The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 65—The families of tragedies

“Is this a different fire? This temperature is really good!” Watching the nothingness in the hands of swallowing, Sun Wukong can not help but admire, see the heart and see it, directly into the world ring!

“He…he took the fire into the ring? This…how is it possible? Can the fire be collected into the ring?”

“It’s rare to see how strange people are. There are one or two pieces of formidable secrets!”

Everyone talked, Sun Wukong has come to Yan Yan’s side, faintly said: “I am collecting different fires now, so give me your fire!”

“What! No! Impossible!” Yan Yan suddenly lost a lot of horror, but the fire was the sinister treasure, and he was refining it. If it was taken out hard, it would be!

“I said, have you not figured out the situation yet? Do you think you have the right to refuse?” Sun Wukong faintly watched him, said.

Yan Yan listened to Sun Wukong’s words, and almost did not get vomited by the gas! I think that the patriarch of one of the ancient eight ethnic groups, at this moment, has fallen into such a field of arbitrage! And myself, still dare not to resist! Because a to resist, it is only dead, he is not afraid of death! But he is afraid of losing his own people! When they die, then the Yan people will lose several fights. At that time, the Yan people may have to be removed from the ancient eight!

Facial facial expression ugly, contemplative moments, and finally the next heart, disconnected from the two kinds of different fires, the life will force the origin of the fire from the body, the current big mouth blood spout, facial expression pale as paper!

“Give!” Yan Yan face unwillingly and reluctantly looked at the two groups of different fires in his eyes, closed his eyes, and squatted down and threw in the past to Sun Wukong! Immediately spray a large mouth of blood again! The facial expression is even paler!

Sun Wukong catches the nine secluded gold ancestors and the volcanic stone flames, watching the sturdy and painful look of the sputum, disdainfully put his hand on the hand: “But! It’s not two groups of different fires, look at your heartache! TMD also spurted! “Speaking, with one hand and one wave, the light of the gods scattered, illuminating the body of the Yan, so that he was severely injured by the forced forced out of the fire! Immediately faintly said: “Just be the compensation for you! I am collecting different fires now, I am owing you a person is good! After something, can come to me!”

Yan Yan listened to Sun Wukong’s words, the facial expression also improved a lot, and his heart secretly marveled at his Ability, the previous injury, at least he had to recover a few months, I did not expect, it was so easy It was cured by the other party, which is simply unfathomable! It is not a loss to buy two different fires in exchange for such a peerless strong person.

“Okay! Have a different fire all over! Don’t let me say the second time!” Sun Wukong glanced at the faint road!

The strong people who have different fires have frowned. This kind of fire is a strange thing in heaven and earth. If there is no such thing, it will cause great turmoil! For this fire, they don’t know how much they paid! If you hand it over, you will obviously be unwilling, but if you don’t pay it out! The consequences they dare not think about! If they are connected to the whole family, they will become sinners of the ages! Ugh! Without any choice! They are still unwilling to force the fire out of the body! Handed over to Sun Wukong! They are seriously injured, they are even more hurt, and the mouth is spit blood, and the facial expression is pale like paper!

For a moment, the space temperature here is rising! Even if they are all fighting, they feel that it is hard to stop! Because they are all seriously injured, there is still room to resist the heat of this fire!

“The soul of the soul, nine secluded wind, turtle spirit fire, plus nothingness swallowing inflammation, suddenly got four different fires, not bad!” Watching several kinds of fire suspended on the side, Sun Wukong is A smile on your face! At the same time, it is a small regret! He knows that these ancient people have different fires and more then! Unfortunately, those people are not there!

The mood is great! Sun Wukong waved his hands and shone, and those who were seriously injured, the fighting sacred strong, all of them improved a while, showing their surprises, and looking more at Sun Wukong’s eyes! This way of heaven! Quivering!

Watching Suspended in the fire of Sun Wukong, people of all nationalities, all eyes! That is a different fire! It is a pity that in the eyes of the eyes, it can only be done in the blink of an eye!

“Okay! The things here have come to an end. Where are you from, where are you going, bye bye! Well, those guys who gave me a fire, if something happens later, can come to me!” Sun Wukong waved his hand and walked into the castle! After getting four kinds of different fires at once, Sun Wukong is in a good mood! Also put them a horse for a while!

People of all nationalities, look at me, I look at you, they are all sighs, this time they can be exaggerated! Not only did I not get anything, but I also accompanied my old man!

“Hey! I didn’t know how to get rid of this water before I knew it! I didn’t even say anything! Even the townsmen of my family were robbed of fire! Really… really…” The patriarch of the medicinal family said the tone. And eventually the breathing has become so fast!

“TMD, you count this hair, Laozi has not only been robbed of two kinds of different fires, even my family’s townsmanship is also in my martial arts! And that Tuoshe ancient jade…” Not to mention it I can’t help but scream!

“We are all half a catty, don’t mention it, sad, let’s go!” The patriarch of the sigh sighed, with the two remaining ethnic groups left, no one nostalgic to fly toward the entrance to the sky! He wants to leave this sad place as soon as possible!

“Do you say this! Didn’t he get the seven Tudor ancient jade at once? Is it only the one of the Xiao family?” The clan chief frowned.

“Take him! Let’s go! There is this metamorphosis, you still want to be robbed once! Next time the Tuofu Gudi’s Dongfu opened, Lao Tzu said nothing to join in the fun!” Yan Yan shook his head, one The face is not good!

“This time, the ancients are safe and sound! Oh! It seems that the gap between us and his ancients is getting bigger and bigger!”

“Let’s go! Let’s do that! TMD, I don’t want to stay here for a moment!” The Shi nationality shook his head. Even the swear words came out.

“Forget it, still hurried to leave, we can’t say no gain, at least got one of his promises…”

People such as Taixu Gulong, Tianhuihuang and other human races sigh and sigh, they can only choose to leave! Otherwise, what else can they expect? revenge? They never even thought about it! The opponent is too forformable, and the formidable is to fight against the forces of the whole continent, and there is no chance of winning! So they can only smash their teeth and swallow in their stomachs!

The sound of the emptiness sounded, and the people of all races fled this sad place at an extremely high speed!

Not far from the hole, Sun Wukong has long forgotten the soul of the Emperor, a gloomy glance at the castle not far away, the facial expression is more and more gloomy: “Hey! Today’s shame, he will be a hundred times Come back! Go!” said, with the other four seriously wounded souls, flying toward the entrance to the sky in the distance!

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