The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 11 is a real tragedy.

The dishes provided by Sun Wukong, but not everyone can endure the temptation of 1, a meal, Ji Ruxue and three women are drunk in the room of Sun Wukong, he had to put the three women together On his own chuang, he himself went to another room.

Although the three women lie together, the picture is indeed very 1 tempting 1 people, but Sun Wukong is not lacking a woman, if the other party is not willing, he is not bothered to touch, but very obvious, in addition to Miao Chengtian, her two women Still have to try hard.

If the pressure is on the people, it will fall to the lower level, but instead dull.

The next morning, Sun Wukong was awakened by the loud noise of the downstairs. He got a chuang and stretched out, and then he walked out of his room.

This just walked out of the door, it was to see a teenager downstairs facing Lu Linxuan Lala Cheche, a look of drunkenness, mouth full of nonsense: “Nanny, don’t go! Fast… Come over and help me Drink… drink… drink a little… this… this place… this place is a bit slippery…”

“You…you…you…you, the stinking, what the nonsense, who is your lady… shameless!” Lu Linxuan was stopped by the drunkard, it was a shy anger, just a weak expression, can always be People are strong X.

Sun Wukong saw it on the platform and shook his head. If it was replaced by other rivers and lakes, if it met such a helpless rogue, drunkenness, and being ridiculed, he would have been squatting and let the other party be an eunuch. Like Lu Linxuan, I am at a loss.

As he went down, Sun Wukong landed lightly beside Lu Linxuan: “I don’t think you are a murderer at all times. How is this the way it is?”

“Ah~ Big brother, Goku, you come just right, fast, help me drive this rogue away, it’s too irritating!” Lu Linxuan saw Sun Wukong, and suddenly saw the straw, immediately hiding behind him. Pointing at the angry and drunken road of the drunk.

“Is it so drunk in the early morning?” Sun Wukong watching the drunk in front of him, frowning slightly. This person is not someone else. It was Zhang Zifan who was left behind by a pig after he became a pig.

“Who are you?” Seeing that Sun Wukong was in front of Lu Linxuan, Zhang Zifan, who was so drunk that he was not even walking, was screaming: “Don’t stop me from talking to my lady… flashing…”

“Who is your lady! You are a drunkard, stinking!” Lu Linxuan listened, the whole face was black.

“Nanny, don’t say that, for the husband… for the husband… Hey~ For the husband, I know the wrong thing… I can’t do it… Follow me… Come home with me… Don’t follow it… With this… The adulterer… In the…together …Where is he, I am so good!…” Zhang Zifan is drunk, but it is really an outlet for nonsense.

“You are a traitor…you…you…you…” Lu Linxuan couldn’t say anything, especially the other people in the inn who didn’t know the truth, even more angry, her facial expression was red, and she was overwhelmed. Think of Sun Wukong as his last shield: “Goku Big Brother, this guy is really arrogant, you are like this yesterday, flying this guy!”

“踹飞? This is too convenient to him…” Sun Wukong’s mouth 1 corner showed a strange smirk: “Since he wants the lady so much, then I will fulfill him…”

“Ah? You… what do you want?” Lu Linxuan looked puzzled, but after seeing Sun Wukong’s unsightly look, he was immediately nervous, guarding Hungary with both hands, watching him with vigilance, falling back again and again A few steps: “You… what do you want? Don’t tell me, you want to take me…”

“You want more, how can I give you to someone else!” Sun Wukong watching Lu Linxuan, hehe smiled, looked outside the inn, his eyes deep, ignoring the walls of the house and other obstructing sights, looking far and wide: ” found it…”

The mind was in a move, but it was a sudden micro-microwave movement at the entrance of the inn. One fat and one thin two ‘Qian Ying’ flashed out, fell a butt, slammed, and fell to the ground…

Well, for the time being, even two ‘Qian Ying’.

On the side of Lu Linxuan, when Sun Wukong’s words have just been exported, his face is full of blush, and his mind is echoing Sun Wukong’s phrase “How can I give you to others?” for a moment, like a deer Hit: “What does he mean by this? don’t tell me This is confession? Is it confession? What should I do? Is it promised to refuse? We just met two days…”

Just when Lu Linxuan was extremely entangled, a rough voice interrupted her thoughts: “Oh my mom, where is this? Is this? Sister, don’t tell me We can’t live in the daytime?” ”

“Yes, my sister, aren’t we looking at the beautiful men on the street? How come you got here?” The voice of the population is a kind of northeast dialect with the flavor of Tien Shin. As for the appearance. It’s really shocking and sleazy, it’s as thin as a bamboo pole, like a shemale, posing in a pose, the kind that can make people see.

Seeing a fat and thin, very personal two sisters, Sun Wukong’s mouth 1 corner of the unscrupulous smirk is even more intense, grabbed aside and chased Lu Linxuan still screaming at the lady. Zhang Zifan, along with one hand, gave him the pair of ‘sister flowers’: “Your wife is there…”

You know, Sun Wukong’s head is undoubted.

Seeing that the country had just climbed up and turned to talk, Zhang Zifan fluttered and pressed her 1 under her body, still mouth-to-mouth, and the country was forced on the spot, and was shocked. For a moment, this reaction came over, grabbed Zhang Zifan, and put him in his hands like a chicken. “Good boy, the old mother’s tofu you dare to eat, really eat the bear heart leopard!”

“Hey~sister, look at this kid’s Zhang Dingjun’s…” Allure made a vomiting orchid finger, a look of shyness: “It’s anxious, no self-control, seeing like us. A jade-like beauty, I can’t hold it, I want to use it…”

“Yangzi, Niangzi…” At this moment, Zhang Zifan began to yell at the lady in the face of the country. It is even more exaggerated in the hands of his master. It is a strong eye. Vomiting up: “Mom, it’s so terrible to drink drunk, I won’t drink after I kill…”

“Don’t drink, your kid is really strong!” The country is carrying Zhang Zifan farther and farther away: “Sister paper, go, find a place where no one, our two sisters have given him, teach him to know that our sisters can It’s not a good bully…” At this point, even the way they came is forgotten for the time being. ….

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