The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 74—The entrance to the cave

At this time, it was near dusk. Because of Sun Wukong’s relationship, even in this desert for nearly half a day, the women were not exhausted, but more and more spiritual.

The group of people came to a hollow sand, and the color scales were faint. “When it comes, the land of the depression is the entrance. I want to bury the entrance because of the wind and sand!”

“Is it finally? It is not tired, but it has been walking around in the desert, and it is quite boring!” Snowy looked at the color of surprise, watching the depression in front of him, and looked curious: “What are you talking about? Looking for a treasure entrance?”

“The treasure is not there, but there is a fire under it!” Sun Wukong said faintly.

“Different… different… different fire?!” Snowy surprised grew up mouth! That is the strange thing between heaven and earth! Every time it appears, it will cause a big storm. Is there really a different fire below? It’s so much that the green scales are calm, because she simply doesn’t know the preciousness of the fire.

Sun Wukong smiled lightly and ignored the shocked snow owl. With one hand touching the ground, the sunken sandstone suddenly moved like a living thing. This is not a profound one. It is just a simple use of bandits. ‘t matter ! But for a moment, a dark hole appeared in front of a few people.

Inside the hole, a black lacquered piece, the faint heat rises out of it!

“It’s here! Let’s go in!” The colored scale nodded, and the first one walked toward the hole.

“Adventure! Adventure!” The elf screamed and flew from Sun Wukong’s shoulders, flying into the dark hole with excitement.

“Then I am fine, you go ahead!” Sun Wukong smiled lightly. There is no danger in this place. With the strength of the colored scales, it is more than enough to open the road ahead, let alone the elf in front!

The snow scorpion nodded with the green scales and went to the dark hole! Seriously, they also seem very excited and nervous, the following thing may be a different fire in the legend! For people on their level! Can participate, can they not be excited?

Seeing a few women have entered the hole, the moonlight came to Sun Wukong, licking her fascinating eyes, exhaling like blue, the color of temptation is undoubtedly: “Master, need to ride a small slave to go in?” ”

“Ah~~” Sun Wukong suddenly paused, and there was a sly picture in the middle of the brain. The moonlight fell to the ground, and he rode on the back of the moonlight and slowly moved forward…”

“Āiyā !sinister ! Too sinister! Brother is a serious person! There is no such hobby!” Sun Wukong immediately mourned his mind, took the moonlight toward the hole, but did not take a few steps, close Moonlight’s ear hey hey smiled, whispered: “When no one is waiting, you can try!”

“Okay!” The moonlight’s double charms or eyes have become crescent-shaped, with her plastic body full of familiarity, charming wind, lure or meaning. Adding to this dark hole, Sun Wukong is a heartbeat! A pair of claws slowly move toward the moonlight and the towering towers…

“Goku, why don’t you come in! The hole is so deep! How can we go on?” However, at this critical time, there was a slap in the ground.

Sun Wukong Xin Xin’s hand back, hey hey smiled: “Good risk, the brother was almost tempted by you!” Said, holding the hand of the moonlight, hurriedly rushed into the hole in the ground: “come! “Immediately!” Moonlight watched Sun Wukong’s appearance, and the mouth hangs a hint of incomprehensible smile: “It seems that my charm can still be lost to the owner!”

Watching Sun Wukong came in with the moonlight hand, and Xue Yan couldn’t help but turn a big white eye on him, then watched the dark hole in front of him, saying: “This hole looks so deep, it seems we want Find some things like ropes to go down!”

“I don’t have anything, but the repairs of both of them are too low!” The scales held the moonstone, illuminating the surrounding walls, watching Sun Wukong, a faint road.

“No big deal, come over! Girl paper, my brother will hold you down!” Sun Wukong hey hey smiled, loosened the moonlight’s hand, and opened his arms to the snow and blue scales.

Xue Yu suddenly cast a big white eye at Sun Wukong: “Hey! Don’t think I don’t know your thoughts! But looking for ropes and other things, sometimes I can’t find them. It seems to be convenient. Blue!” said, walking to the front of Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong hey hey smiled, unceremonious left-handed owner of her waist. At the beginning, it was soft and tender, but it made Sun Wukong dark!

The snowy reddish red face, looking directly at Sun Wukong, the threat of a face: “You don’t give me a manual foot, otherwise I cut him!”

“Yes, yes!” Sun Wukong nodded again and again, but his claws couldn’t help but touch the smooth abdomen of the ferrets!

“You…” The snowy facial expression was reddish and immediately smashed toward Sun Wukong!

“What? What? Is there anything?” Sun Wukong looked confused at the snowy look!

Seeing the confused expression of Sun Wukong, Xue Yu suddenly speechless, loaded, you will install it for me! However, my heart is surprisingly unrecognizable, but it is a bit of a sneak peek. This inexplicable mood makes the snowy facial expression more rosy. My heart had to sigh and sigh!

The green scale hesitated, reddish his face, and went to the right side of Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong unceremoniously put her into her arms, and then hey hey smiled: “Hurry up, we set off!” Saying, holding the two sister papers, jumped into the darkness in front of you The hole, the feet like a glider, at a very fast speed, on the slightly steep slope, gliding down! The whistling sounds from the ear made the screams scream, and the whole body was hung on Sun Wukong! Even the blue scales were afraid to break their heads into his arms! But there is no exaggerated scream like the snow scream!

Watching the slightly steep hole, the colored scale nodded to the moonlight: “Let’s go down!…”

But tens of seconds of the time that’s all, Sun Wukong is holding two women lightly on the ground! Watching the two women still scared in the arms, hey hey smiled: “How, stimulating?”

Xue opened his eyes and looked around. He found that he had landed safely. He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and slammed into Sun Wukong. “Is it hard to get your head! Fortunately, the aging mother has no heart disease, otherwise it is not yours. Scared to death!” Speaking, breaking away from the arms of Sun Wukong, curiously looked around.

The green scales also blushed, leaving Sun Wukong’s arms, surrounded by the green Eyes, three extremely small green dots, quietly emerged, looking around the environment, immediately not far away One channel refers to the way of life, “Where is there, there is a strong heat Ki… I think it should be the fire that Goku brother wants to find?”

“Hey? Green scales, can you sense the existence of the thing?” Xue Yan looked at the blue scales with some surprises. It seems that this green scale is somewhat extraordinary!

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