The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The one hundred and nine 12 chapter

[Night Attack NightRaid] base.

Sun Wukong looked at the horizon but smiled. “I was really anxious. I even ran around. I thought that I had to wait until tomorrow. It seems that she also has some awareness…”

“What’s wrong? Don’t tell me Esdeath?” Leonet looked curious.

“Well…” Sun Wukong nodded: “The minister has been killed by her, and the little emperor has been hit hard by her. It is so chaotic. It seems that Esdeath likes to kill 1 is even stronger than imagined, even can not wait for a moment. It!”

“The minister was killed? Even the little emperor was seriously injured by her?” Although Najta and others had expected it, after hearing the news, it was inevitable that she was shocked: “She did it! Also in other words, Has Esdeath been betraying the empire?”

“Can say that!” Sun Wukong smiled and watched Najta and other women: “The only thing she wants now is to win me! You can be careful, but she told me clearly, if She won, but will drive you all away from me…”

“What? Great tone!!” Lei Nai Nai and other women are all looking angry: “Look at me, I don’t fly her!”

“I want to separate me from Goku. This guy must be buried!” Akasaka pinched the [Village Rain] in his hand and looked serious.

“I support my older sister!” Hei Li immediately raised his hand and agreed.

“Injury can, but not kill!” Sun Wukong seriously warned.

“If you don’t kill, don’t kill, see if I beat her, you can’t even recognize it!” Lei Oumi squeezed her fist, among the few women, she was the most violent.

“Don’t be abused!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“How is it possible!” Lei Ou Nai’s face was confident: “She is at most a little stronger than General Bud? I have even a second general, and will lose to her? Besides, her Ability. I am also dying, how can I lose!”

Sun Wukong just smiled, not broken, and the strength soared, so that Leonais had more confidence in their self-confidence, just by Esdeath to suppress their inflated flame Ki.

Not long after, there was a small black spot on the horizon, and it was already possible to see its veranda in a moment. It was a cage-type Super dangerous species, carrying Esdeath flying at their amazing speed, but two Three minutes of time, has been near.

Sun Wukong sat at the table and didn’t get up. He looked down at Esdeath: “You are too anxious, so wait until tomorrow, you see that the sky is getting dark.”

“Now for me, one minute is a torment! Since it is a battle sooner or later, why bother dragging and pulling!” Esdeath looked at Sun Wukong, without the coldness and domineering of the past, but the softness of his face: “Wait for I am challenging you, now let me go, how many disciples will you teach?”

“What disciple is a wife, wife, do you understand?” Leonard immediately replied: “Even if you join, it is a small cockroach!”

“But if you win, you have to leave!” When Esdeath turned her eyes to Leonid and other women, she regained her cold and proud Ki.

“Win? You really can see yourself!”

“No, I can’t look at myself, but look down on you!” Esdeath’s face was indifferent and cold: “You want one, one, and still together!”

“Oh yeah yeah~~ This guy is too mad, I can’t stand it!” In the scream of Leonay, Berserk’s Ki instantly came out, like a hegemony, mighty, imperial possession, standing Soaring!

“Oh, huh~~~ This is right!” The formidable Ki released by Leonard not only did not make Esdeath a slight jealousy, but instead exposed 1 with an all-exciting expression: “The empire is called [High Power] Can not bear a blow, nickname what the power of the beautiful God, is ridiculous; and only such power, can make people feel the interest of fighting!”

As saying, Esdeath’s hands were chilling, and a chilly sharp ice sword was condensed in a moment: “Reassured, look at Goku’s face, I won’t kill you, but the injury is inevitable!”

The voice just fell, and Esdeath saw the huntering heart. I couldn’t wait to launch the attack. I saw that it was flashing, and it was already in front of Leo Nai!


Eye watching the ice sword that he slashed toward himself, Leo Nai was a cold drink, and he slammed it out with a punch. The sound of ‘叮’ slammed, the collision between the ice sword and the fist was a harsh gold. The sound of iron cross.

“A little bit tolerant!” Esdeath was a smile: “Ice prison!” The whole body was chilling, and in the twinkling of an eye, it was already in the ice.

Although Leo Nai has to god, immunizes all abnormal forms, and freezes the immune ice, which does not cause any damage to her.

But now it’s not her that freezes the ice, but the space around her. Leone is not affected by the slightest freezing, but her whole body space is completely frozen, and in other words, she is completely imprisoned. In the ice.

Yes, it is only imprisoned, not frozen. This ice is similar to a cage without a gap.

Leonard thought that Esdeath’s Ability was not effective for her, and the result was miscalculated and turned over.

“Can the immune freeze, but can’t prevent it from being imprisoned?” This makes the Akasaka they all see clearly: “It seems that her Ability is not completely restrained, but with the power of her emperor, Can’t sleep with Leonet…”

“You can be wrong!” Sun Wukong smiled: “Although the ice of Esdeath really can’t stop Leonai forever, but she wants to break the ice, still needs a little time…”

Xier heard that the emperor had a swaying out of his hand, and the swordsman had disappeared. He left a shallow sword mark on the ice prison that had been escorted to Leonet. The girls saw it, and they were moving: “Lost So strong? How come!!”

“No, have you ever felt the Ki on her?” Ma Yin stared at Esdeath and frowned slightly: “Is it similar to us?”

A few women in Akasaka heard the words, they were all a glimpse, and they looked at Sun Wukong in a simple way: “Goku, what is this in the end? Don’t tell me, she is also with you?…”

Sun Wukong has a hand: “I was pushed by her…”

“You…you guy!!” Ma Yin was mad at the moment: “Do you want to improve the difficulty?”

“When I want to win her, I can’t be as simple as we think…” Najta looked at Sun Wukong with a glance and looked at Akasaka with a serious look: “Red, you are the strongest of us.” , or do you want to try?”

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