The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 233 Disgust

“Yes, the most direct way!” Bai Xuebing looked confident and gave his daughter an idea: “In order not to let him leave, leave him frozen!”

“Ice? This… can this be?”

“Of course it can be…” Snowy icicle smiled at the face: “Because this is the love of TRUE Snow Girl!”

After Bai Xue listened, his eyes brightened: “TRUE Snow Girl’s Love… Love him will freeze him…” In his own words, Bai Xue’s eyes suddenly became firm and firm: “Understood, Mom!”

As he said, Bai Xue had already turned around and reached out and sighed at Sun Wukong. When the wind screamed, he wrapped Sun Wukong in a moment, but for a moment, the cold wind dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

This makes the snow icicles look so eye-catching, it is very puzzled: “This… what is going on?”

Bai Xue suddenly realized that he was holding his face and tangled: “Ah~ I forgot it, Goku is a super big monster, I can’t freeze him…” He said, it was a sad face. Land: “It’s too bad. As a snow woman, I can’t express my love for Goku!”

“Hey, what kind of love do you have?” Meng Xiang screamed at the side.

“This is what you pay attention to your daughter? Ice, you really have no brains!” Hei Nai came up to see the white snow icicles as a mockery: “Your snow woman’s means to deal with mediocrity The slag monster is also can, but it is ridiculous to deal with such an excellent S-class monster as Goku…”

Bai Xue’s icicles heard the words, the fists clenched tightly, and the look of the anger, but I don’t know how to refute.

On the top of the black is said, she has leaned over and used her 1 1 soft 1 soft to hold Sun Wukong from behind, the voice is full of lure 1 confused: “Goku 哟, like a snow woman like a cold woman What is good, how can I…”

“Okay…” I haven’t waited for the black-and-leaf to say that he wants to hook 1 to him. Sun Wukong is standing up and pushing her away. The sound is calm and calm: “You don’t use 1 to confuse others. To lure 1 to confuse me, I am not interested in you like this woman…” Speaking, looking at the face with a serious look at Hu Meng: “If you don’t want to be troublesome, don’t become like your mother.” People, good or bad, I don’t mind, but the only thing that can’t be tolerated is that there is no loyal heart!”

“Oh, huh~~ that’s good, Goku, like her dreams, 1, the man’s monster, is so good, you are too eye-opening!” Bai Xue’s icicles are unspeakable and gloating at the moment. Looked at the black is on the leaf, his eyes slightly picked up, made a victory gesture: “I didn’t expect it? It was troublesome!” Seeing that Hei is on the top of the leaf, she is very excited and happy, it is a great heart, Now looking at Sun Wukong, it looks more pleasing to the eye.

On the contrary, it was the blackness of the upper leaves, and pointed out that Sun Wukong ‘you’ did not say a word in the middle of the night. After the mood was calmed down, this anger accused: “What do you mean by this? Infidelity, not a good woman?”

Sun Wukong directly ignored the black face of the angry face, because he did not want to talk nonsense with her, this woman, really, he is very troublesome.

Because this woman has several men’s Ki, this shows that she has had a relationship with several men. For such a woman, Sun Wukong is the most disgusting. If she is not a mother of Hu Meng, Sun Wukong is too lazy to look at it. She glanced at it and looked beautiful and had some eggs.

In the eyes of Sun Wukong, whether you are good or bad, even if you are a murderous Demon, as long as you have a loyal heart, he can accept it, but like the black sable, use his own beauty to tick The type of 1 that leads to others is Sun Wukong’s most disgusting.

From the beginning of the meeting, Hei Naiye used his body 1 body 1 to lead Sun Wukong, and even put his hand in front of her Hungarian, this is the first time to meet, still in front of her daughter Face, for such a wave of 1 goods, Sun Wukong’s goodwill towards her is already negative.

I want to come to Hu Meng always take 1 body to pick 1 to tease Sun Wukong. The means are all from the black leaf, but Hu Meng is essentially different from the black leaf. Her heart is still pure 1 clean, the body is also Pure 1 clean, now a mind is on Sun Wukong, the means of hooking 1 is limited to Sun Wukong. It is different from seeing your favorite target and going to 1.

The ringing of the class suddenly sounded, and it broke the more and more awkward atmosphere.

“Go, go to class!” Sun Wukong greeted him and turned and walked outside the classroom. This class is a physical education class.

“You don’t leave, let me tell you clearly!” The mad face of the black face is blocking the way of Sun Wukong. The huge Hungarians are in the top of the former Huns in Sun Wukong, with their hands on their hips. Full of uncomfortable watching him, the original goodwill for Sun Wukong was also reduced to a minimum.

“I don’t want to talk nonsense with you, let it go!” Sun Wukong watching Black is on the top of the leaf, slightly frowning, revealing a dissatisfied 1, a woman’s life he is not interested in asking, but this is not a matter of ignorance People don’t like it.

This is the dissatisfied of this silk, but it is scared that the heartbeat of the black leaf is suddenly accelerating, the foot is soft, sitting directly on the ground, even with the soul are shuddering.

Destistisfied from the ‘Dimension of the gods’, is the mortal can not bear, even if this dissatisfied is not hostile or targeted, just casual.

Sun Wukong blinked at the black leaf, ignored it, walked by her side…

Hu Meng immediately ran to help his mother: “Mom, is it okay?”

“No…nothing…” Hei Nai was slightly disoriented. After reacting, he realized that his 1 clothes were swallowed by cold sweat, swallowing a bit of 1 liquid, and his heart was full of fear, but dare to have A trace of dissatisfied to Sun Wukong: “Too… too terrible! Hu Meng, or else, are you leaving? This man, mother can’t cope…”

“You don’t want to, people have decided that non-Goku will not marry!” Hu Meng’s face is serious and firm.

“You make your mother so embarrassed, your boyfriend is so troublesome, I am, I am a little scared when I think of him now…” Hei Nai’s face was a bitter smile, and he didn’t dare to say the objection.

Hu Meng took the hand of Heinai’s leaf and walked outside the classroom: “Don’t say this, or you’ll be late…”…

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