The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 199 Bad Students

“To this end, the first rule of the school rules: For the life of the school, in addition to special occasions, we must always maintain a human figure…”

“The second ~ two ~ ~: can not let other people know their true body, know? Do you have to obey!”

Just as the cat’s quiet voice just fell, Sun Wukong’s side was accompanied by a disdainful cold cry: “Hey ~ boring school rules!”

The cat looked at the student book in his eyes: “You are… Xiaogong’s broken classmate?”

The small palace shredded a gloomy and disdainful road: “I found humans, eat won’t it be fine, I will do this, teacher!” Said, and also extended 1 out of his disgusting long tongue 1 head .

“Ah~~but not oh~” The quiet voice of the cat sounds really attractive to 1: “Because all the teachers and students in this school are monsters!” said, behind a slender When the tail came out, the voice became a bit gloomy: “This is within the secret enchantment. The human beings who come in by mistake will immediately let him die!”

“Hey, teacher, don’t you say that you can’t show 1 in front of people?” Sun Wukong pointed to the dangling tail after the cat was resting: “Your cat tail 1 is out!”

“Yeah! Troublesome!” The cat suddenly screamed, and the two fingers turned into cat claws instantly. The volley flew out to Sun Wukong, and saw six scratches flashing across the scene…

Sun Wukong calmed his head and avoided the flashing claws. With a bang, Sun Wukong left six clearly visible cross-scratches on the wall behind him, which made Sun Wukong frown slightly and looked at the cat. Unhappy: “I just remind you about that’s all, no need to do it?”

“Don’t be able to blame the teacher in person.” The cat was quiet and nothing happened. It looked at Sun Wukong’s 1 channel.

However, Sun Wukong didn’t eat her at all, and the volley popped up, and the ‘啪’ sounded on her forehead, tranquil and calm: “Trip!”

“Ah~ It hurts!!” The cat screamed and screamed, and the blue-eyed forehead screamed at the podium, and it seemed that I saw pity.

It was even more uncomfortable for the boys who had been uncomfortable because of the girl’s attitude towards Sun Wukong, so you can get a good teacher like 1. A daring boy suddenly stood up and glared at Sun Wukong: “Do you actually call the teacher?”

“What can’t you?” Sun Wukong looked calm: “If you make a mistake, you will be fined. This is the school rules. The teacher is no exception. If I had just flashed fast, I am afraid I have been disfigured by her!”

The boy is speechless, but he is also arrogant: “Then you can’t beat the teacher! Don’t say anything else, it’s wrong for a man to hit a woman!”

“That is, the heart is hungry and narrow, and it is a man!”

Other boys have also been attached, and even some girls who have a good impression of Sun Wukong are also greatly reduced to him, because in their view, such unconscionable boys are not their dishes.

“A group of dishes forced, brother’s realm you do not understand!” Sun Wukong is cast a contemptuous look.

This is really igniting the anger of the students, but they have not waited for them to vent, suddenly there is a shadow in front of the door, the night of the night is coming: “Sorry, I am late!”

“Ah~ are you?” The cat looked at the blue forehead and looked up at Mengxiang.

“My name is Chi Ye Mengxiang…” Meng Xiang stood at the podium, and smiled and introduced herself. The magic 1 that emerged invisibly made countless boys like 1 fans: “Oh~ really cute.” !”

“It’s really exciting!”

A group of boys are neglecting Sun Wukong, and everyone is attracted by the red night fragrance.

However, the next moment, when the red night Mengxiang saw Sun Wukong, it was a big joy, and he immediately rushed into his arms with a look of excitement: “Ah~ This is not Goku! We are in the same class!”

Everyone at this moment revealed 1’s shocked expression, and then the next moment, ‘new hatred and old hate’ all came out and imposed on Sun Wukong: “This bastard, it should be a dZi!”

“Damn! Such a cute girl has actually been poisoned by his poison!”

All the boys are streaming 1 revealing the expression of envy and hate.

And the eyes of the small palace watching Sun Wukong are even more gloomy…

Yan Nai Hu Meng is also a bit uncomfortable, because she is interested in Sun Wukong still, I did not expect to have not shot, suddenly came out like a girl.

“Xiangxiang, 矜1 hold a little, so many people watching it…” Although Wenxiang nephrite is in the arms, this makes Sun Wukong very cool, but he does not want others to watch the show for free.

“Ah~ sorry! Because it’s so exciting!” Meng Xiang reacted, blushing away from Sun Wukong’s arms and sitting in the seat in front of him: “Then I will sit in front of Goku!”

The first lesson of this new semester is naturally not officially taught. After the class teacher’s cat is quietly talking about some school’s school rules and related matters, soon, the class ringing tone is also ringing.

“Today’s first class is here first. The next lesson is officially taught. Don’t be late for someone!” Cat said quietly, cute posing to the students, squatting on the forehead Out of the classroom…

“Goku, let’s go to school together!” Red Night Mengxiang No. for a moment stood up, very close to 1 secretly hugged Sun Wukong’s left hand and dragged outside…

“Can, but I have to go to the office and apologize to the cat teacher Jing…”

“Apologize? Why?” Red Night Mengxiang looked puzzled, remembering the cat’s face with a painful expression on his forehead, and immediately widened his eyes: “don’t tell me is you…”

See Sun Wukong shrugs by default, the red night Mengxiang looks serious: “How can a student play a teacher…”

“So I have to apologize!”

“Then I will go with you…”

For a moment, the red night Meng Xiang took Sun Wukong’s arm and, under the eyes of countless students envy and hate, came to the door of the office where Cat Jingjing was located.

“You can’t wait until I’m outside…” Sun Wukong said to the night of the night, and knocked on the door.

The cat’s soft 1 cotton is full of 1 mature women’s voice. It’s coming from inside: “Come on…etc…”

The door ‘ka-cha’ opened, and the cat was holding an ice block on his forehead. When he saw Sun Wukong’s first sight, he was scared and screamed, his hand trembled. Even the ice in the hands was broken into ice slag. After falling back a few steps, hiding behind a chair, full of vigilance watching Sun Wukong: “You…you bad student, want to do Well?” ….

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