The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 94—Tasks

Watching Sun Wukong The back of the group of people left, Qu Nan turned to look at the aunt, whispered to himself: “Peer’s arrangement?…”

On the way to Mt. Wushan, Liang and watching Sun Wukong was a curiosity: “Goku Big Brother, what did you mean by the arrangement of the aunt who was the wife of Qu Nan?”

“The aunt is the ingenuity of Qu Nan’s wife, Yang Peier…”

Liang and they are surprised: “Auntie is a spiritual? That Yang Peier is dead?”

Yan Lingqi is a face of angry: “These damn bandits, it is no problem to grab the pro, it is still killing people, really damn it!”

Seeing Sun Wukong, a few people can speak up, but they are listening to the question mark. Chunyin is a look of disappointment: “Hey, what kind of genius are you talking about, what is the thing in the end?”

Qiujin: “Spring children, they have already said before, can’t ask still, don’t ask.”

Chunyin whispered: “What is extraordinary, what can’t you say?”

Sun Wukong glanced at Chunyin and said: “You two are already in this matter, and you can’t tell you… the so-called spirituals are…”

Sun Wukong simply explained to the Qiujin two people what is a spiritual person, but it is a surprise to hear the two, Qiu Jin is a face of amazement: “I did not expect this world to have such wonders, really long experience!”

Liang Liang said: “This is the new rules of our Royal Spirit Group. In order to prevent the world from panicking, don’t just say it out, or my brother will say it to me.”

Qiujin held his fists in both hands, and his face was solemn: “Reassured, I will be the same as a bottle, and I will never say half a word.”

Sun Wukong looks at the good and again: “Is there a signal fireworks on the mountain with you? Give it to me.”

Liang Liang immediately exaggerated his eyes wide open: “Wow ~ Goku big brother, even you have to ask for help from the spirit group? Don’t tell me That big master is really so powerful?”

Ding Shaying and Yan Lingyi listened, and they were all moving, looking at Sun Wukong.

“It’s not that serious. We are going to find someone this time. The spirit of the spirits has to ask the professionals to manage it. How much do you have to inform?”

In fact, Sun Wukong’s real idea is to take the opportunity to bring the sister paper in the mountain to come here, take them to brush BOSS together, by the way up the good feeling.

“That is also…” Liang listened again and took out a fireworks and handed it to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong took it and walked to the side to ignite it. An ordinary fireworks instantly rushed into the sky, bursting open…

Not to mention, this signal fireworks was actually discovered by the fora moment of the exploration of Juyingshan.

“Fireworks, there are spiritual people, it seems to be the direction of the town of Longhuai!”

“Fast, go and inform the Master Black!”

Since the outbreak of the Gaggu incident, Sun Wukong’s point has been raised. The master of the black singer has not only known the retreat training, but often calls the imperial spirits to the hall to teach them the training experience. Today, No exception, Xuan Shuang, Zuo Chunning and others are present.

A surveying hand rushed in and squatted in front of the black scorpion master: “The master of the black scorpion, there is a signal from the direction of the town, and it seems that there is a spirited person…”

“What color signal?”

“Just the ordinary fireworks…”

“Ordinary…” The black master nodded and looked around: “This vertical town should belong to Liangzhou jurisdiction? Which royal hand is responsible?”

“The master of the black scorpion, I am with the crane to the fir!” Zhu Yiyi took a step forward, said.

“It’s Zhu Yiyi~~ But for the sake of safety…” said the master of the black scorpion, looking at the mysterious frost sitting on the side: “Add the black frost with the single rain boy!”

Xuan Shuang stood up and said: “The master of the black scorpion, the recent single child has always been mysterious Mystic/mysterious, I don’t know where he is now!”

“Well?” The master of the black scorpion heard a slight frown, and the instinct felt a bit wrong, but he was quickly pressed down and looked around. “In this case, who wants to go together?”

Zuo Xiaoning immediately stood up: “Go back to the black master, his willingness to go!”

Miao Qiao sees that Zuo Xiaoning got up and hurriedly stood up: “Grandpa, I want to go!”

Blackbird brought his huge head close to Miao Qiao: “Miao Qiao grandson, I don’t think you want to clean up the spirits, but want to see your Goku brother?”

Miao Qiao’s face is red: “Which…whatever, Grandma, you don’t want to say it!”

The master of the black singer laughed: “Well~~ Even if I said it!”, it was full of serious words: “Zhu Yiyi, He Yishan, and Xuan Shuang, Zuo Xiaoning and I Miao Qiao Suner This time, the spirits will be handed over to the five of you to solve it. Anyone must be careful, but don’t let things happen like Tuo, if things can’t be done, life is first!”

“Yes!” Miao Qiao five people took the lead and went down the mountain together…

On the mountain road, the crane is accompanied by four girls, and the two eyes are full of excitement. 1 trivial: “Āiyā 呀~~ This mission is really a blessing, not a shallow blessing, there are four beautiful women, really reduced Ten years of life is worth it!”

Said, a salted pig hand stretched toward the left Qiu Ning…

When Zhu Yiyi saw it, the silver needle in her hand flashed in a flash, but she did not wait for her shot. Zuo Xiaoning was already kicking the crane from the stone ladder, and the road rolled down…

“哎哟~~丘宁妹纸, you are still more stunned than Yi Yi! My handsome face almost ruined…”

“Hey ~ deserve it!” Zuo Xiaoning’s facial expression is indifferent, cold and screaming: “If you dare to use any of us, I will cut your hands and feet!”

“呃~~”watching Zuo Cunning is not like a joke. The crane is a face accident: “Qun Ningmei paper, a period of time is not seen, your heart has become awkward! I This problem can’t be managed, you can’t really cut my hands and feet!”

“If you don’t want to be cut, give me a honest point!” Zuo Xiaoning was cold.

“Well, you can’t afford these cold sister papers, I can’t hide them!” Hesui said, speeding up the pace, watching his thief’s eyes, who wants to hit the girl’s attention on the road. …

Go to the mountain road of Mount Wushan.

Sun Wukong watching, not far from the weeds, slightly frowning, went over…

Liang, they saw a curiosity, but also followed up: “Goku Brother, what happened?”

“There seems to be someone there…”

“People?” Good and heard, very seriously looked at it: “No!”

Sun Wukong ignored her and walked straight down the grass until she walked more than 50 meters, but saw a woman lying on the ground covered in blood.

The scarlet on the ground, perhaps because of excessive blood loss, has been comatose.

[PS: The piracy has already reacted to the above, just don’t know when it will be solved, and now it will be updated.

But one thing I want to solemnly explain: This book first appeared in the Feilu novel network. The book lovers who like this book hope that you will support the genuine. Whether a novel can be continued depends on everyone.

Seriously, this piracy is out, the subscription is bleak, my mood is very bad; in fact, I have long wanted to end the book, but many books are very fond of the book, tell me not to end, Q message put me I’ve been sticking to it now, but I’ve been sticking to it now, but now I’m out of this piracy, and the poor subscription is poor. If I continue to do so, I can only be sorry for the book friends who like this book, and they are forced to finish. After all, the same person’s novels This is a niche, this pirated one, there is no room for survival, I write a novel is the same as working, in order to make money, after all, I am just an ordinary person. 】 ….

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