The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 70—The Tagore Desert

Here is the deepest part of the magic beast mountain range, the sky is bursting with a huge space black hole! A few figures flashed out! Sun Wukong watching The slowly closed space black hole, nodded to the ancient Yuan people next to him, faint said: “So father-in-law, we are here to separate it! Remember to take me to the child!” !”

Gu Yuan clenched his fist and said: “Yes! You take care!”

After a few people bid farewell, they went in two different directions!

The facts are like the color scales, Sun Wukong is on the line, the magic beast in the magic beast mountains sees them flying through the sky, there is no magic beast dare to come to them! Several people flew over the magic beast mountain range without fear and danger, and came to the sky above the Tagore Desert!

In the middle of the desert, the wind and sand are raging, and the dust is rolling! Sun Wukong and his party landed in the rolling yellow sand.

Watching this endless desert, Sun Wukong smiles faintly: “I have never traveled in this desert! It is better for us to go!”

“Everything follows the owner’s wishes!” The moonlight smiles and the wind is perfect. In her mind, what Sun Wukong said is absolute authority!

“Okay! Good! Desert Desert~~” The nine-turned emperor Dan cheerfully flew around Sun Wukong’s body and flew forward! Looking at the bright big eyes, curiously looked around! The look is very exciting! For her just after joining the WTO, everything in the world is so fresh and curious to her!

“The elf! Run around can, can’t leave our sights!” Sun Wukong watching The small, excited and excited figure, a smile on the corner of his mouth! Such a naive little girl, how to look at it is very pleasant!

“The elf? Are you calling me?” The nine-turned emperor Dan flew to the side of Sun Wukong, watching him with doubt!

“Yes! This is the name I gave you, do you like it?” Sun Wukong smiled lightly!

“Like! I like it too much! Hey~~ I also have a name! I will call the elf in the future…嘻嘻~~~” The elf was happy around Sun Wukong and then turned his face. I tapped it and turned around the colorful scales and the moonlight. The tone was full of happiness: “My name is Elf, you will remember to call me the elf in the future! This is my name!”

“Know it! Elf!” Moonlight soft smile! Cried, the happy elf flew to the sky again and hovered, and the light and cheerful voice circulated the sky: “My name is Elf…嘻嘻~~The elf…”

“It’s really a naive little girl! It’s hard to believe that such a person would be the emperor’s medicine in the legend!” The colored scales watched cheerfully hovering with the little figure of the sky, with a trace of small on his face. Surprising color!

“Oh! After you said this, I remembered one thing! If she was like this, it would be easy for people to recognize that she is a royal medicine!” said, Sun Wukong Was beckoning towards the elf: “The elf, come over!”

“What is it? Goku brother!” Upon hearing the call of Sun Wukong, the elf instantly turned into a breeze and appeared in front of him.

“You look like this is very easy to attract attention! I will hide it for you!” Saying, Sun Wukong’s eyes are changing rapidly, and the eye of God will open! Stand Sun Wukong The elf in front of watching Sun Wukong’s eyes, suddenly stayed, and surprised: “Beautiful eyes! The original Goku brother’s eyes can still change!” Said, the elf’s eyes also Then it became a little tired, and the body was drifting, and the form that could not keep flying was carried out from the air! Sun Wukong hurriedly reached for it!

“Well?” The color scales were puzzled and looked at Sun Wukong’s eyes, and the body obvious! Unusual and unpredictable, a fear rises from the heart! Under these eyes, she felt that she was as small as an ant, standing in front of her, that is the high god! She actually raised her adoration! Just when she couldn’t help but be rude! The synaesthetic consciousness is clear and retreats from the strange form! Looking into the eyes of Sun Wukong, there is a sigh of relief!

Watching a few people in the glory of color scales, Sun Wukong shook his head, faintly said: “When I work, you don’t look at my eyes! It is very dangerous!” With the improvement of Sun Wukong’s strength, the Eye of the God’s Eye is also more and more weidable! If the strength is not good, as long as it is a glance, it will fall into an endless illusion! If Sun Wukong doesn’t wake them up, I’m afraid they will always fall into the endless illusion!

The moonlight three people nodded quickly and now they are still worried, this is terrible! Obviously just glanced at them, they made them spiritually stunned, and in an instant, unconsciously, they were brought into an endless illusion! If Sun Wukong pulled them out of the illusion, they probably didn’t know that they were in the endless illusion!

Sun Wukong smiled at the moonlight and the colored scales, and immediately looked at the elves in the palm. The six-pointed star in the eyes turned strangely. In his palm, the elf’s body gradually emerged as a six-beam light. ! Light and light between the sinking, slowly into the body of the elf! Sealed the seductive dandelion that she had exiled at the moment!

The current elf looks like a little girl with a big fist! In addition to the special looks, I am afraid there is no other strange thing!

“This is fine! As long as you don’t use it in the future, others will find out what your body is!” Sun Wukong gently pinched the little face of the elf.

“Sure enough! The Danxiang that emanates from the elf is not even sensed!” The color scale was a little surprised to watch the elf, nodded.

“Thank you, Goku brother! So I am not afraid that others are paying attention to me!” The elf flew to Sun Wukong again, and tapped on his face! Then turn it into a breeze and fly to the distance! I began to curiously look at everything around this!

A few people walked against the sand, and the rows behind them were deep in the yellow sand. After a while, they were covered by sand and sand, hiding all traces under the desert.

“Kill them, leave a woman!”

After a short time, a group of people appeared in front of Sun Wukong’s group! To put it simply, there are several mercenaries and a group of snakes!

And the leading snake man, the eyes of the triangle Eyes swept over a woman from time to time, the voice was chilling and hoarse, and there was a bit of obscenity, snake sex, they almost had a natural-born for women. Greed and coveted.

I heard the leader ordered that the surrounding snakes had a bloodthirsty look on their face, and the mouth was slightly open, and the scarlet snake letter spit out. Looks terrible!

Sun Wukong watching The color scales smiled lightly: “You snake people are not very friendly to humans!”

“Hey!” This scene is seen in the eyes of the colored scales, making her brows frown! There was a hint of coldness in my eyes! I snorted and walked slowly toward the group in front! The icy killings gradually emerged from her body! At this moment, she finally has to reproduce the fierce name of Medusa!

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