The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The one hundred and fifty-fifth chapter is broken.

Leona had a dangerous Ki coming from her neck, and instinctively, the instinctive shifted to the left, avoiding the flash of white shadow.

If it was changed before, this lightning-fast blow, she is no matter how is also avoiding; but after training, the body’s various functions have been greatly improved, the six knowledge naturally become very incomparable Sensitive, alert in advance, made an instinct and avoided.

Watching from the white shadow that flashed in front of the eyes, Leo Nai’s reaction was not slow, the detective suddenly grabbed and pinched the seven-inch position of the winged white snake…

This eyesight and movement are just the right performance. Seeing that Sun Wukong nodded secretly, but then he shook his head again: “But it’s a bit of a slap in the face, but it’s a little rash…”

Sure enough, in the next moment when Leo Nai caught the Winged White Snake, a bitter cold came out of his body, causing Leonard’s right hand to be frozen and spread to her body at an alarming rate…

“Fast! Throw it away!” Akasaka saw it, anxiously drunk, in the hands of [Time Rain] has already chopped toward the snake head…

However, at this moment, Leonard’s right hand has been frozen in the middle of the body. How can he still throw away the white snake?

However, fortunately, Akasaka shot in time, without Leo Nai throwing away the white snake, it has already turned into a white shadow, flashing to the edge of the stone platform, because it is involuntary dodge, the red sword can be 斩Go to its head.

“Awesome cold!” The moment has been frozen half of the body, Leo Nai is a face of surprise, the murder of the heart, the cells are all abnormally active, and her frozen half body It is also gradually rising white fog, the ice is dissolved…

“Call~ Fortunately, I learned this trick beforehand, otherwise I have to explain it here!” Lei Ouna patted her huge Hungarian.

“It’s just cold, it’s easy to thaw, but if it’s cold, it’s not so easy to solve…” Sun Wukong warned: “So don’t be bitten by it, or even use the method I teach you.” At your current level, it is very painful!”

“This thing is very fast and slippery. It’s hard to prevent it from being bitten by it!” Ma Yin’s face was serious and at the same time he was puzzled: “And why didn’t it attack?”

“Because it is scaring me!” Sun Wukong smiled and fell back a bit of distance: “The perception of this little thing is very sharp, I am just an ordinary person, it can also instinctively feel my Danger, it seems that the talent is good!”

“Are you bragging about yourself?” Ma Yin watched Sun Wukong and rolled her eyes. Although she was surprised that the Winged White Snake was afraid of him, she could not admit it on her mouth.

Sun Wukong did not pay attention to Ma Yin, but deepened his hiding. After this, Sun Wukong is still here, but in the perception of the winged white snake, it has completely disappeared.

The Winged White Snake looks around, and in the three 1 corners of the smart, there is a glimpse of 1. Why did the human being who gave it instinct suddenly disappeared suddenly?

“Is it afraid of who!” Leo Nai spoke 1 and looked at Sun Wukong. “If we have a cold poison, can you solve it right?”

Sun Wukong has a hand and does not answer. Seeing him like this, Leo Nai naturally also knows: “Since it can be solved, I am afraid it will do it? Kill it!”

Saying, pinching his fists, and rising up, it’s already a punch and a white snake smashed in the past!

The white-winged snake did not evade, but it went straight to Leo Nai’s fist and wrapped around 1. The terrible fist punched the stone table, but it did not hurt the wing white snake. Instead, it was wrapped around the white snake. 1 lived with his arm. Although he was not frozen again because of the amazing body temperature, the two fangs of the Winged White Snake had already stabbed 1 into Leone’s arm. She was bitten!

Cold poison instantly invaded 1 from her blood, even if it was the amazing high temperature that she radiated, it was gradually smeared with a layer of hoarfrost!

But what Leona wanted was this time. The backhand grabbed the white snake firmly in the palm of his hand and shouted: “It is now!”

“The method is correct, but unfortunately the performance of the opponent is underestimated!” Sun Wukong met, but shook his head.

I saw that they had wanted to control the main white snake by Leo Nai, and gave it a fatal blow, but did not want the white snake to suddenly pull a tail in the Hungarian front of Leo Nai, but it was a dull sound. Leo Nai was snoring for a moment, and the body flew out in an instant, hitting the ice wall opposite the ice platform, and falling straight to the abyss!


Both Xier and Shahua’s facial expressions are greatly changed. At the same time, they are exemplified by their physique. They don’t hesitate to go down and want to save people. Unfortunately, the bottom of the cliff suddenly swept a violent cold wind, which made them have to Go to dodge, or even they may be rolled off the ice cliff, but just such a neutral, but has lost the role of Leo Nai…

“How…what will it be?!!”

Shayou and Xier climbed on the ice wall, watched the bottom of the cliff where Ray O’Neill disappeared, and looked sad and disappointed, but heard the voice of Sun Wukong from Shitai: “You two are still not coming up? Want to perform juggling? ?”

Xier and Shayou glimpsed, watching Sun Wukong in the arms of the person, a look of horror: “Leo Nai? When did you shoot?”

Said, the two women sighed along the ice wall with a look of joy…

“By relying on you to save, this product may have been cut into pieces by the cold wind below!” Sun Wukong said, putting Leo Nai, who was frozen in the blue, on the ground, knowing that she suddenly got up and went straight into Sun. Wukong’s arms, hugged him tightly: “Good~~~ cold~~~ don’t let go~~ hurry up~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trembling.

“This is the result of a feverish mind!” Sun Wukong unceremoniously took a slap on Leon’s 1 hip, and then looked at her before the Hungarian, where the clothes had been beaten and shattered. Dew 1 came out of the pair of big things, but it was cracked on it and it looked very scary.

Sun Wukong looked at them with amazement: “Good guy, this Hungarian almost was broken…”

Lei Ou Nai looked down and screamed in a moment: “Ah~~ finished! Destroyed ~~ ruined! You don’t have to save ~~ I! ~ Let me ~~~ die~~~~ forget it! ”

“What the ghost is! Quiet!” Sun Wukong is a slap on Leonai’s 1 hip, making her cry like a face: “Don’t fight, shouting 1 shares will also be broken Up…” ….

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