The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

One hundred and eighty 12 Chapter Shangri-La

“Well? Was it discovered?” The man watched the red 瞳 朝 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 瞳 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Can you stop?”

Pinch the emperor [Shangri-La] in his hand, and his foot flashes a gossip taiji array…

“Want to escape? Have you ever asked me?” Ma Yin shouted, and the emperor’s hand flashed a stream of light, and there was no sound, it was already the man’s hand holding the emperor [Shangri-La] Broken, and the emperor is also a ‘啪嗒’, falling to the ground!

With the fall of the emperor, the gossip taiji figure at the foot of the emperor disappeared, and the man slammed the broken right hand and made a fierce miserable!

Eye watching Akasaka is approaching, the man is rolling on the spot, using his left hand to pick up the emperor on the ground [Shangri-La], with the dazzling light shining from the emperor, there are countless gossip taiji arrays in front of him. A dangerous species was transmitted here, blocking the way of Akasaka!

“Can you transfer the position of dangerous species? Is it a space-type emperor?” Red-browed brows wrinkled, waving hands [when rain] will kill all kinds of dangerous species, the speed is not reduced!

Men watching Leonai and other women are also coming to him at an amazing speed. The facial expression suddenly becomes extremely difficult to look at. The eyes are covered with violent blaze: “The damn toy should let me play with it. I still think about rebelling the master. Since you are desperate for death, then I will fulfill you!”

Seeing that Akasaka was near, the hand [time rain] turned into a cold light, obliterate toward the neck of the man, but saw his body shape flashing, disappeared instantly, so that the red tiger’s sword must be cut. Empty.

“Fast speed!!” Akasaka was slightly shocked, and then decided: “No, it was transferred!” The head turned to the man who appeared on the left.

“Hey! I didn’t want to fight with your toys, because it was too bad, but…” The man was sullen and full of anger: “You dare to ruin my right hand, this is unforgivable!”

Saying, took a syringe from his pocket, pierced his back neck, and injected the unknown potion in his body.

“Come here is coming!! It is such a power!!” The expression of the man suddenly became extremely mad and crazy: “Ha ha ~ ~ I originally used this transfer of the Ability but it will be very tiring, with this good If you are thing, you can kill me all the time!”

As said, the figure disappeared, and in the twinkling of an eye, it appeared on the right side of Akasaka, kicking the foot of Akasaka!

“Hey!” Akasaka snorted, and immediately blocked the side with the sword front. The man was slightly shocked. When his right foot was about to touch [When the rain] Jianfeng, it was flashing again…

“Good insurance and danger! I was almost hurt by your emperor!” The man smiled slightly, and watched Leonai and other women were also rushed to surround him, and the 1 corner of his mouth was a bit strange. The evil smile: “Remember what your emperor is called [a hit will kill, rain]? If it is hurt, it is really terrible!”

Celluloid watching the man in front of him, his face is angry: “Is this guy? I am swearing that I am going to swear this sinister! Xiaobi, kill him!”

With the anger, the body has been transformed into a fierce monster, and the horse is slamming toward the man, but seeing the man’s figure flashing, it is already outside the encirclement of several women, and Xiaobi’s This time, the bite naturally disappeared.

“The strength is not how, but the ability to escape is really trouble! Space-style emperor, it is very annoying!” Lei Ou Nai frowned slightly, some guilty.

“Isn’t strength?” The 1 corner of the man’s mouth is a sneer: “Exactly! I never dreamed, you guys [night attacking NightRaid] is so terror, I am with you. The gap between them is really big and bad…” The man shook his head with great regret: “It’s a pity! It’s a pity…”

“Are you feeling sorry for being so dead for you?” Sai Yu snorted.

“No, no, I am sorry for you. What a beautiful and excellent woman! I am going to die soon. Unfortunately, it is a pity! In order to show respect for you, I will report to my home.” It’s a fool to get rid of death…”

“Hey! Overreaching! On your garbage like this, my sister is not interested in knowing what you are calling! See me punching you to the slag!” Leo Nye screamed, and the fist had risen above the smoky smoke. The terrible and frightening undulations: “Don’t think that you have a space-type emperor, we can’t take you. If you expand the attack, I can see where you can hide!!”

Feel the terrible fluctuations that emanating from Leonet, the male’s facial expression has changed greatly, and I still have to pay attention to the self-reporting door. I squeezed the emperor and launched the final stunt: “Fly away! Go to the end of the world.” !!”

With the sound falling, the dazzling light flashed out at the foot of Akasaka and others, covering them all…

“not good!”

The female facial expressions are all big changes. Just want to struggle, but see the light flashing away, the shape of several women has disappeared here!

The man burst into laughter and said: “Hahaha Ha ~~~ I have never eaten this trick after I have been able to come back, toys, you will slowly wait for the rotten at the end of the world! Hahaha Ha ~ ~This is the end of the game with me! Haha~~”

“This…what is it here…what?!” Leione and other women watched where they were, each and every one was shocked.

Because they are in a place like outer space, can see the infinite Galaxy/Milky Way galaxy, very beautiful and very frightening.

“don’t tell me We were transferred to outer space?” Celluloid looked blank.

“We can still hear his voice, it shouldn’t be…” Akasaka shook his head: “This should be the space that the space emperor creation…”

“Yes! If it’s in outer space, we can’t survive!” Leonai nodded with a serious look: “Maybe the surrounding galaxy space is just an illusionary means that’s all, we are just trapped.” In a small space created?”

“If it’s just a small space, if we can work together, can it be destroyed?” Blackbird pondered for a moment, said.

“Try it!”

Akasaka and others heard that both eyes are bright…

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