The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 73—Juyingshan

It’s just that this idea is a bit too naive. I want to leave in front of Sun Wukong. Just as Yuan Xiang just turned and wanted to leave, Sun Wukong’s figure was already flashing in front of him, watching him playfully: “You little mouse don’t tell me just want to go this way. What?”


Yuan Xiang was shocked. He just wanted to have some action, but before he had finished speaking, Sun Wukong had already shot it. It was a thick 1 Lu who pinched his throat and threw it away. Yuan Xiang suddenly spoke. Garbage was thrown into the front of Yan Lingqi and other women by Sun Wukong. The road was rolled a few times and the dough was rubbed. It was extremely miserable.

“I didn’t expect another one!” Liangzhu saw the person who rubbed the ground and rolled to his feet. Some surprised: “You are Yuanxiang?”

“Hey~” Yuan Xiang snorted, and he did not bother to pay attention to Liangzhu. This guy always thought that he was very low-key and stronger than any imperial hand, so he was not able to look down on the good heart. Of course, there are other imperial spirits. hand.

“As a prisoner, I am so sullen!” Good and seeing is a look of discomfort, and 1 screams: “The sneaky hide in the dark, before you took the darts and attacked me is you?”

Yuan Xiang was silent, didn’t go to see her at all, just watching Sun Wukong, who had walked slowly toward this side. The facial expression was a dignified face. This person is strong and some is beyond imagination.岚 的 的 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The plan is not only frustrated, it seems that their so-called ambitions may not be implemented, they will die, and there will be some sadness in their hearts.

Sun Wukong came to the front and watched and said: “This person is really the one who throws a dart at you. If you want to suffocate, you will be stunned.”

Liang heard it, but shook his head and ran to Sun Wukong’s side and hugged his arm: “Goku Brother, you help me teach him!”

Sun Wukong heard that, you are welcome. Going forward, you will go down with a few feet of ‘嘭嘭嘭’. Liang Liang and so on, and the ground are shaking, they are all shocked: “Stop, Goku brother. You are dying and you are dead!”

“So no problem!” Sun Wukong stopped his feet, watched and suffered multiple fractures, and 1 softly on the ground, Yuan Xiang, both hands spread: “I clearly have a light foot…”

Ding Shaying and others heard that they were all silent, and they secretly gave Sun Wukong an extremely dangerous label.

Before killing a few people, it’s just a sneak peek. Now, the person is directly broken, is it so fierce?

The cockroaches on the side were all swallowing, and Sun Wukong was already in the heart of her mind at the Demon King level. He was glad that he had not been so guilty before.

“How, do you want to kill these two people?” Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at Zuo Xiaoning.

When I heard the words, I suddenly felt nervous: “I beg you, don’t kill, you are just different from your ideas, but you haven’t done anything bad!”

Although Sun Wukong slightly changed some of the world’s settings, 芊筱 岚 岚 is not as dependent on original work, but the two have also worked together for a lot of time, naturally they do not want to see 岚 就killed.

And Zuo Chunning watched Sun Wukong as usual expression, my heart did not feel cold, and hurriedly removed his gaze: “No… no need, bring back to let the black masters fall down was fine.”

She didn’t think about it. Before Sun Wukong gave her the feeling of being so warm and safe, but now it was so quiet that it was so unfathomable, and one person moved the killing expression even as usual. The same, it makes people feel a little scared.

Suddenly, Zuo Xiaoning felt that Sun Wukong didn’t look as mild as the surface, but it was extremely dangerous.

Sun Wukong naturally feels the fluctuations of Zuo Xiaoning’s heart, but he doesn’t care. The people he kills can only use hundreds of millions of units. Occasionally, a little move will inevitably make people feel scared. feel.

“He is the person of your spirit group, whatever you do.” Sun Wukong doesn’t matter: “It’s just a little inconvenient to bring such two oil bottles to the mountain. Still, tie them up and hide them. On one side, I will pick it up after calling your spirit group.”

Saying, one foot directly stunned Yuan Xiang, and looked at the stunned side of the road: “In this way, they will not wake up at least one day and one night.”

Everyone saw it, and there was no speech at all. However, Liangzhu did not know where to find two rattans. He quickly tied up the width and Yuan Xiang, and hid it in a grass, covered with grass leaves. The action of Ma Li seems to be deeply afraid that Sun Wukong will give these two people a second. It seems that he also recognized the dangerous level of Sun Wukong.

Everything was ready, and the group went on to stay in Juyingshan. This time it was finally flat and there was no danger at all. Trouble.

It is also a coincidence that when the group arrived at Juyingshan, the master of the black scorpion also happened to have just cleared the customs.

“Ri Ying Tang Zheng Xi…”

“Yue Qingtang is easy…”

“Xingmingtang Ga Valley…”

“See Master Blackbird!”

The master of the black scorpion looked like a haha’s laughter and lived like a Maitreya Buddha. The huge and obese body sat unsteadily, and almost fell over and went: “Good, good, good ~~ The old man was depressed and depressed. Now it’s coming out, the old man is very happy, ah Hahaha ha~~~”

Thousands of wears and wears, and the flattering is not worn. The long-haired personality is full of personality. Zheng Xi’s horse is proudly presented: “The masters and ancestors will go out, the skill will be refined, and the children and grandchildren can’t wait to hear the teacher’s ancestors…” Said, but also towards the side of the same is a very personal and easy to look at: “Yes, sister?”

Gaugu is a serious old-fashioned face: “The Zhengxitang master is so eloquent in front of the master of the black scorpion, it is rude…”

“It doesn’t matter…” Master Blackbird is a big face: “You were all my grandchildren… haha~~”

Zheng Xi’s nostrils, it’s really casual: “That’s it, it’s so kind, it’s not as good as Gaugu’s brother, like me, how?”

Yi Yi still doesn’t wait for Ga Gu to talk back, but he is the first to speak: “The master is going out, the spirit is full 1, there must be a lot of experience?”

“There is a lot of talk about it, but it is that the ten mountains have grown into some…” said the master of the black scorpion, and there was a strange color on the surface. He looked at the door: “There is a lot of resentment, it seems to be coming to us…”

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