The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 31

Being looked at by Yuan Tianyi, the per capita of the Tongwenguan is becoming serious. When you dump your sleeves, you are not afraid: “Oh, you are a stinky old man, don’t think there are so many things.” Crossing, believe it or not…”

“Shut up!” Zhang Zifan listened, hurriedly leaping, hanging on the body of the country, blocking her mouth with both hands.

This Yuan Tianqi is almost insta-kill, the Emperor Zhu Youxi! That’s a real big day top expert! If the mother-in-law is to say something, then the people in the library they are there will probably have to finish playing.

Li Cunxiao is a hostile glare at Yuan Tianyi. This guy has a simple mind, but he doesn’t know what is fear, but it is better to be stopped by Li Cunzhong.

Step forward, Li Cunzhong said to Yuan Tianyi, “The bad guys, we have already indicated the attitude before, and we are standing on the side of the temple, so I said that the people in the library, but all of them are… ”

“Hey~ count you guys!” Badly handsome snorted, facial expression tranquil and calm, standing there, giving people a sense of fear of terror: “But I also know that you are just talking about life, but it doesn’t matter. Then, I will personally visit the Holy Lord in your library…”

Zhang Zifan and others heard that the facial expressions are slightly changed, but they can only fall back one step, and they are swallowing their voices. The strength of Yuan Tianyi is too strong. If they are to resist, they have no chance of winning. They can only take one step and count one step.

“So now, tell me your choice!”

Yuan Tianyi looked at the body of Sun Wukong and his hands, behind his back, a demeanor expert.

Seeing this scene, Li Cunzhong and others were somewhat aggressive. Zhang Zifan quietly pulled Li Cunzhong’s sleeves and whispered: “Nine uncles, isn’t that Sun Wukong is the descendant of Li Tang’s royal family? How is this?” Is it a bad guy, shouldn’t it be impossible to know the identity of TRUE’s descendants of Li Tang’s royal family? And like a bad guy, can’t you pray for a person other than Li Tang’s descendants?”

“This…this…” Li Cunzhong wiped the cold sweat in front of his forehead, and he didn’t know how to answer it. It seemed that from beginning to end, they seemed to be like a fool, and they ran into a misunderstanding.

“Fortunately, okay~~ Fortunately, we haven’t put it into action yet, or this face can be lost…” Li Cunzhong looked lucky and sighed.

Zhang Zifan heard the words, silly in that is also half-sounding, blushing like a fire.

“What do you want? Goku brothers, but they are our friends, you are not allowed to move them!” Lu Linxuan met, immediately in front of Sun Wukong, screaming at Yuan Tianjiao 1.

“Yeah, bad handsome, I also don’t allow you to move Goku big brothers, they are all my savior!” Li Xingyun glared at the handsome, handsome tone is a tough cold drink, in fact, my heart is nervous to die, No way, the pressure of this bad handsome is too big.

“His Royal Highness, you should not be too naive!” Yuan Tian took Li Xingyun’s glance and took a punch. He gave him some face: “If you want to make a comeback, you can’t make it by me. You must have enough. The force of formidable is only like the princes who are on the side of the king. If you can’t use it for us, it will become an enemy of me, so if you don’t, you can only destroy it!”

“Oh~destroy?” Li Maozhen listened. Suddenly he laughed and looked at Yuan Tianyi. He was still calm and temperamental: “The bad guy is really a big tone, this King is not, I really want to ask you. How can I destroy me?”

“So, are you not going to loyal to your Highness?” Yuan Tianqi was indifferent, but no one can hear the coldness contained in the tone: “It seems that you have to feel it, even if your strength is in the big heaven. Above, how far is the gap with the coach!”

As said, his body shape is like an instant movement. It appears in the back of Li Maozhen. A sweeping leg sweeps out. Li Maozhen seems to have already noticed the general, leaping away from the wind, and the palm of his hand is blowing the hunting wind, facing Yuan Tianyi’s face shot!

The speed of the shot, if lightning, with the sound of wind and thunder!

Yuan Tianqi was slightly surprised. The internal force was used to fight against the fists. The fists of the fists collided in a blink of an eye. A tornado storm broke out and the volumes were scattered. The ground was shaken apart!

Almost in an instant, the body of both of them is a shock, suffocating, to fall back a dozen steps, only to stabilize the figure!

It’s just that Li Mao’s retreat has 12 steps, and Yuan Tianyi’s exit is ten and a half.

However, this is just the right thing to do, but it really shocked Yuan Tianyi. He has always maintained an indifferent style. He is completely moved outside this moment. “You… actually reached that realm?!!”

“Why, is this really surprised you?” Li Mao’s mouth 1 corner is a hint of incomprehensible smile, can make the Taishan collapse in front of the face of the bad guys are moving, it is also an extraordinary Success: “still said, you are shocked by the people who have reached this realm besides yourself?”

Yuan Tianyi’s slightly wrinkled brow suddenly stretched out, and the heart gave a sudden exclamation: “It’s really extraordinary, the old man is also considered a genius, but it took hundreds of years to reach this realm. I didn’t expect you. However, thirty-two, even has caught up with the pace of the old man, extraordinary, really extraordinary! Have to say, your talent even the old man is not sigh!”

“The bad guys have won the prize, I can have the success of today, and it is also the blessing of the people who’s all!” Li Maozhen said, looking at Sun Wukong with no trace of the eyes.

“It turns out!”

Li Maozhen’s incomprehensible move is naturally nothing more than Yuan Tianyi’s. When she sees her expression, she suddenly realizes: “It’s no wonder that pride is like your arrogance, but it will be fascinating to him. Women are only women, and they will not be able to end up. One word!”

“Female…woman??? Is Li Maozhen a woman?” Zhang Zifan looked curiously at Li Cunzhong and looked at the expression.

“The rumored king Li Maozhen is the same person as the female emperor Shui Yunji of the Magical Sound Square, but this is just a rumor. I am not sure whether it is true or not. This secret is no longer a secret to the high-level of those who are TRUE, but now it seems These two people are really likely to be the same person!”

“Hey! I don’t talk nonsense, today, let me go to ask for advice and advice.” Li Maoyi snorted, and the martial arts were transported to the extreme. The Ki in the whole body became a little distorted and fluctuating.

“Also… The old man has never used real power since the breakthrough. Today, it seems that he can finally get it!”

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