The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Eighty-eighth chapter 娄 Yingxiu, Quan Jinfeng

Liang also made it according to the words. In an instant, I saw the teapot on the table disappear instantly. I saw Yan Lingying and Ding Shaying being curious.

It’s good and excited, but my heart is moving. The disappearing teapot is flashing at the table. I’m going to go there. It’s like finding a fresh toy. I’m not excited. “It’s fun, Goku, this thing, send it to me. ?”

“Noisy!” Sun Wukong has not spoken yet, Ding Shaying has already pre-emptively said: “This treasure, can you just ask for it? It is good for you to play!”

“Oh~” Good face is still awkward, but I think Ding Shaying said it makes sense. This thing really can’t just ask for it. Now I am excited, I think it is clear, even if she is given her, she doesn’t dare to And it’s just that I’m afraid I can’t keep it.

Sun Wukong watching Liang and three women said: “This ring is indeed invaluable to ordinary people, but for me, there is nothing, but there is a special meaning, so you can not give away.”

“What is the special meaning?” Both good and bad women are curious.

“This ring is counted as a symbol of identity. It is given, indicating that the person is my woman, so it cannot be given.”

“Yeah, it turns out that this ring is a token of love with Goku’s big brother!” Liang and the idea that he had intended to give up suddenly rose up again, his eyes were beaming, and watching Sun Wukong held his face in both hands, his face twisted and shy: “Then you see people can be its owner?”


Yan Lingqi and Ding Shaying listened, they were both surprised. They really didn’t think that this good courage was so big. Is this counted as a confession?

The two women looked at Sun Wukong, and my heart was inexplicably nervous, because both of them were fond of Sun Wukong, and naturally they didn’t want to be well-received.

Sun Wukong watching is good, but it is a smile: “You little girl, do you understand what I mean?”

“Of course!” Liang and still hands with his face, a shy look: “When you accept this ring, you must marry Goku, who likes Goku, and marry you no problem of course~Āiyā ~~ Speak up in my heart, so shy!”

Ding Shaying and Yan Lingqi are a look of horror, this little girl actually confessed, and her heart suddenly rushed, and Yan Lingqi was more direct, grabbed the ring from Liang’s hand. : “This… this ring belongs to me, how can you do this!”

Liang immediately prayed a small 1 mouth, and even if it was said, even Ding Shaying was shocked: “What, Goku is not your own, know that you and Goku are good, so I don’t fight with you, you are big, I am small, but this ring is for me!”

“呃~” Yan Lingqi was also stunned by the words of good, she did not think that Liang would say such a thing, for a moment do not know how to answer.

People don’t mind even if they are small, what if she is talking, isn’t she getting a little family? What is the resentment of Sun Wukong?

I have to say that in ancient times, there was such a good thing. Men are three wives and four wives. It is a common thing.

Yan Lingyi listened to good words, although her heart was somewhat contradictory, but it was not unacceptable. When Ding Shaying and Liang chose to follow Sun Wukong, she felt this way.

My heart was entangled for a while, and the ring was returned to Liang: “Give it to you, say good, I am bigger!”

“Of course, I am not interested in the size!” Liang smiled, took the ring, and wanted to accept other things, but saw the shadows in front of him, the ring in his hand has disappeared. The next screaming voice: “Wow ~ ~ Goku big brother, the ring was robbed!”

“Oh ~~ I didn’t expect to encounter such a baby today, it is really lucky!” A little excited 1 laughed from the side, admiring the quaint ring in his hand, but a look of joy, then look Xiang Liang also: “Little sister, you can’t protect these treasures in your hands, or give them to your sister?”

“You…you want this ring?” Liang was full of surprise: “don’t tell me, you also like Goku, want to marry him?”

But listening to the woman smiled and looked at Sun Wukong with impunity: “The body is strong and handsome, and the strong masculinity that comes out of the body, the people who are careful about the liver are ‘pū tōng pū tōng’ Jumping, it’s really the most masculine man I have ever seen, and I can get the baby who collects it at random. It’s okay to marry him!” He said, he also threw a copy of Sun Wukong. Wink: “This son, are you willing to marry me?”

Sun Wukong just scorned the woman, it was the calm and calm opening: “Leave the ring, then – roll!”

The sissy man next to the woman suddenly looked uncomfortable: “Hey~ The young man’s temper is a courtesy. This baby is in our hands. Is there a truth to return? It’s a joke. If you want to get it back, come. Take it!”

“Hey! Look for death!” Ding Shaying looked angry, she already regarded the ring as a heirloom of Sun Wukong. Naturally, she couldn’t fall into other people. When she got up, she was going to start, but she was stopped by the younger one: “Objective, you don’t want to be killed. The two of them are the martial arts gangs of the four King Kong’s 娄英秀 and the whole Jinfeng. If they offend them, they don’t even know how to die. Although treasures are precious, their lives are more important! ”

“Hey~ Who am I? It turned out to be a bandit of the martial arts gang. It’s no wonder that it will do the tempting thing!” Ding Shaying looked at Yingyingxiu and Quanjinfeng, and sighed.

“Oh, I heard that we were martial arts gangs, little girl was not scared, but it was good!” 娄英秀watching Ding Shaying, but it was a smile, she did not put her in her eyes, looked at it, looked at it. Sun Wukong: “How, son, what is the consideration? I have such a beautiful woman to send my arms, don’t tell me, you are not heart-warming?”

“Don’t face!” Yan Ling slammed the channel.

“I am not interested in the loss of flowers…” Sun Wukong is still sitting there calmly, drinking tea: “The words have been exported, you still have three seconds of time…”

Liang also reminded me with a good heart: “I advise you to continue to leave the ring and escape. Goku’s big brother can’t say the second time. If it is late, it will die~~” After that, I counted a few: “Three…two…”

“Death?” The whole golden peak is coldly snorted: “Hey ~ the tone is not small, then I would like to see what your stinky man has to do for our lives!”

“One…” Liang and two hands spread: “I am finished, you have no chance…” ….

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