The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The eighth 12 chapter ended

Sun Wukong heard the words, looking for the sound, but see Ding Shaying holding a long sword, is about to sway down to the cage, Feng Feng, the two are facial expression turned pale, holding together loudly for mercy.

Although the strength of Fucang and Fengxiao is stronger than Ding Shaying, it is a pity that the two men of the tragedy are now seriously injured and cannot resist.

Ding Shaying has already killed her eyes at this time, which can be heard from both of them forgiveness. Although she has seen the side of the camp in front of the camp, she knows the identity of the two, and now the mood of Ding Shaying. But Ning killed and did not let go, hatred is a very terrible thing.

“and many more…”

The voice of Sun Wukong whispered in the ears of Ding Shaying, causing her red-eyed emotions to recover from the clear, and the sword in her hand stopped at the neck of the cage, scaring the latter to shoot again and again. Hungarian mouth, a pair of fearful appearance, but did not dare to speak, I am afraid that there is a stimulus, my head will be gone.

“The two of them are really not Wan Xiong’s help, let them go!” Sun Wukong took the good and walked up, watching the cage and playing the two, gentle and calm.

Ding Shaying heard that this took the sword back. Now she has already heard the words of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong not only saved the lives of their younger brothers, but also helped them to avenge their enemies, the enemies of the hand, this kind of kindness, enough to use their life to pay back.

Sun Wukong watching Fu Cang and Feng Xiaoxiao: “I said that you don’t hurry to leave, what are you doing here? Still thinking about fish in the water, do you dream of winning the rivers and lakes? You two can’t be a little self-aware? You guys The effort of the three-legged cat is also a good thing to clean up.”

“I didn’t know before, now we have clearly realized this!” Fucang was humbly taught, watching Sun Wukong’s eyes called a worship: “So I saw the heroes you were invincible that day. After the kung fu, we have been deeply impressed by your swimming phoenix!”

Said, Fu Cang and Feng Xiao at the same time stumbled in front of Sun Wukong: “Heroes, please accept us as disciples, teach us to win the martial arts of the martial arts!”

“Roll!” Sun Wukong stunned two people and glanced at them: “I am so hot when I watch you, and I want to worship me as a teacher? I see you both have a little bit of meaning, and this is a great compassion for you.” Life, don’t climb up the bar.”

Ding Shaying looked at the cold voice of murderous aura: “I don’t want to roll, or let you stay here forever!”

Fu cage immediately frightened and nodded: “Rolling ~ ~ We will roll, don’t do it!” Said, hard to get up, with Feng Xiaoxiao help each other to leave Wanxiong, along the way, can still hear his feelings Sound: “Feng children, it seems that we have a dream of going to the shatter of the rivers and lakes, I did not expect that there are such experts in the world, we used to view the sky from the bottom of a well!”

Feng Xiao looked obsessed with her face: “That is, the martial arts of the handsome guy sees that everyone’s heart and soul are ‘噗通噗通’, it is so handsome!”

“che!!” The cage was heard, and the vinegar came up, and immediately screamed, but it was a pity that he was hurting, but it made him cough up again and again, only to feel the pain of the Hungarian, aura no: “You are handsome Cage brother, I am handsome?”

Feng Xiao looked seriously watching the cage: “Cage brother, do you want me to tell the truth this time?”

Fucang waved his hand: “Yes, still don’t say it, that little brother is really handsome, even people like you cage brothers are shocked by him…”

Liang and watching the swimming cage, the farther away from the phoenix, watching Sun Wukong smiled: “Goku Big Brother, you are really popular, the two people seem to be watching you.”

“Laughter~~What’s so funny!” Sun Wukong looked depressed and pressed his cheeks with a cheek. “I am a bit tempted to kill.”

“This kind of thing, I can do it for you!” Ding Shaying on the side is very serious.

“Forget it, just talk about it.” Sun Wukong waved his hand and looked at the bloody Wanxiong help camp. He said: “It seems almost the same, the smell here is also strange, we still have to leave. !”

I greeted Yan Lingqi, Zhengxi, and they came to the outside of the camp. Sun Wukong’s hand also showed the energy ball as big as the fingertips, igniting a shot and shooting into the camp of Wanxiong. Even with the sound of ‘banging’, the devastating light of the explosion will swallow up the whole camp and turn it into a flat land.

This terror scene is also seen in Zhengxi. They are swallowing their mouths. Watching Sun Wukong’s eyes is called a taboo and respectful. He hurriedly confessed to Sun Wukong: “Sun Wukong, my brother and sister are going to return soon. The mountain is killing, I don’t know if you are going with us, still…”

“No, the sky is getting dark, you still have to go back!”

“Then we will leave!” Zheng Xiyi slammed his fist again, looking at Liang Liang, but Liang was shaking his head again and again: “I don’t go back, I have to follow Goku.”

Zhengxi and two people heard the words, no longer take care of her, turned and separated from Sun Wukong and others…

“Let’s go, let’s leave, have been on the road, busy to go, find a good hotel to take a shower.”

The night was near, Sun Wukong and his party finally came to an inn, and a short winter melon tied to a skyrocket came to them: “Several objective, tipped still live in the store?”

Watching the people in front of you, Sun Wukong was a little surprised, reaching out to grab the dwarf melon, and the volley raised it: “Isn’t this, how come you ran out?”

Dwarf melon ‘哎哟’ screamed, his face was filled with dissatisfied: “What a customer, what kind of person? I call my day, this guest officer, you are quick to let go, the scalp must be cheated!”

Good and red face, a look of surprise: “My day? There are people who take this name.”

On the side of Yan Ling whispered: “What is this, Goku has a more powerful name.”

“What is it?” Ding Shaying and Liang Liang are both curious to see her.

Yan Ling’s facial expression is rosy, it seems a little embarrassed, just watching the two women’s curious eyes, they have to whisper: “Ultra… Meng…”

“Amazing day?” Liang Liang immediately held his face in both hands, his eyes shining: “Goku Big Brother is so wild…”

Ding Shaying is a horror. Does the person who worships the convinced even have this name?

“Cough cough ~ It’s just fun to say, you don’t always remember in your heart.” Sun Wukong looked at Yan Ling and looked helpless.

However, the door of the inn suddenly came with a enchanting 1 fascinating voice: “Oh, the original is a fierce day, it really makes me look for a while…”.

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