The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 168, the so-called sling

Listening to Sun Wukong saying that Akasaka is stunned. For this problem, she actually has a trying hard, but unfortunately, it failed.

She is now in the eyes of the black scorpion, that is a traitor, and is it possible to reconcile the traitor? So she has already done the end of the death between the sisters.

But that was before, not needed now, because she has Goku adults around her! No matter how difficult the problem is, it will be solved in the hands of Goku adults.

At this moment, Akasaka’s eyes were bright and bright. She did not use the extra language, but nodded very seriously, in order to answer Sun Wukong’s determination!

“So, right, the two sisters should love each other!” Sun Wukong smiled: “I look forward to your sister’s day as a companion!” Say, keep moving forward…

“This guy…” Will looked at Sun Wukong, who was walking slowly. He couldn’t help but leave a drop of cold sweat. Look at Polus with a strange mask on the side: “I think we have to listen to Liwa. Recommended, hurry to evacuate, I feel that this Sun Wukong seems dangerous…”

“Even so, do you think these people will easily evacuate?” Porus’s tone of helplessness is also very dignified: “And we are soldiers, soldiers must obey orders!”

“Hehehehe~~~ Man who can be seen by General Esdeath, how lucky it is!” Dr. Fashion smiles with sinister, watching Sun Wukong’s eyes are full of wants to chop him up Studying the desires of 1: “Which kind of person is actually going to let General Esdeath fall in love with it, hey hey ~~~ I want to take him to study it again! This person, let me go. You are welcome. After receiving it… After all, General Esdeath also said it, grab him and deal with it…”

“Okay! My fashion force, I started to attack 1 with fierce heat!” Dr. Fashion pointed to Sun Wukong in front of him, excited and drunk.

In an instant, countless figures came out from the corner of the street and went to Sun Wukong…

However, Sun Wukong is invisible…


The sword light shines, and Shayou has already appeared in the side of Sun Wukong. In the hands of the ancient swords, the people who have been attacked by the four attacks have been smashed by her!

“You are not qualified to block the footsteps of Goku adults!”

“very powerful !!!” Tazmi, who thinks he knows very well about Shayou, has already stunned at the moment: “When did Shayou become so strong?!”

“Haha~~ Is it scared!” Leonay watched Tazmi’s surprised expression, but they laughed loudly, clenched their fists, and appeared with other Xier in front of other ‘stalons’. “Now, let’s let you see how the training results of our time are how to smash these slags!”

Say, I saw Leona’s soft 1 drink, using the emperor [lion king] body transformation, a little ground under the foot, a loud bang, and a large pit, while the shape is like a cannonball Ruth rushed over: “Big, come and let me hang!”

“It’s very dangerous for me to rush straight over here!” Porus whispered, raising his own imperial purgatory (Lubiganda) to align with Leona, ejecting a very hot Blaze comes and instantly drowns Leonai…


Tazmi saw Lubbock and immediately exclaimed!

Porus’s tone with a hint of apology: “I am sorry, my imperial purgatory (Lubigander) can spray a blaze that cannot be extinguished with water, and the people surrounded by it are absolutely impossible to live… ”

“Hey~ silly big, do you think you won?” Rayonai’s voice suddenly came from blaze, and under the eyes of everyone, he walked out in blaze safely and innocently: “You guys , don’t tell me is Porus? The firefighter does not know how many innocent people burned to death!”

“My blaze didn’t work?” Porus watched Leone, who was still in the blaze, and stunned.

“Hey~~ Sister, behind me, but there is a very perverted man supporting me! You can help me in this area blaze!” Leo Nai is extremely proud of 1 proudly raised his head, but also against Sun Wukong A charming 1 eye passed.

“Don’t give me a slap, quick fix!” Sun Wukong looked back at her.

“Well! My sister is training! It’s so bad! So…” Leo Nai said, the fierce flash in his eyes: “You have to die!”

“Oh!”, instantly turned into an afterimage, the next moment, the sound of ‘砰’, has been shot in the emperor of the Polus, in the eyes of everyone shocked, the Porus The purgatory was instantly broken from it, and the boxing momentum was not reduced. It was bombarded in the Hungarians in an instant. In an instant, Polus broke through the houses in a scream and only stopped in the ruins. Shaped, buried in it…

The punch of the box shocked all the “hunters” present.


Tazmi and Lubbock were shocked here.

“Wow! It turns out that I am so powerful!!” Leo Naina pinched her fist, and it was a look of excitement: “A fist even the emperor was broken by me! Wow haha~~ I am going against the sky. The rhythm!”

“So… who are you…let me go to slash?” Xier glanced at his eyes, and finally fixed his gaze on the man who was sinister. The body of 1 flashed, and the big scissors in his hand turned into a beautiful arc. Going down to his neck!

“!!!” The evil man was shocked and used his hands to keep his hands in front of him. He wanted to hold Xier’s emperor [Essence]!

However, he underestimated the horror of the ecstasy after being strengthened. There was no sound between the two, and [the ecstasy] passed through his claws and flicked along his head…

Time seems to be banned at this moment, the action of the evil man suddenly stops, and then he sees that the emperor in his hand [the wolf tooth] is already two and a half, falling with his head to the ground…

“And…insta-kill?!!” Lubbock looked stunned: “How did they each and every one become so fierce? Is it because…Goku adults?”

“Xier, your means still is so cruel and bloody! Can’t you be gorgeous?” At this moment, Sun Wukong has come to Bright’s side and looks at Xier’s slightly dissatisfied.

“I’m sorry…” Xier immediately bowed his head and weakened and apologized. The image just made a sharp contrast. ….

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