The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The eighty-fourth chapter gathers in the mountains

After the chat, several people each opened a room, and each went back to the room to wash and rest.

There was nothing to say overnight, and the night was quite calm.

The next day, Sun Wukong and his party came to Juyingshan after eating breakfast.

Today’s Juyingshan, it seems very lively, out of the Gago, and so on, the people who are out of the mission have basically been recruited.

In the hall, all the imperial hands gathered together.

Ga Gu is sitting in the first place, Zheng Xi, Yi Yi, the two heads of the church.

In terms of Yu Ling, such as Shan Yu Tong, Tian Heng and others are standing in the forefront, and the hierarchy is very clear.

The master of the black scorpion looked around at everyone, and the facial expression was somewhat serious: “In fact, I also know that many of you have been tempted by Gaugu, and he is a group, but since Gagu is dead, I It is inconvenient to pursue, but I hope that you will not go astray like Gaya, for the purpose, collusion with Wanxiong, and even kill the cages, and want to practice the ghosts…”

Speaking, the tone suddenly increased: “Is this evil thing to be done by our imperial hands?”

The imperial hand each and every one listened to the face, especially the Tian Heng and other people who secretly colluded with Ga Gu, the expression was more prosperous.

Can follow the gypsum rebellion, they have a dissatisfied to the master of the black scorpion, but they really did not expect that Gago is the purpose, even colluded with the Wanxiong gang, but 1 killed the cage and even the door, even I also want to practice ghosts, and my heart is like a bomb bombing, ups and downs.

This is not to rush the black master to step down, to clean the imperial group so simple, and directly become the two types with those who do evil?

As the imperial hand, although some of their ideas are more extreme, dissatisfied against the black scorpion, but it does not mean that they have no conscience, there is no distinction between good and evil.

Tian Heng’s character is straightforward, and he is honest and honest. Hearing this statement, he is the first to stand up: “Thank you for the fact that the black master can open the net, and it’s not awkward. It seems that the old man was also used by Ga Gu to confuse him. It’s really awkward! ”

Zuo Chunning and others saw it, and they were all shocked: “I didn’t expect Lian Tian Heng’s mother-in-law…”

“Hey!~” The master of the black singer also sighed: “Tian Heng, in the spirit group, your qualifications are older than others. I didn’t expect you even… I know why you are dissatisfied, but the spirit Once the group is open to the world, let the world know that after death, people can still make a desire to become a spiritual person to seek revenge. Would it not cause the world to panic? This is absolutely impossible…”

Tian Heng sees the black scorpion master still so stubborn, the food is not old, the depressed back is no longer spoken.

On this issue, the black scorpion is so determined, what else can she say?

Just when the atmosphere was once again paralyzed, there was a person coming out of the door: “Reporting the master of the black scorpion, and Liang came to see the group who came here yesterday.”

Zuo Chunning, they heard the words, they are all smiling.

“Oh~ Sun Wukong, are they coming, what is still circulating, call them directly…” The words of Master Blackbird have not finished yet, and they have stopped, because he has seen that Sun Wukong came in with people. First, I fixed my eyes on the women of Zuo Chunning: “Hey, Zuo Xiaoning, Miao Qiao, I haven’t seen it all night, miss me?”

Zuo Xiaoning and Miao Qiao’s dough are obviously che che, which is under the crowd, and Sun Wukong said that their hearts are embarrassing, and they don’t know that they are still answering.

Sun Wukong saw that they didn’t answer, but he smiled happily: “I am embarrassed to see your face. I want to come to think about me.”

Zuo Xiaoning and Miao Qiao both turned a blind eye, which is an answer.

Liangzhu is pulling the good side to the side and starting to whisper down. Anyway, it’s just a lesson…

Seeing Zuo Xiaoning and Miao Qiao are pretending to be a pair of expressions that I don’t know you. Sun Wukong looks at his eyes again: “If you see me, you don’t tell me. Would you like to call Goku brother to say hello? Is there too much awareness as a mascot?”

“So, in the end, what is a mascot?” He looked curious.

“First call one to listen…”

He was silent for a long time, but he could watch Sun Wukong’s smiling face. Inexplicably, he felt a panic in his heart. Well, this little Loli’s heart was still afraid of Sun Wukong, hesitating, still whispering One voice: “Goku brother.”

“Well~” Sun Wukong nodded and looked at the two girls in the left, and you looked at it. “Look, you are much better than you.”

Zuo Xiaoning couldn’t help but white Sun Wukong: “You should stop talking nonsense? Didn’t you see what it is now?”

“Don’t be in other words. Are there any nutritious words? It’s boring…” Sun Wukong looked casual, but this sentence just said everyone’s voice.

Saying, Sun Wukong is again looking around, watching Zhu Yiyi, Xuan Shuang and other women, sighed: “But then again, the quality of your beauty group is not bad!”

Then I fixed my gaze on the single rain boy: “Just don’t know if this is a male still girl?”

“Male…” Shan Yutong faintly glared at Sun Wukong.

Liang saw the plane ran over and said: “Wow~ I didn’t expect Danyu’s big brother to come back too, Goku, I told you, Danyu is the first beautiful man in our spirit group!”

Sun Wukong nodded: “It’s really beautiful, but as a man, it’s too masculine, and look at his unstained dress, obvious still clean people, men are clean, really a freak.”

“You can’t go anywhere?” Shan Yutong’s tranquil and calm stunned Sun Wukong: “The clean level of your body, even a trace of dust is not contaminated, it is more thorough than me, so that you Is it a freak too?”

Sun Wukong Some accidental watching single rain boy: “I don’t think there are clean people, so secret things have been discovered by you, but I love clean, but not clean.”

Seeing Sun Wukong has been saying that it is not finished, it is so rude, the ink is finally endure: “I said who you are in the end? In front of the black master is so rude?”

“Cough cough cough cough ~~~” The master of black sorrow heard that he immediately coughed out, which was scared. He learned Sun Wukong’s terror level from Zhengxi and Yisong, and even practiced the ghosts. Yu Wanxiong said that seconds are seconds. These people, what are they can be rude?

I am deeply afraid that the young and middle-aged people are not sensible, and they have offended Sun Wukong and said: “That, Sun Wukong, I wonder if you are going up again this time?”

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