The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 98: Mania

As Sun Wukong helped Yan Ling to explain to them, he and the arrogance also fought dozens of tricks, and finally gradually became unsupported.

I have to say that the body of the yang is really like the ordinary existence of ordinary people. It is not easy to make a few real moves with the other realm. It is not easy, let alone smash the madness several times. It is a pity that arrogance is also the body of immortality. The key to recovery is to recover quickly. If you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will have been worn out.

Yan Lingying watched the physical strength of the field gradually lost, grabbed Sun Wukong’s arm and looked anxious: “Goku big brother, my sister seems to be dying…”

Sun Wukong touched her head: “I am there, what are you worried about?”

Say, he said, “Oh, let’s go back!”

The physique of physical strength has gradually disappeared, and immediately with the arrogance, he once again reached the palm of his hand and retreated to the side of Sun Wukong. His face looked serious: “Do you understand? Is there any weakness in discovering her undead body?” ?”

It turned out that this pioneer was to give Sun Wukong time, so that he could find the weakness of the arrogant body.

This is like her body of the yang, the physical strength, yang exhaustion will be invalid, the arrogant undead body must also have weaknesses.

Seeing that he has retired, there is no immediate pursuit of arrogance, and he has to fight for dozens of tricks. She also needs to slow down.

For the good intentions of the cockroaches, Sun Wukong will naturally not veto, but did not answer immediately, but looked at Qiujin: “What did you see?”

Qiujin saw Sun Wukong suddenly asked the question to himself. He squatted and politely replied: “It is really embarrassing, there is not enough information, and I don’t see anything under it…”

Sun Wukong heard the words and looked at the mania: “She is a wishful spiriter, Yaner Ling, you as an ordinary person, it is also common sense not to see it.”

The arrogant news, the facial expression has changed slightly. Has this guy seen his true identity?

Ding Shaying, they are also full of curiosity: “Goku Big Brother, what is the wishful spirit and Yaner Ling?”

“The spiritual will of the ordinary spirit will disappear with the death of the spiritual, but the spirit is mainly to give up its own reincarnation, and to make a wishful mind at the expense of eternal life, then this willingness can gather unlimited The energy of life, the spiritual person who is endowed with such a will, has the body of King Kong, not even the body of immortality. This is the wishful spirit…”

After listening to Ding Shaying, it was very moving: “Who would be so stupid, would he be willing to reincarnate in his own round and never give up his wish at the expense of eternal life?”

Chunyin answered: “That is, what did the spiritual master encounter? Such a perverted willingness to dare to send out!”

When Qiujin heard this, it was a look of sorrow and arrogance: “It turns out that the so-called undead body is better to say that it is a substitute for life at the expense of life!”

“It turned out that this is the secret of her undead body?” I heard the words, looking at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong is somewhat appreciative of watching Akiyuki: “Well, just a little clue, you can immediately guess the secret of the arrogant body.”

Liang also asked: “What is Yan Lingling, Goku Brother?”

Not waiting for Sun Wukong to answer, the arrogance on the side was vain, and the figure was flashing. It appeared in front of Qiujin. It was actually holding her throat in one hand. The volley was raised. Cold voice: “Some smart people usually It’s not long live!”

It seems that arrogance is obvious. I am afraid of Qiujin. Although the secret of the wishful spirits should be known as the spirit group, but this autumn is just an ordinary person. Before obvious, I don’t know anything. What is the wishful spirit, she can immediately guess the secret of her undead, if she is allowed to stay for a while, can she not find the secret of restraining her undead body? Although this may be very low, even if it is only a small possibility, the arrogant feels that it must be eradicated.

“秋儿~! You are going to let go of autumn, or I want you to look good!” Chunyin saw Qiujin being caught by the arrogance, suddenly rushed, angered out.

Qiujin was pinched in the air and struggled…

“Let’s joke!” The arrogance of arrogance: “I am mad at the people who are going to kill, and no one can slip away from my hands!”

“Hey~ I can’t say this in front of me!” Sun Wukong watching arrogantly reminded: “So I can’t help but want to hit your face…”

I glared at Sun Wukong and dismissed it: “Then you will try it!”

Said, in the hands of vain, I want to crush the throat of Qiujin…

But seeing Sun Wukong, she first flicked one step at a time, and a finger was shot at the arrogant wrist, causing her to pinch the hand of Qiujin’s throat, and Qiujin fell from the air; Sun Wukong It was a flash of shape, and it was already a bracelet that hugged Akizu and returned to the original place.

It’s just that he is holding the position that Qiujin’s right hand is holding, but it’s a bit indecent. The five fingers are deep in it, and the soft 1 is very soft.

Sun Wukong This unscrupulous guy is pretending to be curious and pinching, watching Qiu Jindao: “How do you like a woman in Hungary, soft 1, no wonder it seems to be weak.”

“Yeah! You, you, you… what are you doing! Let’s put the autumn!” The spring sound on the side saw it, like a cat stepped on the tail, and jumped up and screamed.

Akizu is also a facial expression reddish, a face uncomfortable: “You… you let me down first.”

Sun Wukong put her down, and Chunyin immediately ran over, holding Qiu Jin behind him and glaring at Sun Wukong: “You are a sorrowful sorrow, my house is so rude, it’s awful!”

“Hey, I don’t want to disgust me! Brother is a pure man, like a woman!”

“呃~~” Chunyin heard this, suddenly stayed, watching Sun Wukong hum hum a voice, not talking, pulling Qiujin to the side.

“What is messy, I still have the mood to manage these idle things!” At this moment, the arrogance obvious is very mad, Sun Wukong and others are facing their own attitude of being distracted. Obvious is irritating her, this is simply not She is arrogant in her eyes!

An angry drink, the body shape flashed again, and Qiu Jinjin took a shot of the past, it seems that she is determined to Qiujin’s life.

“Don’t dare to come! You are when I am a display!” Chunyin screamed and screamed, but he did not know that the palm of his life was mad at the past…

Qiu Jin was shocked: “Spring, don’t!”

Unfortunately, it is already late, the moment when the two palms touch each other, it is to see the spring sound a mouthful of blood spray 1 out, fly out, and then Qiujin hurriedly arrived on her back to catch her, but unfortunately Terror’s strength is that even the impact of her flying together, in the air and spring sound double spray 1 spit blood…

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