The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 45—The Nightmare

“What do you want?” Zhu Youwen coldly looked at Zhu Youzhen, and the eyes of the evil spirits and beasts looked like Zhu Youzhen was uncomfortable. As a brother, he naturally knew that his brother, Wu Gongqiang, was still there. Above, it is an extremely dangerous existence.

“What is it, you don’t have to worry about it. Anyway, what the second brother wants is the secret censorship of the unified rivers and lakes, and the younger brother needs only a ‘small thing’, and does not conflict with you. Why is it that you and my brothers cooperate? “Zhu Youzhen’s smile on his face, the appearance of the operation is not worried about Zhu Youwen will refuse.

“Little thing?”~ Zhu Youwen heard the words, but it was coldly snorted, and his eyes were full of disdain: “Why should I join forces with you? Just picking up Li Xingyun, it is not difficult for me to take the cage spring sword!”

“It seems that the second brother thinks things too simple!” Zhu Youxi was a smile: “The bad guys must have heard of the second brother? I ignore the big heavens, as strong as Zhu Youzhen is also a few defeats…”

“And, such an expert can be more then one, rumored that the female emperor of the Magical Sound Square also has the same level of strength as the bad, and the current Mystic/mysterious master of the Magical Sound Square, and the relationship with Li Xingyun’s sister. 1昧, if you move Li Xingyun, then the Magic Square will not stand by! Of course, with the news I got from the library, the Mystic/mysterious owner of the Magic Square is still in strength. Bad handsome and female emperor!”

Because the people on the way to Xuan Ming are scared away by the bad guys, so they did not witness the development of the situation behind, naturally, they could not see the battle between the female emperor and the bad guy, and then Sun Wukong took a second stroke. The terror scene.

It was only afterwards that some news was found from the library, and there was a mountain that was deeply penetrated. It was just that the news library of Sun Wukong seemed to be scrupulous and did not dare to pass it on. It just revealed that 1 had a word, so Zhu Youzhen is not very familiar with Sun Wukong.

Speaking of this, Zhu Youzhen watched Zhu Youwen’s slightly serious expression, but it was a joke: “This kind of opponent, a second brother may be able to cope, but two, three? Second brother, can you cope with it?”

“Do they really have the strength you said?” Zhu Youwen looked at Zhu Youzhen, as if to see through his heart.

“Yes and no, ask the two followers around you to know!”

Zhu Youwen immediately looked forward to the black and white impermanence.

Chang Yu Ling immediately respected the words: “There is a lot of truth in the temple, and the group is really very tricky, not one person!”

“Then how do you cooperate?” Zhu Youwen looked at Zhu Youxi, coldly said: “On your strength, don’t tell me can still deal with these experts?”

“The strength of the younger brother is not as good as that of the second brother, but there are many ways to win in this world. It does not have to rely on martial arts, such as the tactics of the sea, and the like, ‘invincible generals’… as long as there are enough traps, even if The martial arts in high-powered people can’t escape bad luck… And then, if there are two friends who help each other, it is really foolproof!”

“Hey! This is the task that the father gave us two people. If you cooperate with you once, why not!” Zhu Youwen snorted and walked toward the big chair that represented the supreme high school.

“It seems that the second brother is going to catch up with people…” Zhu Youxi was a smile: “So just say this, the younger brother, I will go to the city of Zhangzhou first. After the second brother is busy with the things of Xuan Ming, it may be Remember to help the younger brother in time, otherwise the younger brother alone is not the opponent of the group!”

Said, Zhu Youzhen turned and took Zhong Xiaokui to leave the hall of the Xuan meditation…

Looking at the back of Zhu Youzhen’s departure, Zhu Youwen’s mouth 1 angle is slightly up, revealing a sneer of 1…

Regardless of whether this world has gradually entered the stormy Era/Time; how others plan for intrigues and tricks, all this is not related to Sun Wukong, he still travels with the female emperor and other women.

This is not. Today, I am coming to a teahouse on the side of the road to take a break, but I heard the voice of a young girl coming into my ear. This is a very special dialect accent. It sounds quite interesting: “You little brother, in the end, don’t you say? You say no?”

“My day! Demon girl, you let me go, let me go! This person can kill, can’t be humiliated!” Another familiar voice was introduced into the ears of Sun Wukong and others.

“This voice, it will not be that person?” Lu Linxuan heard, it is the owner who heard the voice.

When I walked closer, a few people saw a lively and straightforward girl holding on to her own scorpio, and twirling his whole person like a radish in the air.

“My day, don’t shake, don’t shake! You are a demon girl who is still awkward than the previous group. My nephew will be shaken off by you. You will let go and let go!”

“Do you dare to marry me? I will kill you without telling their whereabouts!” The girl’s tone sounded vicious, combined with her special dialect and her cute and cute appearance, letting people listen. It’s quite interesting.

“The nightmare, this is an accident…” Sun Wukong watching The girl in front of her eyes, but a smile.

Lu Linxuan stepped forward, and a schadenfreak kicked himself: “Hey, I, how did you guys run this? Offended people, is this?”

“My day! The world is so big, I can’t think of walking around?” I had a hard face, and my hands were screaming at the nightmare with his hand: “Let your hands, you are quick, they are the ones you are looking for.” Several people!”

The nightmare heard the words, when the next face curious, Sun Wukong saw a few people, and finally fixed his eyes on Sun Wukong, using her very special dialect: “Which of you is Li Xingyun? Which is Lu Linxuan? ”

Lu Linxuan’s curiosity: “I am Lu Linxuan, what are you looking for?”

“It turned out to be you…” 蚩梦嘟 1 mouth acting cute,watching Lu Linxuan is a happy face: “Miss sister, hello, you really say rumors that the fate of the handsome?”

“You look bad, and from where did you know that we know the whereabouts of the bad guy?” Lu Linxuan heard a slight frown.

“It was this little brother who told me.” The nightmare said in the dialect, and the person in the subconscious hand shook: “He said that the handsome guy is with a soul called Li Xingyun, and Li Xingyun can find the bad. Handsome.”

“Hey ~ my day, you demon woman quickly let go!” I began to open my teeth and claws.

“You guy is a mouthful, even if you hear a lot of news, you can’t open your mouth and tell people to force it?” Lu Linxuan raised his foot and kicked himself. ….

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