The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 153

“It’s not a fire cage. Is it for us to look for other dangerous species?” Xier’s face also showed a eager look.

“We are not here to capture dangerous species. Now training is almost done. Let’s try it!” Say, Sun Wukong waved, and a light shone on the body of the fire cage, which consumed it. Almost the same physical strength and energy instantly recovered to the 巅1 peak form.

A scream, the fire cage suddenly turned from the ground, aura full of screams.

On the back of the fire cage, Sun Wukong said plainly: “I will not shoot in advance, can you capture the dangerous species, you have to rely on yourself!”

Akasaka, one by one, jumped on the back of the cage, and Leo Nai took a hand forward, and the smug 1 said: “no problem, set off !”

Against the cold wind, the fire cage contained Sun Wukong and the group of people came to a snow-covered iceberg. There were many trees on it, but they were all frozen in ice sculptures. For example, a crystal tree, in this snowy world, has become a rare dreamland.

“It’s so beautiful here!” Shayou watched everything in front of her eyes and exclaimed.

“In other words, where is our opponent?” Leonea ‘eager for a fight’, I don’t care much about the scenery here, I want to do it well.

“Follow me!” Sun Wukong jumped back and stepped on the snow, leaving no trace of footprints. It was really snowy.

After Akasaka jumped down, their feet were straight to the knees, and Sun Wukong walked easily on the snow. The miracle, which had no trace of snow, was wide open. A look of surprise: “It’s amazing! Goku, what is your name?”

“This is the lesson to teach you later, and now keep up…”

“Really? Great!” Sai was happy.

“How come you have so many powerful tricks? Where did you learn in the end?” Leonard looked curious.

Sun Wukong thought about it and said: “Self-study!” It is all self-learning, he is learning from other worlds.

“Self-learning?” Ma Yin was surprised.

“How, do you think I am more talented than you!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“哼~嘚瑟!” Ma Yin immediately turned a blind eye to Sun Wukong, but she really admired Sun Wukong.

Soon, a few women, led by Sun Wukong, came to a cliff and watched the bottomless cliff road: “It’s here!”

“That’s not going to be below?” Leonet watched the cliff that looked like a bottomless pit, swallowing saliva.

This is like a giant beast of a magic beast, can silently devour the lives of others.

“Is it going to be sloppy?” Xier looked scared.

“Don’t be scary, okay!” Ma Yin immediately glanced at her and said, “If you go down the fire cage, you shouldn’t have a problem…”

“No, this is your own going!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Go… Go… Go on?” Ma Yinli’s eyes widened, and 1 screamed: “Just kidding, how do you go this way? You are going to walk me away!”

“Look clearly!” Sun Wukong smiled and stepped down the cliff…

“do not!!!”

When they saw them, they were shocked. However, the next moment, they all looked at their eyes, because Sun Wukong did not fall down, but walked down the cliff in an unfathomable way…

“God! He could walk on the cliff! Why didn’t you fall? It’s impossible!!” Leonais, each and every one, looked stunned and surprised.

Sun Wukong walked up and down the cliff, or ran or jumped. After some performances, he returned to the side of Akasaka, and a few women immediately surrounded him. Leonai was excited and excited: ” This is a great move, Goku, let’s teach us!”

“Don’t worry, this is the last step I have to train you this time…” Sun Wukong said slowly: “But that was just the basis of [empty step], the essence of which is to go to the air…”

Saying, Sun Wukong has stepped on the void, the space of nothingness, under the stunned expression of each of them and every one. At his feet, he seems to have an invisible step. It looks so Unfathomable and shocking!

“Too amazing! This must be learned!” Leo Nai hugged Sun Wukong’s arm, and the pair of 1 milk on his arm was a squeeze of 1 1 rub.

“I have already taught you the mental method. Although there is not much energy for training, it is more than enough to walk on the wall. Still, Sun Wukong seriously teaches trick: “Now, the energy in your body is in accordance with the mind. The trajectory is transported to the soles of the feet, adsorbed on the objects touched, and then try to practice on those ‘ice crystal trees’ for a while!”

“I will try it!” Akasaka first walked to an iced old tree, sneaked energy on the soles of his feet, leaned forward, and stepped up from the tree trunk step by step…

This method, with the Kajang Naruto in the shadow of fire, they climbed the tree is a principle, but the effect is better, because Sun Wukong taught this method, not only can climb the tree, but also can go empty.

This is his combination of the characteristics of the two worlds of Naruto and Death, and Akasaka is fortunate to be the first trainer.

“Wow! Really can yeah! Akasaka, you are amazing!” Shake slaps applause.

It’s a pity that I haven’t walked out five steps. Akasaka is no longer supported. A flip has fallen, but there is a hint of excitement on the face: “The method is feasible, that is, some are not used to it, and the power consumption on the waist is also very Large, so that energy can not maintain the form of adsorption, but as long as you are skilled, it should be a problem…”

“I will try it!” Leo Nai volunteered and ran over, but unfortunately, just two steps away, it fell off…

“I still don’t believe it!” Leonai looked uncomfortable, try again…

“Okay, feel free to try it! You have basically taken control of every detail of your body, practicing this, and it is only a proficient question. After you are proficient, you can kill the Super dangerous species below!”

With the voice of Sun Wukong falling, Ma Yin began to train…

Do not understand, Sun Wukong teaches hands-on, the progress of several women can be described as extremely fast…

I have to say that with the training of these days, how many women have a good impression on Sun Wukong, but it has soared…

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