The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 136, Total Disability

“This Matsuda is not going to be bought by Sun Wukong?”

This scene in front of me is too unfathomable, and this has to be suspicion of Matsuda Yu, because in their opinion, one can not count such a point, even if you can accurately calculate the catch of others. Track, but the strength of the opponent’s catching ball is impossible to control, and Matsuda Yuki’s second time the ball is all at the same point, which has to make people doubt, because this can already be affirmed ‘, Matsuda Yu is definitely a support, or how to explain this?

Even Jiu Yao, who is not far away, is disdainful: “I will buy others, it seems that I am watching him Sun Wukong!”

Listening to the whispers of the surrounding, even his own companions are fixing their skeptical eyes on their own bodies. Matsuda Yu is really hard to say, really wants to scream, ‘I am not a supporter,’ unfortunately, unfortunately, He is running around, and he is already panting. For a moment, he wants to make a loud noise. It’s no longer enough, unless you take a break, to gasp for breath for a while, otherwise as long as he makes a sound, the gas that squats is venting. I am afraid I will lose the ball and lose the game.

Therefore, he supported it hard and insisted on cooperating with Sun Wukong and taking the next tennis ball. Finally, the grievances finally could not hold on, and were squandered to the ground and lost the game.

At this moment, he already feels that his feet are not like his own. The 1 is shaking and numbness is sore, and he has lost consciousness.

“This guy is a metamorphosis!” Matsuda Yuki fell to the ground and looked at Sun Wukong’s eyes, revealing deep fear.

The tennis minister came to Matsuda Yu’s body and looked angry at him with an angry face: “Bastard, what good is he giving you in the end? Even if you are willing to betray our tennis department, Matsuda Yu, you are too disappointed.” !”

“I betray you paralyzed!” Matsuda Yumoto sighed with a sigh of relief, was so stunned by the Minister of Tennis, suddenly angered, labor and labor double 1 leg disability, has been insisting, you even suspected labor Passing the enemy to sell friends? This is simply unbearable: “Do you want to believe in labor and capital, if you go up and try it, you will know, grass!”

This guy has been exhausted by the gas, and he has no respect for his minister.

Although the Minister of Tennis was stunned by Matsuda Yu, but looking at Matsuda Yu’s expression, it was a bit of a suspicion: “don’t tell me, he really wasn’t bought?” But he was vetoed the next moment. : “Impossible! If it is not bought, no one in the world can do this level!”

However, I thought that I was still a good buddy with Matsuda Yu. He wanted to try it out personally. Now, look forward to Sun Wukong: “Next, change me!”

“Why, your generals have been crippled, do you want to follow his footsteps?” Sun Wukong smiled and laughed.

“Hey~ you just won a ball that’s all, but you haven’t won this game yet!” The minister snorted, and his mood was terrible at the moment.

“Well, I don’t like the Lord of nonsense, then, let’s get started!”

As the whistle sounded, the poor minister was also following the footsteps of Matsuda Yu, and was ruined by the unscrupulous Sun Wukong.

Now, the sounds of the four suspects suddenly became quiet. If Matsuda is bought, it makes sense. But even if the tennis ministers are bought, this seems to be somewhat unlikely. Unless this is just a play from the beginning, is that possible?

Because the eyes of the tennis team watching Sun Wukong’s eyes are indeed full of envious and hateful eyes, can not wait to beat the face of Sun Wukong’s face, this is not to be acting.

“Your minister is also disabled. Who are you going to change now?” Sun Wukong pointed to the rest of the tennis team.

其余众人均是你看看我,我看看你,他们现在甚至连自己的部长也是怀疑上了,为了了解事实的真像,又是一员大将上场,结果毫无争议,他也是被Sun Wukong 虐的全场左右跑动,直到极限,扑倒在地…



随着each and every one 倒下,each and every one 不信邪的人也均是走出,发出挑战,最终的结果便是,无数人累的趴倒在地,被抬了出去…

Sun Wukong 的强悍再次被众位妖怪所认知,而他在女生中的人气越加的高昂,现场的尖叫声是一浪高过一浪,最终更是演变成了女生们的暴动,朝Sun Wukong 围了过去,想要在他身上卡油…

胡梦她们见了,那还得了,当下拉着Sun Wukong 便是逃离了现场…

学园后山的丛林中,胡梦她们each and every one hū hū to gasp for breath 着停了下来,纷纷watching Sun Wukong 表示了dissatisfied :“Goku ,以后求你别再这么引人注目了行吗?真的很累人的!”


“Goku ,你真是太厉害了,果然,我家胡梦没有看错人呢!你真是我所遇见过的最优秀的男人!”黑乃上叶媚1眼如丝的watching Sun Wukong ,流露着浓浓的魅1惑之意,走上前来,正想要用她匈前的那对硕大挤1压1在Sun Wukong 的身上,却是被胡梦及时拦了下来:“妈妈…”说着,还意有所指的摇了摇头。

黑乃上叶这才恍然想起,貌似自己女儿的男朋友好像对自己并不感冒呢,当下娇1躯一僵,有些尴尬的退后了两步,停下了Next 的动作。

“Goku ,那些网球部的人真没有被有收买吗?”白雪冰柱watching Sun Wukong 是一脸的好奇,这不怪她会这么问,因为那件事情简直是太unfathomable 了,如果不是事先准备好,又能作何解释呢?

“我还不屑于去收买那群渣渣…”Sun Wukong 一脸的平淡:“只要实力达到了一定的level ,在你们看来unfathomable 的事情,都会变得轻而易举,所以,你们也没必要去惊讶。”



萌香她们一听一之濑珠玉说出这番话来,均是震惊的瞪大了双眼。 ….

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