The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 178 New Tasks

“Dangerous kind of chaos, don’t tell me No one in the empire?” Saimei frowned slightly.

“Because it is a dangerous species, the ordinary people are hard to deal with, and the ‘hundler’ seems to be collectively going to some hidden place to train, so the situation has become more and more serious, although the ‘shoker’ may have been called, is rushing to On the way to the Imperial Capital, but there were people killed in the Empire, and we couldn’t sit back and watch it…”

Najta looked serious: “In the current state of affairs, maybe it is not a trap, but it can’t be ruled out, so be careful! And this time it seems to be helping the emperor, so, no problem? ”

“Of course! We are not helping the emperor, but fighting for justice!” Saiqi shook his fist and shouted aura.

“What if it’s a trap?” Leonet watched the game and shook his head, and confidently said: “The last time ‘the slayer’ was dispatched to ambush, it was not easily slammed by us, let alone now We are stronger than before! If it wasn’t for Goku’s disagreement, I will go to the assassin now!”

“When I convinced Esdeath, the minister disposes with you…” Sun Wukong looked flat: “Moreover, the last time ‘the hunter’ just won’t understand your strength and it’s so thorough. If you know, do it well. The preparations for setting up an ambush are enough for you to bear, remember, now you are not invincible!”

“Know it…” Leo Nai watched Sun Wukong and spit out his tongue: “The lion is still full strength, you said it!”

“Know it, don’t think that strength can skyrocket and despise others, always be vigilant is the mentality you deserve!” Sun Wukong looks serious: “The usual villain of the strength of formidable is inexplicable because of contempt of the opponent, you can Don’t overturn the boat in the gutter!”

“Hey~ Why do you use the villains to compare with us?” Ma Yin Duo 1 said: “Although we are killers, we can’t judge justice, but can’t we say it is a villain?”

“Okay! No villain…” Sun Wukong reached out and pinched on Ma Yin’s face: “I know that you don’t want to meet those soldiers during the day, since it is [NightRaid], take a break during the day, we set at night. Off !”

Najta nodded and looked at Sun Wukong: “I want to go back to the general headquarters. Do you want to go with me?”

“Don’t go, what are you going to the general headquarters?”

“General headquarters heard that the emperor sent Esdeath to deal with us [night attack NightRaid], so I want to send some people to us…”

Sun Wukong heard the words, looking forward to Shayou in front of him: “It seems that your three fellow villagers have to gather together.”

Shayou’s eyes are bright: “Is Iiyas sent?”

“If people don’t arrive, you know who is coming in advance?” Xier looked curious: “don’t tell me Goku, what pregnancy do you have?”


“Is there really?” Leonard looked surprised: “What else are you not going to?”

“Besides having children, I will be the other!” Sun Wukong looked serious.

Najta, who heard the words, was speechless, but they were used to Sunstic’s omnipotent Mystic/mysterious feeling.

“Really Goku, who are you in the end! We are all your women now, don’t you keep secret?” Leonay looked curious.

“Let’s half the god of Dimension!”

“The god of Dimension?” Leo Nai turned a blind eye: “You mean you are a god? I didn’t expect you to be so narcissistic!”

“I mean it!” Sun Wukong looked helpless, no one believed in the truth!

Well, he admits that this is really unfathomable. If someone told him so before, he would think that person is a neuropathy.

Sun Wukong is really Mystic/mysterious, and it is very formidable. The various unfathomable means that Leonai are very surprised, but they can’t believe that this world really has have god, so naturally they will not believe that Sun Wukong is God. .

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it. When the time comes, you naturally believe it!” Sun Wukong got up and stood up and looked at the lucky breakfast. “Fortunately, Xiaozhen Cheng hasn’t gotten up yet?”

“Not yet…” Fortunately, the facial expression is red, and it is a helpless look at what happened last night. Xiaozhen Cheng listened to the ‘scream’ next door, but asked her why she had countless reasons until she was late.

“That, Goku adults…”

“We all have this relationship, and we are also called adults?” Sun Wukong took Sha Sha into his arms and began to be untrue: “If you have anything, just say it!”

Shahua’s facial expression is red: “Can we not wait until the evening is in action? Since ‘the slayer’ is not there, I think there will be more innocent people attacked during the day, so I want to solve those dangerous species as soon as possible… ”

“What do you think?” Sun Wukong looked at Najta them.

“Shayou said that there is some truth!” Lei Ou Nai looked serious: “Although we are killers, but it is also a companion of the people? Although I really don’t want to meet the soldiers, but now we have not avoided their reasons. If you dare to find trouble, let them all fall down!”

“I also agree with Shayou’s point of view!” Saiyin said: “Sinister should be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise there will be more innocent victims!”

They also nod their consent.

“Since you don’t care to meet the soldiers, then, take your emperor and set off off!”

“Hey~~ I have been waiting for this moment!” Lei Ou Nai’s face was excited and she had a rest for a week. She had already had an itchy hand.

With Rayonai and his party, Sun Wukong thought of a move and appeared directly in a forest: “There are also some hidden dangers that attack the people. Find out and get rid of it!”

All the women heard that they were not in the jungle, but for a moment, there was a fighting voice, and there were more dangerous forms of human form attacking Sun Wukong…

They are still waiting for them to be close, and they have been opened by the body to open the blood basin, and one of the dangerous species has been bitten into two halves and spit out to one side.

“You are a group of slag! Don’t be near my Goku! Let’s die!” Sai is excited and drunk, and a sword cuts off the head of one of the dangerous species, which means bloody…

On the other side of Xier, it is a knife break, or it is directly split into two…

Each of the punches of Leonards is broken and broken; as for the black cockroaches, the dangerous species of killing are piled up…

The only thing that is relatively normal is only Akasaka. Because of the emperor’s reason, she can easily smear the target by cutting it with a sword. ….

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