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Chapter 15: Rolling

“The third child!!”

Seeing that Jiang Xuanli was tortured by a sword, Jiang Renjie and Jiang Chongde were furious at the moment, and the moves in their hands became more berserk because of their anger.

However, Jiang Xuanli was also a slap in the face. Because of the anger of Jiang Renjie and Jiang Chongde, he was sobered from the horror of the horror. He grabbed the sword of 1 wearing the Hungarian mouth with his bare hands. Although the hands were cut by sharp swords, the blood was flowing. However, he was clenching his teeth, his face was cozy, and his voice screamed: “Big brother, second brother, oh now!”

It was Li Xingyun’s turn to be shocked. He did not expect that Jiang Xuanli would be so embarrassed. He took the sword in his hand and it was not moving. He immediately abandoned the sword, and he flew to the back of Jiang Xuanli and kicked his foot. After the heart, Jiang Renjie and Jiang Chongde flew in the past to the front…

If the two people do not hold their body and recover the offensive, they must greet Li Xingyun’s move on his own brother. In the anger, the two have no other way. The old 1 II Jiang Chongde make a prompt decision. After receiving the work, the third old Jiang Xuanli, and the boss Jiang Renjie’s offensive still shot toward Li Xingyun!

Just facing any one of the five great monarchs, Li Xingyun is not afraid at all, even if he has reached the 1 peak of the big star, Jiang Renjie is only one step away from the small heaven.

The skill is running at the extreme, and I can see Li Xingyun being surrounded by a transparent spirit. While avoiding Jiang Renjie’s Jin Fengzhang, he punched his belly.

However, Jiang Renjie is not a soft persimmon. If he is fighting, he will not lose to Li Xingyun. The knee top is actually blocking this punch. The Jin Fengzhang with the power of terror once again smashed into the temple of Li Xingyun. …

I know that this move is extremely powerful and should not be hard-wired. Li Xingyun had to pull out the fall back. Several verticals and Jiang Renjie opened a certain distance.

And Jiang Renjie did not hurry to pursue, immediately looked at him and looked at him: “How, the third child, the old 1 two is all right?”

“Nothing hurts, no life!”

“That’s good!” After listening to Jiang Chongde’s answer, Jiang Renjie was relieved and looked at Li Xingyun’s eyes full of endless anger, but also very calm: “This kid really has some doorways, the strength of the small heavens we It’s really hard to win, you have to pass on all your skills to me and have a fight!”

Said, looking at the battlefield on the other side, it is just to see that Jiang Yuanxin and Jiang Zhaoyi were swept away by the palm of the sky, and they flew out at the same time, until dozens of meters away, and then they landed, pu-chi, At the same time spouting the boss a mouthful of blood!

“The fourth child! The fifth child!!”

Jiang Renjie was shocked.

However, the old five Jiang Zhaoyi was struggling to fall to the ground. Looking at Jiang Renjie, their eyes were shocked and shocked: “Big brother… escape… escape… this person… is… big heaven!!”


Jiang Renjie and others heard the words, and they all felt that the coldness of the body went straight from the top of their head to the heel. They both opened their eyes and looked incredulous. They doubted whether they had got it wrong: “Old… old five… What do you say? The strength of Jing Sheng Ji is a big heaven? What a joke!!”

If it is said that the owner of the Magical Music Square, Jiu Tian Sheng Ji Shui Yun Ji, they will still believe, but the strength of a district in the nine days of the holy stream of Xuan Jingtian also has such strength, killing them are some do not believe.

“Big brother… you are running fast!!”

At this moment, even the fourth-year Jiang Yuanxin is also anxiously full of blood. The fear in Eyes is real. Such expressions, seeing Jiang Renjie, their hearts are inexplicable. For their brothers, they are still very clear. It seems that it is not a joke?

But letting their brothers escape this kind of thing alone, how can they do it, don’t look at them as villains, brothers are very strong.

“Big…big…big heaven!!”

The black and white impermanence of the siege of Lu Linxuan was also scared by Jiang Yuanxin’s drink. They started to play 1 with Lu Linxuan’s mentality. They also played a similar game because their purpose was to lose both sides. The benefits of collecting fishermen naturally leave a hand.

Just being shouted by Jiang Yuanxin, this heart is chaotic, naturally it is full of flaws. Lu Linxuan immediately took the opportunity to launch a fierce offensive. He kicked the left shoulder of Chang Xuanling, and he shot it in the Hungarian mouth of the Changling spirit…

In the face of the killing of the enemy, Lu Linxuan is extremely hot, not merciless.

However, it is a pity that to kill the black and white impermanence, it seems that her strength is a bit difficult. The returning spirit of Chang Yiling has decisively touched her palm, and took advantage of the frequent Xuan Ling hurried fall back…

“Don’t run!”

Lu Linxuan saw this, suddenly furious, he was able to let them escape under his own eyelids, just want to chase, but he felt that the Hungarian mouth was boring and fell to the ground, obviously, she was also a corpse.

“Hate can really make people lose reasoning!” Seeing Lu Linxuan’s impulsive performance, Sun Wukong shook his head, and calm and calm said: “Block them…”

Said, heading for Lu Linxuan…

Xuanjingtian heard the words, Jiao 1 body flashed, in a blink of an eye, it was already in front of the black and white impermanence, each person is a palm before the Hungarian, so that it spits blood, fell back and fell in front of Lu Linxuan .

“Fast speed!!”

When Jiang Renjie saw this situation, Eyes was shrinking, and a touch of fear was in the heart: “don’t tell me is really a big heaven?”

If the other party is really a big day, then they don’t have to struggle or run away, just wait for death!

Because the Emperor of the Xuan Ming dynasty is the strength of the great heaven, they are all very clear, what a terrible existence of the big heaven, in front of the big heaven, they are dead.

Other Xuan Ming sects saw this situation, and each and every one was scared to 1 with both feet, and even the courage to escape was gone.

“Big brother, how… what to do?” Jiang Chongde helped Jiang Xuanli and looked at Jiang Renjie with a nervous look.

Jiang Renjie’s facial expression changed, and finally he was soft on Xuanjingtian. “I didn’t expect Xuanjing Shengji to have such cultivation. It really makes me wait for an eye-opener. I have been offended before. I hope you can ignore the villain.” In the mystery of the mysterious religion, let me wait for my brother!”

“Look at the mystery of Xuan Ming?” Xuan Jingtian smiled: “We have said before, Xuan Ming, in the eyes of our Magic Square, nothing, you have no qualification for bargaining in front of us. !”

“don’t tell me, do you really want to kill it? Do you really want to fight with our mysterious meditation?”

“What about the war?”

Xuanjingtian with a smile, Jiao 1 body flash, has appeared in front of Jiang Renjie, terrible internal force from the hands of the fiber, directly will be Jiang Renjie and other three people to fly out, softly lying down Ground, heavy injury can not afford.

“Master, how do you deal with them?” Xuan Jingtian looked down at Sun Wukong.

“As you like it!” Sun Wukong picked up Lu Linxuan and checked her injuries.

Xuanjingtian heard the words, but it was a smile: “That in other words, kill them…” ….

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