food that Sun Wukong gave.

To say a few women, Akasaka is the easiest one to attack. As a foodie, as long as it is used for food, it can easily get her good feelings, and naturally she can be flattened.

Similarly, Shayou did not hesitate to hesitate. When he got the potion, he swallowed it. To say that among the women, only she is unconditionally blindly trusting Sun Wukong.

“What kind of medicine? It looks weird…” The white medicine in the hands of Ma Yinwatching looked a little suspicious to Sun Wukong’s eyes. Her definition of Sun Wukong was abnormal. Can you doubt it?

“Spring 1 medicine, love to eat!” Sun Wukong gave her a sigh of relief.

Ma Yin’s face suddenly reddened and shouted at Sun Wukong: “You really are a pervert!”

“Spring 1 medicine I also recognized, my sister is waiting for you to push 1 down!” Leo Nai smiled, and then squandered the potion, the liquid instantly turned into a clear stream into the stomach, and then distributed To the limbs, she couldn’t help but scream at the low 1 and look at Sun Wukong: “It’s so cool, come back another bottle!”

Sun Wukong has two hands and one beach: “No, you think this is a jelly bean? Precious!”

Leonard immediately placed his gaze on Ma Yin: “Do you drink or not? Don’t drink it for me!”

Ma Yin immediately took a smudge of the pharmacy to answer, and now, like Leonard, the facial expression is red, and almost 1 screams.

Although she is not uncomfortable on her 1 mouth, her heart is still good. Although she is suspicious in her mouth, she still trusts Sun Wukong in her heart, because she is a mouthful of 1.

“I don’t think it’s spring 1 medicine?” Leo Nai looked a little disappointed: “It’s cool and cool, but there is no other feeling. What kind of medicine?”

“Fire resistance drugs, and still permanent, as long as you eat this medicine, you can immunize all fire damage!” Sun Wukong looked flat.

“Really?” Lei Nai Nai, each and every one is a surprise.

Akasaka is more direct, walked to the side of the fire, and reached for XuraX to Aura’s blaze…

The right hand clearly bears the blaze’s barbecue, but she can’t feel any burning, when the next face is surprised: “I can feel the temperature, but it does not hurt…”

Shayou saw them, each and every one was full of surprises, they ran over and tried…

“It’s really yeah! Good magical! So, in the future, will we be immune to all fire damage?”

“You really have Mystic/mysterious everywhere!” Najta looked at Sun Wukong with a look of surprise. It looked like he had to take him off 1 light.

Fire system immunity, what is this concept? There is fire immunity, will there be ice immunity? If it does, then face Esdeath, don’t hang her?

With this in mind, Najta’s eyes suddenly became brighter, and she looked forward to watching Sun Wukong: “Do you have ice-free medicine?”

“All the departments have, but I don’t need to take it out without it!” Sun Wukong smiled: “Don’t face danger, people will not grow!”

“It is a stingy!” Ma Yin whispered.

“It seems that Esdeath is torrely tragedy…” Hearing this, Najta was gloating.

“Okay, don’t say much, set off!” ….

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