The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 163 Red Light

“[Frozen cloud]? This name is quite okay…” Sun Wukong nodded.

“What is it, it’s very nice to listen!” Najta was again ‘啪~啪~’ and waved two whipes. Two large frozen pits were pulled out on the ground, with a happy color, obviously against this whip. I really like it. I hooked my finger at Sun Wukong: “Come, you give me such a great gift, I will reward you!”

“What reward?” Sun Wukong immediately plunged into the past, but was directly smothered by Najta: “I heard that you like this?”

“Who… said?” Sun Wukong felt a little bit breathing, but it took so long to get such a blessing. 1 Lee seems to be worth everything.

“Leo Nai! Isn’t she often boring you?” Najta’s face was so straight, let Sun Wukong take 1 for a few minutes before pulling him up: “Okay, continue to make other emperors!”

Sun Wukong is getting busy again…

Watching a huge red ‘cobblestone’, Najta is curious: “What is the name of this stone? Should it be worth a lot of money?”

Najta said that as a boss, money is really important.

“How do you have a virtue with Leones?” Sun Wukong looked helpless: “I saw the first impression of it and thought of money?”

“The cost of the revolution is very big, we have always been short of money!” Najta smiled seriously: “But I just said that this is the material for making the emperor, how can it be sold? Just you are from Where did you get it? I have never seen this ‘stone’!”

Sun Wukong explained carefully: “The geocentric stone, originally a mineral of ordinary, but after tens of thousands of years of calcination and smelting of high-temperature magma, gradually formed a kind of strange stone, the texture is warm, but indestructible, more The magical thing is that it also has an automatically repaired Ability, which is one of the best materials for forging weapons.”

“Thousands of years? Is it too exaggerated?!” Leiona, they are both surprised at each and every one.

“It’s just tens of thousands of years that’s all, how can it be exaggerated? More exaggerated still millions of years, hundreds of millions of years! That kind of God spirit object has already produced a sense of intelligence, become a natural-born thing, has destroying The Heavens and exterminating the power of the Earth…” Sun Wukong smiled a little: “It’s just that God Spirit object is too remote for you now!”

“How do I feel like I’m listening to a book?” Ma Yin whispered.

“There is the thing in the world? How do you listen more and more?” Xier rubbed his head and meditated.

“The world is very big, far from what you have seen so small, the time is right, I will take you to see it!” Sun Wukong said, the movements in his hands did not stop.

“Your existence is very unfathomable. For what you said, I really look forward to it!” Najta looked serious, she already realized that Sun Wukong still has a lot of things. Secret, but as long as you follow him, there is always a day to uncover.

“Don’t be too far away, still let’s solve the problem in front of you!”

“That’s also true!” Najta nodded seriously. Only when the revolution succeeded, could she consider other things.

“What kind of emperor do you want to make now?” Akasaka watched Sun Wukong, throwing a whole piece of geocentric stone into the black fire and calcining and tempering, full of curiosity.

“Next is forging a sword for Shayou!”

Sun Wukong controls the gods to protect the core stone from being burned. In the case of black fire calcination and refining, the geocentric stone is gradually dissolved into a liquid ‘hot metal’, which removes impurities and makes it more pure!

In fact, the core stone itself is already the absolute essence. To change to be an ordinary person, it is simply refining. This kind of God spirit object only needs to drop a little on the created weapon, so it is enough to make it evolve. A weapon for the gods!

However, for Sun Wukong, it is still more refined, and this process may take hundreds of millions of years to settle, but in Sun Wukong’s hands, it is only a moment’s time. Has made it evolve perfect!

The original group of ‘Tieshui’, after repeated refining and calcination, ended up with only one drop of a fist, exuding an amazing energy, which made Najta both shocked each and every one, holding it. Breathing, they seem to have foreseen that a peerless artifact will be born in front of them!

With the guidance of Sun Wukong, the hot metal gradually grew, and it formed a gorgeous and cool ancient sword that was completely disproportionate to its size…

Then I saw Sun Wukong casually wrote a series of strange characters in the air, and entered the ancient sword, making it sharp and restrained, and leaping out of the black fire, floating in the sun. before!

“A beautiful sword!” Shayou watched the ancient sword that flew out of his own eyes. His eyes were full of obsession and he liked it at a glance.

Sun Wukong waved at Shake, and she immediately welcomed her and went to Sun Wukong: “I think the blood is the Lord! I know!” He said, he did not hesitate to bite his index finger…

As the ancient sword absorbed the blood of Shayou, the sound of the sword screamed! The Xier and other people’s emperors have resonated, and the slight tremor 1 shakes up, as if afraid of the general!

Only the [frozen cloud] in the hands of Najta is unmoved.

“This sword seems to be a bit ugly!” Lei Ou Nai’s exaggerated expression: “Our emperor seems to be afraid!”

“Try how powerful!” Najta watches Shayou.

Shayou nodded and waved out with a sword. The sword and the cold light flashed away. On the ground, there was a sword mark that was up to 100 meters away!

“Great!” Najta’s eyes brightened, but this is a sword, it is enough to see how powerful the sword is.

“I suddenly felt that our emperors were so frustrated!” Leonard looked down on Akasaka to underestimate his voice.

“Well…” Akasaka watched the sword in the hands of Shayou, full of envy, she was also the first to see this sword, it was attracted to the eyes.

“What is the text you just hit into the blade in the end?” Ma Yin curiously asked: “I also had it when I made BOSS [Frozen Cloud]!”

“don’t tell me, what strangeness did you give them?” Leoney said.

“Thinking more, it’s just a kind of seal, because the thing power I made is too foridable, so you can seal it before you can’t fully control it, but don’t worry, as your strength increases, seal Will gradually be lifted!”

“Red’s sword exudes the red glow, and later calls you [red light]!” Shayou was delighted to name the ancient sword. ….

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